
big O homework question

I need to state the big o of the following fragment: sum =0; for (int i=1; i<n; i++) { for (int j=1; j< n/i; j++) { sum = sum +j; } } I know the outer loop is O(n) but I am having a problem analyzing the inner loop. I think it's O(log n). I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance. ...

Static analysis of .net assembly

I have a C# project for which I need to find the all private methods which are not called from any other public method directly or indirectly. In addition, for each private method which is called from a public method, I need to know which public method it is. Then I will detemine if that method is really called from a client of the clas...

Minimalistic visitor stats based on PHP?

Does anybody know a minimalistic, nice-looking visitor statistics suite based on PHP that displays visitor stats in a end-user friendly way. I know Google Analytics, and the big names in PHP and Perl based traffic analysis; they are all too complicated and feature-rich for what I need. I am looking for something that is already totally ...

How to implement CRUD operations in UML

I was wondering if any analysts/architects have a solution for the hundreds of CRUD operations I would have to add to nearly every class in my UML diagram. Do you let each class inherit from a base class that implements the CRUD operations? Best practices and design patterns about this are very much appreciated! ...

Website Session Analysis

I'd like to know the best way to deep dive into the flow of my users. For example, I have 4 pages in my flow, how can I analyze which users abandon on which step? I can definitely do it by hand with logging, etc, but I'd rather use an off the shelf solution. I have apache request logs, as well as google analytics. Can these analyze user...

Big tables and analysis in MySql

For my startup, I track everything myself rather than rely on google analytics. This is nice because I can actually have ips and user ids and everything. This worked well until my tracking table rose about 2 million rows. The table is called acts, and records: ip url note account_id ...where available. Now, trying to do something ...

Doing Static Analysis, Profiling etc. with VSTS 2008 Dev. Edn.

Hi, We are using ‘Visual Studio Team System 2008 – Development Edition’ IDE to build ASP.NET applications. Now we planned to carry-out the following activities using this IDE and I am new to using these activities. Static Analysis Code Metrics Profiling Code Coverage Would you please let me know if there are any good reference ...

Some questions about Function point

Hi, I try to learn how to use Function Point analysis, however, there are questions that i can't answer. Hopefully, stackoverflow and you guys out there can help me answer those questions. According to the IFPUG manual, the menu is not counted. However, if we can perform some functions, which do not invoke a dialog, via the menu, then...

frequency analysis algorithm

Hello everyone. I want to write a java program that searches through a cipher text and returns a frequency count of the characters in the cipher, for example the cipher: "jshddllpkeldldwgbdpked" will have a result like this: 2 letter occurrences: pk = 2, ke = 2, ld = 2 3 letter occurrences: pke = 2. Any algorithm that allows me to ...

Worst case time complexity

Hi, i have an algorithm that searches into a directory and search for all the text files in that directory and any sub-directory. Assuming i do not know how many sub-directories and sub-sub directories there are in the parent directory. how do i calculate the complexity? this is the code i am using public List<string> GetFilesInDirec...

Pre-sorting analysis algorithm?

It's a well-known isssue with Quicksort that when the data set is in or almost in sort order, performance degrades horribly. In this case, Insertion Sort, which is normally very slow, is easily the best choice. The question is knowing when to use which. Is there an algorithm available to run through a data set, apply a comparison fact...

Analysis Services Real Time Trace Logs

I'm looking to get the trace logs for AS (same stuff as for SQL server) in real time. I can't find any .net interfaces to this stuff. So far the only realistic solution I can think of is to run it permanently and have it dump to a new table which I listen to on updates via triggers. Does anyone know of a better way of doing this? This ...

ActionScript 3 Profiler & Memory Analysis Tool

Hi guys, I'm using Adobe Flash CS 4 and would like to know are there any profiler or memory analysis tools available for it ? (actionscript 3). I know there are available tools for Flex, but are there for Flash CS 4 instead? Thanks. ...

What's the difference between combinatorial and numerical problems

Could you please give at least two examples of each. Thanks. ...

Is there any open source text analysis library for PHP?

I am looking for a PHP library which does more or less the same thing as this webpage: I know that there are popular libraries in python and java, but I am looking for a PHP version. Thanks for your help! ...

File structure explorer (sth like Wireshark, but for files)

Hi I am looking for a software which is able to decompose and analyze files. Do you know any? What I mean is something that, given a file, would tell me for example: here is the magic number telling that it is a PNG, and here starts a colors definition, here goes the compression flag, and then there are the picture data, and so on......

System use case Vs. Business use case

Hi all... I am completely new in analysis and design..... please some one tell me : what is the difference between System use case and Business use case ? As far as I know, there is only one diagram in UML called use case diagram.. Now, what about them ? Do they have separate diagram? Thank you ...

Stuck with O notation

I am comparing two algorithms, Prim's and Kruskal's. I understand the basic concept of time complexity and when the two work best (sparse/dense graphs) I found this on the Internet, but I am struggling to convert it to English. dense graph: Prim = O(N2) Kruskal = O(N2*log(N)) sparse graph: Prim = O(N2) Kr...

Do we put business rules in business use case diagram?

Hi all I wanna to draw a business use case diagram for a specified problem. The problem has some rules. Now I wanna to ask that: Is it correct to put business rules when drawing business use case? ...

C# Dynamic Code Analysis

Hi, I'm wondering if there are tools, or if there is a programmatic approach for mapping the execution of a web application ? To clarify, the company I work for develop a CRM product that is based around the concept of Dynamically loading ASCX controls on a page-by-page basis. What I would like to see is a map to see from the request ...