
C# Namespace/class alias in Visual Studio Html Source mode

Is there any way to create a Namespace alias in a .aspx file (not code-behind .aspx.cs). For example... in a code-behind file an alias can be created as follows: using MyPanel = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Panel; In html source mode (Visual Studio) a Namespace can be imported as follows: <%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls...

SQL Server : alias is ignored in Order by

We have two tables in our application that both have a ShowOrder column.We are using NHibernate in our application and using HQL we join these two tables ordered by ShowOrder of first table and second table respectively. Here's a simplified version of my query : SELECT pr.Id as Id,pr.Title as Title, pr.ShowOrder as ShowOrder FROM Proce...

XStream short dynamic aliases

I want to have short names for classes, now i can do it with aliases XStream x = new XStream(); x.alias("dic", Dic.class); but i have to define alias manually for every class, is there any way to configure xstream to do it automatically? ...

NHibernate 2.1: LEFT JOIN on SubQuery with Alias (ICriteria)

Hello, I am basically trying to create this query with NHibernate ICriteria interface: SomeTable 1:n AnotherTable SomeTable has columns: PrimaryKey, NonAggregateColumn AnotherTable has columns: PrimaryKey, ForeignKey, AnotherNonAggregate, YetAnotherNonAggregate SELECT table1.NonAggregateColumn, subquery.SubQueryAggregate...

MySQL Alias Question

i am wondering why this fails mysql> SELECT Continent C, Name, SurfaceArea -> FROM Country -> WHERE SurfaceArea = ( -> SELECT MAX(SurfaceArea) -> FROM Country -> WHERE Continent = C); ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'C' in 'where clause' its a answer provided by the certification guide for some sample exercises....

Programmatically add an alias to the Dock in OS X

I know it is not recommended, but is it possible? The only references I can find relate to updating but those changes will not take effect until the next time the Desktop is restarted ...

Is it possible to alias a filename on an apache webserver?

Hi, I would like to make e.g. equal to or pl? Is it possible? So if someone types should get servefile.php... Thanks for showing the right direction.. This seems to work. RewriteEngine on also had to be added. I had to change .htaccess file RewriteEngine on ...

How to keep aliases in multiple shell sessions?

I want to set up some alias and would like to keep them so I don't have to reset them every time I have a new Terminal open. How can I do that? Would it require modifying hidden files? EDIT: I'm using Mac, I found a bashrc under /etc, is it the one? ...

Is there an C++ equivalent to Python's "import bigname as b"?

I've always liked Python's import big_honkin_name as bhn so you can then just use bhn.thing rather than the considerably more verbose big_honkin_name.thing in your source. I've seen two type of namespace use in C++ code, either: using namespace big_honkin_name; // includes fn(). int a = fn (27); (which I'm assured is a bad thing) ...

querying for dns aliases

I found some code from the msdn site (Code included below), which looks like it will return all dns aliases for a given server. I've implemented the code in a cosole app, which should allow me to enter the host name of a server and it should return all dns alias names. I enter the host name of a server in our domain known to have alias...

SQL Server Table and Column Alias for legacy applications

Having just started working for a new client I have noticed that their database schema could do with a serious overhaul. I've made some suggestions (naming conventions mainly) which would be acceptable for the new suite of applications we are developing going forward, however the system would also have to support the lagacy names used ...

difference between (defalias 'A (symbol-function 'B)) and (defalias 'A 'B)

I was reading subr.el and saw this code: (defalias 'backward-delete-char 'delete-backward-char) (defalias 'search-forward-regexp (symbol-function 're-search-forward)) Interestingly, the first line doesn't use symbol-function while the second line does. The only difference I know of these two ways of using defalias is that the help for...

Dereferencing Aliases in LDAP using Spring

How to control LDAP Alias Dereferencing Mode using Java and Spring LDAP API? Similarly to how it is done using ldapsearch on linux. Example: ldapsearch -a never "(&(o=foo)(cn=bar))" cn ldapsearch -a always "(&(o=foo)(cn=bar))" cn ...

Why aliases in a non-interactive Bash shell do not work

I am trying to use aliases in a non-interactive bash shell. I have defined my aliases in ~/.bashrc and I have set the variable BASH_ENV=~/startUpFile . The contents of the startUpFile are source ~/.bashrc I can see that my aliases are recognized, when I execute the "alias" command. However, if I try to use an alias defined in ~/.bash...

Is there a convenient way to alias only conflicting columns when joining tables in SQLAlchemy?

Sometimes it is useful to map a class against a join instead of a single table when using SQLAlchemy's declarative extension. When column names collide, usually in a one-to-many because all primary keys are named id by default, you can use .alias() to prefix every column with its table name. That is inconvenient if you've already written...

postgres column alias problem

As a newbie to Postgresql (I'm moving over because I'm moving my site to heroku who only support it, I'm having to refactor some of my queries and code. Here's a problem that I can't quite understand the problem with: PGError: ERROR: column "l_user_id" does not exist LINE 1: ...t_id where l.user_id = 8 order by l2.geopoint_id, l_user_i...

Type/Namespace alias conventions in C#

Are there are any established naming or coding conventions for defining namespace or type aliases in C#? For those who are unaware, the C# language has a feature where aliases can be defined local to a file for namespaces and types. This can be useful when there are naming conflicts with third party libraries as well as for shortening t...

Can we alias a function in php ?

is it possible to alias a function with a different name in PHP? if yes how ? suppose we have this function sleep(); is there any quick way to make an alias called wait(); without writing this code function wait ($seconds) { sleep($seconds); } ...

Is there a Joomla function to generate the 'alias' field?

I'm writing my own component for Joomla 1.5. I'm trying to figure out how to generate an "alias" (friendly URL slug) for the content I add. In other words, if the title is "The article title", Joomla would use the-article-title by default (you can edit it if you like). Is there a built-in Joomla function that will do this for me? ...

SQLite column aliasing

Premise I recently ran into a bug in a select statement in my code. It was fairly trivial to fix after I realized what was going on, but I'm interested in finding a way to make sure a similar bug doesn't happen again. Here's an example of an offending query: select the, quick, brown fox, jumped, over, the, lazy, dog...