
C++ member variable aliases?

I'm pretty sure this is possible, because I'm pretty sure I've seen it done. I think it is awesome, but I will gladly accept answers along the lines of "this is a terrible idea because ____". Say we have a basic struct. struct vertex { float x, y, z; }; Now, I want to implement aliases on these variables. vertex pos; vertex col;...

How many ways can I get Bash alias completion on a partial substring?

Question: I have a question that is apparently not answered by this already-asked Bash completion question on Stack Overflow. The question is, how to get Bash alias completion (for any alias) on a partial substring. Example: For example, assume I have the following aliases: open.alicehome="cd /usr/home/alice" open.bakerhome="cd /usr/ho...

relational database and net structure

The company Microsoft could be referred as "microsoft", "ms" or "m$" etc. We may say these names are alias to one single identity. If you want to store the "alias" relationship, you might have to do it as the following pairs microsoft ms ms microsoft microsoft m$ m$ microsoft ms m$ m$...

SQL Server: Table Variables with an Alias in a Delete From Statement

I want to delete rows from a SQL Server 2000/2005 table variable based on the presence of other rows in the same table (delete all 0 count rows if a non-0 count row exists with the same date). Here is a simplified example that should only delete the row added first: declare @O table ( Month datetime, ACount int NULL ) insert i...

How do I make this python command line an alias in bash?

I want a quick an easy way to check my ip address after reading a recent question that had been answered on SO. For future reference, is there a way to make the following alias work? alias myip='python -c "from urllib import urlopen; print urlopen("").read()[:-1]"' ...

How to get the namespace alias operator :: to work under C#?

I've come up against the unlikely scenario when I reference two external assemblies that both have the same namespace and type names. When I try to use the type, the compiler throws an error that it cannot resolve which one I want to use. I see that C# offers a mechanism to use aliases for references. You can even specify these aliases ...

aliasing a method results in different objects?

def foo "foo" end alias foo2 foo puts "foo2: " + foo2.object_id.to_s puts "foo: " + foo.object_id.to_s In the above example, I expected to see the same object_id output for each method call since they reference the same method. Why do I see different object_id's? When you alias a method in Ruby doesn't the alias refer to the origi...

Can you define aliases for imported modules in Python?

In Python, is it possible to define an alias for an imported module? For instance: import a_ridiculously_long_module_name that is has an alias of 'short_name'. ...

"select abc from (select 1) as abc" produces "(1)" instead of "1"

In Postgre, why does select abc from (select 1) as abc produces: (1) and select * from (select 1) as abc produces: 1 That's really strange to me. Is that the case with MySQL, Oracle, etc? I spent hours figuring out why my conditions were failing... ...

MySQL query - unknown column

Hi, I'm trying to run a query, but I get an "unknown column 'MyField' in 'where clause'" error. This is my query: SELECT id, sum(lineValue * quantity) as TotalLine FROM myTable WHERE (TotalLine BETWEEN 10 and 500) group by id How can I perform a similar query? Thanks ...

Giving a nested route an alias in Rails

If I want to provide an alias for a controller, I can use map.resources :rants, :controller => 'blog_posts' points to the blog_posts controller fine. How do I give an alias to a nested resource, for example ? ...

Easiest way to programatically add aliases to Exchange 03/07 mailboxes?

Hi, We currently have a specific format for how our email addresses are defined, based upon name. This system originated some time ago and is beginning to become a bit of a hindrance. We would like to move to a new format, based along the line of <first name initial><second name initial><last name> However, we don...

How can I automatically retain aliases when cloning a git repository?

I have a bunch of handy aliases set up in the config file for my git repository. I will occasionally clone this repository (e.g. onto my laptop), but the clone does not included any of the aliases I've set up, presumably because the clone does not copy the git config file where the aliases are stored. I would, however, like to have thes...

Java variable aliasing workaround

I've recently moved to Java, but I've had some problems with variable aliasing. I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find the proper way to copy the contents of one object to another object without just referencing to the same object. Does anyone have any suggestions? Edit: What if it is an int that I am having aliasing problem...

permanent alias url for small business website without having to change DNS

Question: Is there a service or a system methodology that would allow someone to setup a permanent base URL that could be used as a referrer to a business website regardless of where that website may be hosted at any given time? Example: suppose you have two websites that have identical content (they are just mirrored or synched copies)...

How can I quickly create aliases with absolute paths?

I often make mistakes in making aliases: ln -S $Personal/Books $Buy/Books (1) Instead, I have to write the whole path to get the last command working: ln -S /Users/user/something/.../Books /Users/user/something/.../Books (2) I would really love to get something similar to (1) working. It is so time consuming to do (2). How...

Subsonic alias query - how?

I am trying to build the following query: `new Select("GTekst = ArrGruppe.Tekst", "GLTekst = ArrGruppeLinie.Tekst") .From(ArrGruppeLinie.Schema) .InnerJoin(ArrGruppe.IdColumn, ArrGruppeLinie.ArrGruppeIDColumn) .Where(ArrDeltager.Columns.Kategori).IsLessThan(20) .And("Arrgruppe.Tekst").Like("mytext");` It generates a flawed query becau...

How I can map a service running on a specific port number to an alias on Unbuntu?

How I can map a service running on a specific port number to an alias on Ubuntu 8.10? For example, I have a webservice which I can access like this: http://localhost:3000/ But I want to access like this: http://myservice/ I only want to access the service from the same machine. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 and I thought at first I coul...

BASH blank alias to 'cd'

I am a happy BASH user. I do not want to switch to another shell (in this case ZSH). ZSH has this ability to change a directory without necessarily typing: cd /to/a/directory What would the correct alias (or maybe BASH function) to change directories without having to type 'cd'? On my above example, moving to /to/a/directory would b...

Open files in existing Gvim in multiple (new) tabs

I have put some aliases in my .bashrc to open a group of project files in gvim, each in their own tab: gvim -p <list of file names using absolute paths> This is all well and good, except there are several groups of files I might want to move between at any given time (my current project uses Ruby on Rails, so that explains that). Wha...