
SMS alerting to respond to error situations faster

What is the easiest way to set up an SMS alerting system so that I will receive notification if my server doesn't respond or a GET query doesn't return correct content? ...

Alert boxes in Python?

Is it possible to produce an alert similar to JavaScript's alert("message") in python, with an application running as a daemon. This will be run in Windows, Most likely XP but 2000 and Vista are also very real possibilities. Update: This is intended to run in the background and alert the user when certain conditions are met, I figure t...

Alert Popups from service in Python

I have been using win32api.MessageBox to do alerts, and this works for apps running from the interactive prompt and normally executed code, however when I built a Python service when a MessageBox is triggered I can hear the 'beep' but the box does not display. Is it possible to display alerts from services? ...

How to add a new SharePoint alert via Web Services

I found the Alert Service but it only seems to have methods for Getting and Deleting. How do I add a new alert? ...

SharePoint List Subscriptions

If I have "Full Control" permission on a list, is there a way for me to see all the individuals who have an alert set for that list? Some people in my department are better at managing their own subscriptions than others, and this is a question I have received from several team leads. They want to be able to see and confirm who has ale...

Java Alert Framework

Are there any "Alert" (or Notification) frameworks in Java out there. In my web application I would like our users to be able to configure which (of the available alerts) they would like to receive and in which (e.g via email) form. As a simple example, a user chooses to be alerted only via email when his/her order has been shipped. ...

Low Disk Space Alert, send email Windows 2003 Server PerfMon Alert

I'm trying to setup an alert to let me know via email (SMTP) when free disk space on one of my servers is less than a specified value. To do this I'm using PerfMon alerts, as described at MSFT Technet. I have the alert working and writing to the system log, but when I try to set it to 'Run Program' it fails. The log alert fires but the p...

Can we use JMX for Alerts/Notification

Here are the specs that I'm trying to implement in a nutshell: 1) Some Alerts have to be sent on certain events in the application. 2) These Alerts have Users subscribe to them. 3) And the Users have set their own Notification preferences (e.g. Email and/or SMS). I have not been able to find an open source solution in Java so far. I...

SQL Server Alerts - Best Practices

What SQL Server Alerts do you always setup for every database? What do you always monitor regardless of the database? ...

Is there a library for notification/alert in .NET?

I need to design a notifications framework written solely in .Net. I was wondering is there were some libraries already available to ease in creating rules for the notifications. PS: Anything other than SQL Server Notifications please. Note: Notifications as in Emails and SMS notifications. ...

Colour of Text in a Javascript Alert

Is there any way to change style of text, format the text inside a Javascript Alert box. e.g. changing its colour, making it bold, etc.? Also, if there an Alert avalaible with a 'Yes', 'No' button instead of an 'OK'/'Cancel' one? ...

Is there a way to simulate a click on an alert in JavaScript?

I have a page with an iframe whose source page is in a separate domain. From time to time, the source page generates an alert. When it does so, it stops what it is doing until the user clicks OK to the alert. What I would like to do is programmatically click OK on this alert so the source page can get back to being useful. Is this possi...

Wait for [NSAlert beginSheetModalForWindow:...];

When I display an NSAlert like this, I get the response straight away: int response; NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:... ...]; response = [alert runModal]; The problem is that this is application-modal and my application is document based. I display the alert in the current document's window by using sheets, like this: ...

Could not generate mail report.An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.Supply either @id or @name.

In SQL Server 2005 I have a maintenance plan set up to back up databases. I have a notify task. I am getting a blank email. The maintenance job history shows the error: Could not generate mail report. An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch.Supply either @id or @name. I have set up database mail, I have ...

What does IAlertNotifyHandler's OnNotification() return value do?

BY now I've created a number of custom alert handlers for SharePoint 2007 using the IAlertNotifyHandler interface. Using this interface you have to implement a method called OnNotification(), which has the following signature: bool OnNotification (SPAlertHandlerParams ahp); As you can see this method should return a boolean value. The...

Implementing an emergency alert with Skype?

For a system I'm working on I need to call a list of Phone numbers programatically when something breaks. Basically a simple phone based alert system, and am guessing it could be done with Skype, but I'm wondering if anyone has experience doing this, Skype or not. Anyways links and or tutorials would be great help. Thanks ...

Non-Modal Notification Box from batch script

I would like to have a non-modal alert box called form a batch file. Currently I am using vbscript to create a modal alert box: >usermessage.vbs ECHO WScript.Echo^( "Generating report - this may take a moment." ^) WSCRIPT.EXE usermessage.vbs But I would like to proceed with the script (generating the report) without waiting for user ...

monitoring & alerts for a j2se application

I am designing a J2SE application, and looking for a solution for monitoring and alerts. The requirements are: Objects can report their status and issue alerts when they have problems. Calling some pre-defined methods on specific objects (e.g. to dump their state). Monitoring JVM health, especially memory usage. Preferably access all o...

How to create a daily summary alert for any change in a SharePoint site

I recently got the requirement for a person to receive a daily summary alert for any change within a SharePoint site; each site has an owner who is in charge of the content on their site. The current way we have something working is to automatically set up alerts for every list/library within the site. // Get the Lists on this Site SPL...

Using Jabber to send network messages

(Also asked over on ServerFault, where I was advised to post it here too) We have a requirement to send desktop alerts to various users (compliance, production) across a network when other users have submitted content online for a report. At present we are using NET SEND but this has no guarantee of delivery and has proved unreliable f...