
Preventing Amazon S3 Bandwidth Stealing?

I have a Image Hosting Site that is using Amazon S3 as a main source for bandwith and storage. I have a few option here to prevent other sources from stealing my bandwith, but I am hoping there are more or other alternatives. Query String Authentication Url Rewrite Are there better ways to prevent thieves from hot-linking to my Amaz...

uploadify s3 404

Hi. I have made use of the jQuery uploadify example with Amazon S3 and seem to be getting an error 404. Where is this error coming from... In the example it states that all you need to do is change the details and obviously replace it with your credentials, (AWS key, AWS Secret and bucket name) which has been done, but for some reason ...

Amazon S3 Hosting Streaming Video

If I make an Amazon s3 MP4 resource publically availible and then throw the Html5 Video tag around the resource's URL will it stream? Is it really that simple. There are a lot of "encoding" api's out there such as pandastream and zencoder and I'm not sure exactly what these companies do. Do they just manage bandwidth allocation(upgrading...

Heroku S3 bucket

Hi I'm moving an application onto Heroku and subsequently realised I'll need to set up an S3 bucket in the states where currently it's in the EU. This is to avoid having to pay for transfers. What isn't clear to me is which US S3 bucket I should choose. I'm presented with Northern California and US Standard Regions but cannot find any...

Determine if an object exists in a S3 bucket based on wildcard

Hello, Can someone please show me how to determine if a certain file/object exists in a S3 bucket and display a message if it exists or if it does not exist. Basically I want it to: 1) Check a bucket on my S3 account such as testbucket 2) Inside of that bucket, look to see if there is a file with the prefix test_ (test_file.txt or t...

S3::Error::NoSuchKey: The specified key does not exist.

Im getting this error when I try and make an object. Here is my routine: service = :access_key_id => S3_ACCESS_KEY, :secret_access_key => S3_SECRET ) puts "connection established with s3" puts "finding bucket" bucket = service.buckets.find("test") puts "building object" object ="jso...

S3::Error::SignatureDoesNotMatch: when I try and save a new object

this is coming up on my save, not when I try and sign in. Here is my code: service = :access_key_id => S3_ACCESS_KEY, :secret_access_key => S3_SECRET ) puts "connection established with s3" puts "finding bucket" bucket = service.buckets.find("") puts "building object" object ="#{RAIL...

Best way to create password-protected photo galleries on S3?

Hi, I'd like to host my photo galleries on Amazon S3. Some would be public, some password-protected. What is the best way to achieve this? As far as I know S3 doesn't supports .htaccess files. Thanks, Istvan ...

Amazon S3 Uploads From GWT App

Hi. How would I go about uploading files to S3 from a Google Web Toolkit page? Ideally, it would all be done asynchronously, allowing me to display a progress bar. ...

Do I need to close my connections to Amazon S3 in my Rails App?

I'm migrating my rails app to Heroku and need to change my file upload functionality to use Amazon S3 instead of local storage. I am using the aws-s3 gem and have this working but just want to make sure that I'm doing things right and not creating problems for myself. In my uploading code I have the following; AWS::S3::Base.establish_c...

Amazon S3cmd crashes on some large uploads

I routinely upload large bzipped sql files to S3 and have been noticing it crashing lately with this error. What might be causing this? Its always the same files that crash, but I am able to upload larger ones without a problem so it doesnt seem to be a size limit. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! An unexpected error has oc...

Different SSL-certificates for different parts of site

I have a site on that loads all its static components from (an amazon cloudfront distribution). Now i would like to make some pages of to use https so i thought i'd buy a ssl certificate for, but since the pages loads images and other stuff from the https will break since s...

Paperclip + Rails 3 + ActionMailer (receive) + s3

I am trying to save an image attachment sent to my rails app to s3 using paperclip however I am hitting these problems: Its getting to the attachment loop and failing with a NoMethodError (undefined method `size' for #<Mail::Part: 0x2b62856e8030>): app/mailers/user_mailer.rb:23:in `receive' app/mailers/user_mailer.rb:14:in `eac...

What are some big sites that are using Amazon EC2

I'm looking for examples of large websites that are hosted on Amazon EC2/S3/Cloudfront/etc. I worked at a company where we ran a site that did 500k unique visitors per month on EC2 running 10 instances but that's still relatively small potatoes compared to some larger sites. I know smug mug and foursquare are also hosted on EC2. What ot...

'No route matches' with paperclip and S3 on Heroku

Setting up paperclip to use S3 on my local dev system was a snap. However, I am not able to get it to work on Heroku. The file uploads successfully: [paperclip] Saving attachments. [paperclip] saving photos/2/small.jpg [paperclip] saving photos/2/original.jpg However, views that try to link to the upload get a routing error: Action...

Image appears as white, but when I click 'view image' it prompts to download it..

Why would that happen? Its ACL permissions are identical to all the other photos. These photos are hosted via an S3 bucket, but again, there's nothing different than any of the others. Here is the file URL: It's occurring with two...

How do I get "happy" names using Amazon S3 plugin for Grails (via Jets3t)

References: By "happy" names, I mean the real name of the file I'm up...

Best way to manage an S3 Bucket?

I have been trying for a month and a half now to transfer files and update ACL permissions. My bucket in question is 28gigs, and has over 45,000 objects in it. It generally takes three days to do it. I've tried the following : Bucket Explorer CloudBerry s3sync s3cmd s3 organizer s3fox And quite frankly, none of them can handle it. ...

Clojure/Java: Most effective method for minimizing bandwidth consumption when performing complex operations on a stream of Amazon S3 data

Hi All, I'm performing streaming reads of an object using BufferedReader. I need to do two things with this object: Pass it to a SuperCSV csv reader Obtain the raw lines and keep them in a (Clojure) lazy sequence Currently, I am having to use two different BufferedReaders: one as an argument to a SuperCSV CSV reader class and one t...

model missing required attr_accessor for 'photo_file_name' when uploading with paperclip and S3 on heroku

Setting up paperclip with S3 in my linux dev environment was a snap -- everything works out of the box. However, I can't get it to work on Heroku. When I try to do an upload, the log shows: Processing ItemsController#create (for at 2010-08-26 16:35:14) [POST] Parameters: {"commit"=>"Create", "authenticity_token"=>"0Hy3...