
API-based solutions for sending payments to people without bank accounts

I'm looking for inexpensive ways to send payments to hundreds or thousands of individual contractors, even if they do not have a bank account. Currently I only need to support payment in the USA, but may eventually be international. What solutions exist that expose an API that I can submit payment details to? Or at least submit a batch...

AWS ECS API - ItemLookup - Get item's (EAN) SalesRank by BrowseNode

I'm using amazon japan, using ItemLookup. We already have the EAN numbers (used as ItemId). It was working well until we need to modify the SalesRank. The previous SalesRank returned is for the whole SearchIndex, ex: Books, Music, etc. What we want is to get the SalesRank for a specific BrowseNode. I don't know but it seems that it is n...

How do you distinguish your EC2 instances?

The ec2-describe-instances command is not very helpful in distinguishing the instances. Are there command line tools that give a better overview? Perhaps somewhat like but with support for different regions etc. ...

How do you calculate the storage size of a SimpleDB domain?

The official documentation states: Raw byte size (GB) of all item IDs + 45 bytes per item + Raw byte size (GB) of all attribute names + 45 bytes per attribute name + Raw byte size (GB) of all attribute-value pairs + 45 bytes per attribute-value pair What is the raw size of an attribute-value pair? Is it precisely the size...

Amazon Web Services Apache Server

I am trying to get a feel for the costs imposed by running apache on AWS continually. Assuming that the service is scarcely used, does anyone know how many cpu hours that would eat up in a month just by sitting there and running? I understand that this is slightly impractical but I am trying to figure out what the cost of entry is to dep...

Amazon Machine Image(AMI) for PHP5

Hi, I would like to move my application on EC2. I would like to know the AMI Image which has Linux(Preferably Ubuntu),PHP 5,MemCached, eAccelerator or XCache. Please advise. Regards, Mugil. ...

Why wouldn't an S3 ACL "stick"?

We would like to set an ACL to allow access to one of our buckets with a partner account. We've tested the process on a test account and everything works fine. On our production account/buckets, however, we can set the ACL and see the update but as soon as we attempt to access the bucket from the other account we get a forbidden response...

Kernel panic - Creating own AMI (Amazon Machine Image)

I have created own AMI and registered it on Amazon EC2. But while AMI startup I receive following error: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(8,1) The image is running locally without any problems. fstab contains: proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/sda1 /...

AWS Amazon EC2 - password-less SSH login for non-root users using PEM keypairs

We've got a couple of clusters running on AWS (HAProxy/Solr, PGPool/PostgreSQL) and we've setup scripts to allow new slave instances to be auto-included into the clusters by updating their IPs to config files held on S3, then SSHing to the master instance to kick them to download the revised config and restart the service. It's all worki...

Logs from instances created by Autoscaling(AWS)

I have an instance created with autoscaling enabled in Amazon web services, according to the Webload instances are created and terminated automatically. How do i get the logs from the instances that are created automatically. ...

Searching for a song while using multiple API's

I'm going to attempt to create an open project which compares the most common MP3 download providers. This will require a user to enter a track/album/artist name i.e. Deadmau5 this will then pull the relevant prices from the API's. I have a few questions that some of you may have encountered before: Should I have one server side page...

How can I make R take advantage of a high memory, high cpu server?

SO I've finally figured out how to get my R scripts to run on the Amazon EC2 cloud. I've been using an AMI with 26 ECUs, 8 Cores, and 69 gigs of RAM. I then divide up my code into multiple scripts, and run each one in an instance of R. With a server of this size, I can easily run 20-40 scripts simultaneously, each running several 1000 s...

How to run a Private Content Video from Cloudfront using RTMP with Flowplayer

Steps to reproduce: set up S3 bucket set up streaming disrtibution generate cloudfront key pair download .PEM file with RSA Private key generate XML from RSA key using upload file "testUnsecure.flv", set ACL properties so that everyone can view it. Set up a webpage with following java scr...

How to convert an ImageScience image to something S3/AWS can upload

Hi all, I initially store a jpeg in a variable (it is the balue I reveive from an HTTP get over net/http. Ig I input this directly into AWS, it works fine. However, I would like to resize it and then stuff it into AWS and I always get a warning "size not a method' on IMAGESCIENCE object. I tried onverting it to to_s, but that just gave...

Creating a Contact Form with Amazon Astore

Currently I have an amazon store that I am maintaining. I haven't really used this type of CMS before and I browse to the Contact page where there is a contact widget. Standard contact form: name, email, subject, message with standard validation checks. However, the form action="#" and onsubmit="validate()" I'm wondering if anyone has h...

How can I use Hive on top of Amazon Elastic Mapreduce to process data in Amazon Simple DB?

I have a lot of data in an Amazon Simple DB Domain. I want to start Hive on Elastic Map Reduce (on top of hadoop) and somehow, either import data from simpledb or, connect to simpledb and run hiveql queries on it. I have having issues importing the data. Any pointers? ...

How can I make an entire S3 bucket with about 50,000 files in it public?

I tried using the AWS console, but after making a few 100 files public it errors out on me. Other easy-to-use methods? ...

How to make 10,000 files in S3 public

I have a folder in a bucket with 10,000 files. There seems to be no way to upload them and make them public straight away. So I uploaded them all, they're private, and I need to make them all public. I've tried the aws console, it just gives an error (works fine with folders with less files). I've tried using S3 organizing in Firefox, ...

Amazon MWS - Is it possible to reduce the order quantity using the OrderAdjustment feed

When I send an Order Adjustment feed such as <MessageType>OrderAdjustment</MessageType> <Message> <MessageID>1</MessageID> <OrderAdjustment> <AmazonOrderID>104-3121897-1466636</AmazonOrderID> <AdjustedItem> <AmazonOrderItemCode>42555034632370</AmazonOrderItemCode> <MerchantAdjustmentItemID>6174012</MerchantAdjustment...

EC2 Java SDK - User data script

Hi, I'm looking for a way to attach a user data script to an EC2 RunRequest in the Java SDK (the equivalent of ec2-run-instances ami-1234567 -f for the command line tool). Several things I've read indicate that anything user data string with "#! " will execute, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Is this even pos...