
Highlighting effect to text and/or image similar to be synchronized with audio

I am looking how to approach following problem: We have application that displays text with audio recorded material. We use Browser Control (Internet Explorer) in Delphi App to do this. We respond to events in Delphi code setting innerHTML for elements if we have to update the style ... Now, request is to add option to dynamically move...

Jquery Multiple Sortable List

Can someone please explain how to take the code below. Heres a screen shot this is my JS $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { $("#sortable1, #sortable2").sortable( { connectWith: '.connectedSortable', opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() { var order = $(this).sortable(...

How do I PUT data to Rails using JQuery

Hi, I am trying to send a jquery ajax PUT request that looks like this: $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: '/admin/pages/1.json', data: { page : {...} }, dataType: 'json', success: function(msg) { alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); } }); but I get the following error: The er...

How do I PUT JSON data to Rails using JQuery?

Hi, I am trying to send a jquery ajax PUT request that looks like this: $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: '/admin/pages/1.json', data: { page : {...} }, dataType: 'json', success: function(msg) { alert( "Data Saved: " + msg ); } }); and my controller looks roughly like this: respond_to do |...

How to pass multiple checkboxes using jQuery ajax post

Hello How to pass multiple checkboxes using jQuery ajax post this is the ajax function function submit_form(){ $.post("ajax.php", { selectedcheckboxes:user_ids, confirm:"true" }, function(data){ $("#lightbox").html(data); }); } and this is my form <form> <input type='checkbox' name='user_ids[]' value='1'id='checkbox_1' /...

jQuery+AJAX delete anchor not working

Hi I'm using jQuery and Codeigniter. I'm creating a simple todo list that can add delete entries using ajax. The problem is whenever I click on my delete anchor, it won't delete the entry. The adding of the entry feature works BTW. Here's my code: todo_view.php <html> <head>Todo List</head> <script type="text/javascript" src=...

jqgrid ASP.NET MVC -- getting data right for the grid.

Here is my dilemma, I have not been able to manipulate my data to a form fitting to jqgrid standards. This is my first time using the jqgrid and I've spent a lot of time reading up on it. My js code is as follows: jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ url: '/Home/ListContacts/', dataType: "json", conten...

How to POST data to ASP.NET HttpHandler?

Hi, I am trying to send a large chunk of data over to a HTTP handler. I can't send it using GET because of the URL length limit so I decided to POST it instead. The problem is that I can't get at the values. context.Request.Form shows that it has 0 items. So is there a way that I can POST data to a HttpHandler? ...

Playing dynamically embedded sound object via Javascript

I need to background load some WAV files for an HTML page using AJAX. I use AJAX to get the details of the WAV files, then use the embed tag, and I can confirm that the files have loaded successfully because when I set autostart to true, the files play. However, I need the files to play only when the user clicks on a button (or an event ...

Add items to a jQuery Accordion with jquery

Hi, I'am using the jQuery accordion plugin to make an accordion of some data. Then i want the user to be able to add more data to the accordian. I have setup the accordion to function properly, then ive made a function that prepends a "list item" to the accordion that matches the accordion semantics. Is it possible to "update" the acco...

jquery ui tabs redirecting to ASPX page on postbacks

I am being redirected to the actual aspx page when I submit the form. How to avoid the redirection. Tabs.aspx <div id="container-1"> <ul> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=1"><span>HR</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=2"><span>Sales</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=3">...

Charting package that can handle huge amounts of data

Hi, There've been a number of questions on here in the past about charting packages, but I'm looking for one with a specific set of properties. In particular: Ability to handle many thousands of data points Ability to allow users to pan and zoom Ability to do live update of the charts (i.e. to reflect new data) Ideally, it will work...

AJAX & ASP.net, Referencing server controls in external file

I've got some JavaScript in an ASP.NET page that looks like this: var list = $get('<%=Topics.ClientID %>'); I have many functions written now where this syntax is used, and I would like to centralize my JavaScript and move this into an external JavaScript file. This breaks however, since 'Topics' cannot be found. What is the best st...

how to retrieve data from MySQL using javascript

I have a web page coded in PHP. This page is for posting a request for services. All services are stored in two separate tables along with prices. As the user selects various services I want to fetch prices for the selected service and show it on per service basis and also a grand total of all services. How can we do this? ...

What's an easy way to see what AJAX calls are being made?

I'm looking for something (preferably a Firefox extension) which will allow me to see all AJAX subrequests. Basically, anytime an XMLHTTPRequest() is made, I want to know what URL was being requested and what (if any) GET and POST vars were passed along with it. Unless I'm missing it, I don't see anything quite like this in Firebug or ...

Password Strength Visualizer - Html & Javascript/Ajax

I'm looking for a simple Password Strength Visualizer (like gmail's when you create a new account). I want to show the user how good their password is visually. Does anyone have some source code they'd like to share? :) ...

How to access an API using jQuery

jQuery has cool methods like getJSON, get and load. However all of them in the end make AJAX call. I am trying to access API www.eventsinindia.com/cities/mumbai/events.js?month=2009-05 . This API call returns the data in JSON format. I could not find any way to call this API from jQuery and to get the output data in JSON format. I k...

ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit communication problems

We have a user who uses our site over 3G. The asp.net 2.0 application uses the AJAX toolkit updatepanels to provide a view of some data. I'm getting complains that sometimes elements within the updatepanel are missing. I believe this to be down to communication issues of the ajax calls but am having trouble repeating the issue. How woul...

jQuery and Asp.Net compatability

I am trying to use jQuery and Asp.net Ajax library. The jQuery code is solid, I have it working on a seperate page. When I incorporate the jQuery code into an existing page that using Asp.net Ajax, the jQuery code does not work. I think this has something to do with name mangling. How can I stop asp.net from name mangling or whatever e...

Passing info from JS to ASP server side

Hello all, I've been trying to somehow get my javascript function (which I have in the head section of the aspx page) to set a value in a hidden item, then some how have the server-side (trusty 'ol ASP) read that data so I can do some work depending on what it is. I have my entire page wrapped in an update panel, and my drag 'n drop woe...