
How to put reminder in Blackberry calendar

I need to put several reminders in the BB calendar. The idea is several hours, or days before a promo expires, the alarm will remind it for you. Here's my code so far: long ONE_HOUR = 3600; long ONE_DAY = 24 * 3600; try { EventList eventList = (EventList)PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.EVENT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE); BlackBerryEvent...

Getting next alarm information when there is no such function

I have this code in my app Alarm1 = Settings.System.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.NEXT_ALARM_FORMATTED); Its working on htcs,motorolas,but not on galaxy s phones.The application crashes. Would the following catch the error without crashing the application service? String Alarm1=null; try{ Al...

iPhone - is it possible to "awaken" an app after a certain time?

Hi there I was wondering if it was possible to have an "alarm" style app that would run at a certain time? Would the application have to be run and then left open? I know with multi-tasking on the iPhone 4 a user could open the app and run it in the background. If my original question isn't possible, is it possible to bring an app run...

How to schedule my android app to do something every hour

Hi guys, I want my app to access database every hour and read next record from the table then update desctop widget and send notification. I know that there is AlarmManager which I can use to register my Intents but they are deleted when the phone is turned off or rebooted. Is there any other android class/service that I would update ...

Python - signal.alarm function

Dear All, I'm trying to build a python timeout exception that runs in milliseconds. The python signal.alarm function has a 1 second resolution. How would one get an equivalent function that requests a SIGALRM signal to a given process in, say milliseconds, as opposed to seconds? I've found no simple solutions as of yet. Thanks in ad...

Android - how to raise an alert after a long time (a month or more)

What is the best way to set an long-term alert/reminder from an Android application? I'd like to display notification in a few weeks after current date. I believe there is no need to write a service for such task. Will AlarmManager do the trick? Or should application be started daily and performing check? After countdown was started, up...

I want to trigger a http request when my app is in background

I want to set a alarm in the mean while when app goes background,Alarm should keep on running,When the alarm time expires,I want trigger a http request.Is that possible? If so should I use ASIHttprequest? If I use ASIHttprequest will my app will be rejected? ...

Android Alarm Reminder

Hi, i have an app which is loading upcoming dates (like Birthdays) from an sqlight_db an showing it on an listview. That works fine. What I now want is to inform the user regular by an Alarm or Toast or something without starting the application.The User has the only option when to inform: on the same day or 1 day before and the time! H...

Store alarm value of ical

I used fetch events method and fetch all the events from iCal but i need to fetch and store alarm value in array please help me i need to to do in next two hours ...

Android AlarmManager set function doesn't work?

Hi, I want to add an alarm, so I used the following code: public void SetAlarm(Alarm alarm) { mTimeTarget = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, alarm.getRowID(), new Intent(HomeScreen.ACTION_CHECK_TIME_ALARMS), PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mAlarmManager.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP,

set the time in Alarm manager Android - alarm fired instantly

I have this code which will call alarm notification public static Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); cal.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,hour); cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min); Intent intent = new Intent(this, OnetimeAlarmReceiver.class); PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadc...

signal.alarm() handler causing problem with pyserial

so i have a motion sensor connected to an avr micro that is communicating with my python app via usb. im using pyserial to do the comm. during my script i have an infinate loop checking for data from the avr micro. before this loop i start a timer with signal.alarm() that will call a function to end a subprocess. when this alarm goes it ...