
What is the current status on Microsoft ProClarity?

I don't really know how to compose this question. My complay has been using Microsoft ProClarity for few years and we have a quite a few users using it publising books and doing ad-hoc analysis. With the new Microsoft BI solutions, it seems like they are completely going away from ProClarity and replacing the OLAP analysis with Excel. I ...

Facebook Like button data for a domain?

We make a widget for media sites and have included the Facebook Like button, so anyone who installs our widget gets the Like button on every page without having to do additional integration work. We'd like to show the site owner some basic data / analytics about Like activity... which URLs are liked, and how many times. I can't figure ...

What does "?ref=ts" mean in a FACEBOOK APP url

When Facebook drives traffic to an app, they often append &ref=whatever to the query string. This is useful for figuring out which integration points are working or not. I've figured out what some of these mean. For example: ref=bookmarks - the user clicked on a bookmark. ref=game_my_recent - the user clicked on the upper portion of th...

Loop elements with Jquery and call Omniture function to track

Hi, i have a page with a list of items. Each item has a print now link (a.printMe) to print each item. At the end of the list, there's a print all link (a.printAll) to print all items. I want to track number of times an item was printed. If a.printAll link is clicked, then i will send all the item's tracking value to Omniture. I added t...

What percent of web sites use JavaScript?

I'm wondering just how pervasive JavaScript is. This article states that 73% of websites they tested rely on JavaScript for important functionality, but it seems to me that the number must be larger. Have any surveys been done on this topic? Maybe a better way to phrase this question is - are there any sites that don't use JavaScript? ...

Double script tags in Google Analytics tracking code

This is more a curiosity question than anything else... Google instructs to add the analytics tracking code as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' typ...

Are there any open-source / free site analytics solutions that are intranet deployable?

There are plenty of statistics/analytics providers for Internet deployed software (e.g. Google Analytics), but I'm looking for an analytics tool to integrate into a LAN/intranet based web application. I'm aware of AWStats, but I'd prefer something with a design similar to Google Analytics, where a Javascript callback can be embedded int...

Track each request to the website using HttpModule

I want to save each request to the website. In general I want to include the following information: User IP, The web site url, user-if-exist, date-time. Response time, response success-failed status. Is it reasonable to collect the 1 and 2 in the same action? (like same HttpModule)? Do you know about any existing structure that I ca...

Video Analytics API

I am looking for an analytics solution that can give me loitering detection, line crossing, and people counting. I prefer an API over an entire software solution due to the specific requirements of the project. I have found two companies that provide video analytics, but neither seem to be in a hurry to give me pricing :P. Is there an...

Setting up Android application for Analytics and tracking

Tracking events and setting up Analytics for Websites seems easy. You create an account with one of the Analytics service providers like Google. They give you javascript code that you embed in your pages (whichever event you wish to track) and're done. I have written a native application for Android phones, which is actually...

Best practices on what data to collect in an in-app web analytics

Hi! In our SaaSy webapp we need to collect Google Analytics-like data (like, what pages were visited, how many 404s where there, etc.). I wonder if there are any best practices on what pieces of information should be collected (like, IP, User Agent, etc.) and how should these logs be stored. Requirements on what statistics we're going t...

How can I detect the domain that is parsing my RSS feed?

I've got a php rss feed. There's a lot of domains that are using my RSS feed for news. I'd like to be able to track which domains are using my rss feed. I tried using $_SERVER['http_referrer'] to no avail. Any ideas? ...

Google Analytic Metric to use for off-site banner click comparison

I have all my off-site banner ads correctly campaign tracked/tagged but I want to know what metrics I should be looking at in the GA for the closest comparison to the ad servers clicks. I am pretty sure it wouldn't be Visits but I also see there is PageViews and UniquePageViews. My GA data is coming in way off from what the ad server m...

How to track and analysis android app?

I want to know what kind of users are using my app. I think I need the device id, the network type, the network provider name and its ip address. is there any framework to do this thing? And of course I will ask user to enable it before I can do it and leave an option to disable it when user want to toggle it off. ...

Adding Runtime Intelligence Application Analytics for a library and not an application

I want to add usage statistics for a .NET 4.0 library I write on CodePlex. I try to follow the step described here but my problem lies with the fact that what I write is a library and not an application. One of the steps is put the Setup and Teardown attributes. I thought about adding the Setup attribute on a static constructor or a d...

How to know the referral source of my website/page

I have a website where I want keep track of the Statistics about the users who came to my page from different sources. I want to identify whether user came from Search engines / other websites / direct typing the URL. I am using and C#. Please help ...

How do I track hotlinking of images and iframe?

I give out an embed html code so others can post parts of my website as an iframe. I want to be able to track who has my embed code posted. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to see live stats of website performance (IIS7)?

In task manager, I am only able to see the resources w3wp.exe is using, but this is too vague. Can I see the resources each website and app pool is using? Would also be nice if I can see what pages are taking up the most resources (all in real-time). Does anything exist like this? ...

Reporting / BI Framework for social websites

I'm looking for ideas / open source frameworks to use for creating individual Analytics for user profiles and all the other profile types. Users will have different custom metrics, businesses willl have seperate metrics, the admin section will have seperate, Advertises will have seperate, etc. So basically the goal is to have 1 framework...

rank on two dates - each date iteratively

How to query for rank over 'value' for each day in the below table? Ex: IT should list out the 'mydate', 'value', 'rank' for all values on 20th and then do a fresh rank() for all values on 21st? Thanks... create table tv (mydate,value) as select to_date('20/03/2010 00','dd/mm/yyyy HH24'),98 from dual union all select to_date('20/03/2010...