
How to use existing Eclipse MAT indexes for interactive analysis

I am attempting to use Eclipse MAT (Memory Analysis Toolkit) to analyze some rather large heap dumps (~2G). My laptop unfortunately has 32bit Windows, and MAT runs out of heap space @ 1.4G allocated heap. I was successful in running the heap indexer from the command line on a large, headless 64bit box. However, I am unable to convince...

What can be parameters other than time and space while analyzing certain algorithms?

Dear all: I was interested to know about parameters other than space and time during analysing the effectiveness of an algorithms. For example, we can focus on the effective trap function while developing encryption algorithms. What other things can you think of ? ...

problem in analysis phase for building shcool portal

hi, i'm building a school portal and im stucked at analysis phase, the issue is : in school portal there's a student profile and a parent profile, now the problem is how can i achieve a relationship between this two.Actually the scenario is "one dad can have multiple childrens studying in different school", now suppose "dad wants to loo...

How do I write a analyzable thread dump format

I'm creating a global exception handling which collects some information before shutting down in some cases. One of this information is the current thread dump. i do this with following code: ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean().dumpAllThreads(true, true); The problem is to write the information into a analyzable format for TDA. Is the...

Handling conflicting priorities and expectations in project development

There are any number of situations in the standard day where priority conflicts exist for projects. Management wants maximum productivity from employees. Marketing wants maximum salability and fast turnaround. Ownership wants maximum profit. Customers want usability and low cost. Regardless of the origin of the demands, time and mon...

MDX: How to exclude ancestors from being returned in this query?

I have this MDX query: Exists([Group].[Group Hierarchy].allmembers, {[Group].[Group Full Name].&[121 - Group A], [Group].[Group Full Name].&[700000 - Group C]}) ... which works fine EXCEPT that it returns all of the ancestors of the specified groups as well. What I want is to return JUST the groups from the hierarchy with the spe...

What's the best way to view/analyse/filter huge traces/logfiles?

this seems to be a reoccurring issue: we receive a bug report for our software and with it tons of traces or logfiles. since finding errors is much easier when having a visualization of the log messages/events over time it is convenient to use a tool that can display the progression of events in a graph etc. (e.g. wireshark (http://www.w...

Calculations in a table of data

I have a table of data with survey results, and I want to do certain calculations on this data. The datastructure is somewhat like this: (ignore all the data beeing similar, i cut and pasted all the rows) ____________________________________________________________________________________ | group |individual | key | ...

SSAS 2008/Excel 2007 - Can't see cube

I have created a cube in SSAS 2008. In BIDS and SSMS I can see it fine. However, I cannot connect through Excel. I have tried both Excel 2003 and Excel 2007. I must support both and neither work. I can see the database but the cubes do not show up. I created a dummy cube in the project using the wizard and deployed that to the same dat...

Where do you start your design - code, UI, workflow or whatever?

Hi I was discussing this at work, and was wondering where people start their designs? We tend to start with designing code to solve the problem presented to us, but that is probably all of us are (or were) programmers. I was wondering where other people and organisations start their design. Do they start with solving the problem as a ...

How can I load an MP3 or similar music file for display and analysis in wxWidgets?

I'm developing a GUI in wxPython which allows a user to generate sequences of colours for some toys I'm building. Part of the program needs to load an MP3 (and potentially other formats further down the line) and display it to the user. That should be sufficient to get started but later I'd like to add features like identifying beats and...

analysis Big Oh notation psuedocode

I'm having trouble getting my head around algorithm analysis. I seem to be okay identifying linear or squared algorithms but am totally lost with nlogn or logn algorithms, these seem to stem mainly from while loops? Heres an example I was looking at: Algorithm Calculate(A,n) Input: Array A of size n t←0 for i←0 to n-1 do if A[i]...

.net VS2008 compilation analyzer tool ?

Hi, I'm looking for a tool that allows me to analyze the compilation of a VS Solution (about 30 VS projects inside). I would like to know after the global solution compilation, which projets fail and forward errors to developers. Of course, I could analyze the compilation report... but I'm pretty sure that great tools are available ! ...

Power Analysis in [R] for Two-Way Anova

I am trying to calculate the necessary sample size for a 2x2 factorial design. I have two questions. 1) I am using the package pwr and the one way anova function to calculate the necessary sample size using the following code pwr.anova.test(k = , n = , f = , sig.level = , power = ) However, I would like to look at two way anova, si...

OQL - Find certain (sub)-members of a given object

I'm analyzing heap dumps in a Portal App. With the help of OQL I found the MemorySessionData Object with its address. Now I want to find all SerializableViewState Objects, that are hold by Objects hold by this MemorySessionData object. In other words: My MemorySessionData Object holds several objects, these hold objects again and so on....

How can someone become a business analyst?

Is there a way how to become a business analyst for software projects without studying in the concrete business domain or having long-time programming experience? Is there some way through education? ...

How to obtain dependency metrics from Java source code?

For an assignment we have to extract some software metrics from the Hibernate project. We have to extract the afferent coupling and efferent coupling metrics (dependency fan-in, fan-out) from each revision of each package in Hibernate. Some tools were provided which are able to extract these metrics, such as ckjm and JDepend. Other tools...

Can someone recommend a resource/site/book to improve problem solving skills

I am a reasonably experienced developer (.NET, c#, asp.NET etc) but I'd like to hone my problem solving skills. I find that when I come up against a complex problem I sometimes implement a solution that I feel could have been better had I analyzed the problem in a different way. Ideally what I am looking for is a resource of some type t...

Forming vectors from the same assigned value (in Matlab)

I've got a bunch of values that are all assigned the same variable due to running through a for loop several times, so for example: d = 3.44434 d = 2.4444 d = 2.7777 How do I put them all into a vector? ...

DMX Analysis Services question

Hi, I am have two mining models, both are time series. One is [Company_Inputs] and the other is [Booking_Projections]. What I want to do is use EXTEND_MODEL_CASES to join the results of [Company_Inputs] as the extended cases. So basically something like: Select Flattened PredictTimeSeries([Bookings], 1, 6, EXTEND_MODEL_CASES) FROM [B...