
Do not scroll with anchor, simply change div?

Lemme explain my situation here: I'm trying to make a layout for a website. This goes in a small box, and can include HTML and CSS, yet not javascript. I have a small box inside this, with tabs to link to different things. This is done via putting the divs in a box and using anchor tags to get to them. This is totally fine, until the pag...

How do I add anchors to jQueryUI accordion?

Hi, How do I add anchors to jQueryUI accordion so that I can hyperlink to an opened pane? e.g. htp:// or htp:// opens the third pane on the accordion. I also want to retain my collapsible:true function. thanks, Ross ...

Different style for anchor tag when clearing the browser cache

when i click on anchor tag - a dotted border come around my anchor text. the is is coming in IE7,IE8 and firefox. I have used. a{ outline:none; } this works as expected.But i need to clear the cache of my browser. Unless and until i don't clear the cache in my browser that dotted line appears around my anchor text. Could anybody ...

html anchor tag onclick problems !!

Hi all, I came across a strange problem with html anchor tags. I have an anchor tag on the html page and on clicking the 'a' tag it is supposed to give me an alert message. It is working well. But, If I append a new 'a' tag using jquery to the html page and on click of that appended 'a' tag is not working. i was able to give href, target...

In Firefox, double-clicking on an a tag with href set to # but with onclick set to bring us to another page will effectively make us remain on the current page

Suppose we have the ff. in a.html: <script> function onClick() { // Do some important stuff and then... location = "b.html"; } </script> <a href="#" onclick="onClick();">Link</a> Double-clicking on Link will trigger the event-handler onClick. However, the second click in the double-click seems to be interpreted as another...

Why can't I click on this link with a nested image in IE7?

Open the following page in IE7 and try clicking on the image within the category boxes: As far as I can tell, I'm not doing anything outside of the scope of (X)HTML/CSS, why am I not able to click these? ...

Disable Anchor tag and remove underline also in javscript

I have a anchor tag which I would like to disable or enable depending upon some condition. I am able to achive this using the following function function disableEnableAnchor(obj, disable) { if(disable) { var href = obj.getAttribute("href"); if(href && href != "" && href != null) obj.setAttribute('...

Is it a typo in this JSP where it says "</a>>"?

I found this example in the App Engine documentation. 1 <% 2 UserService userService = UserServiceFactory.getUserService(); 3 if (!userService.isUserLoggedIn()) { 4 %> 5 Please <a href="<%=userService.createLoginURL("/newlogin.jsp")>">log in</a>> 6 <% } else { %> 7 Welcome, <%= userService.getCurrentUser().getNi...

Add anchor tag to simple jQuery sideshow

Hi, I am using one of script for simple slideshow. Here it is in a nutshell: <div class="fadein"> <img src="banner1.jpg" width="645" height="307"/> <img src="banner2.jpg" width="645" height="307"/> <img src="banner3.jpg" width="645" height="307"/> </div> <script> $(function(){ $('.fadein img:gt(0)').hid...

Pass a parameter to server method using JavaScript

I have a public in my code behind page that takes a string. I would like to call this method from javascript. The parameter that I want to pass down is variable that changes from a ddl. So I have something like this: var value = document.getElementById('ddlContact').value; <%=PopulateContactFields("value") %> This p...

Get document from Javascript HREFS

Hello Everyone, I am currently designing a focused webcrawler. I have it tested with some websites until i encountered below anchor ("the <a href="...">): href="javascript: openDocument('DATA//PCP200803.pdf');" My html parsing routine results to javascript: openDocument('DATA//PCP200803.pdf'); Does anyone have any idea on ho... Custom user control button. How to stop multiple clicks by user.

I am trying to modify an open source Forum called in the project they have a custom user control called Yaf:ThemeButton. Now its rendered as an anchor with an onclick method in this code ThemeButton.cs using System; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; namespace YAF.Controls { /// <summary> ...

Using HtmlAnchor or ASP.NET HyperLink for anchor tag that navigates in-page named anchor

I am trying to render a simple hyperlink that links to a named anchor within the page, for example: <a href="#namedAnchor">scroll to down</a> <a name="namedAnchor">down</a> The problem is that when I use an ASP.NET control like asp:HyperLink or HtmlAnchor, the href="#namedAnchor" is rendered as href="controls/#namedAnchor" (wh...

Codeigniter form action with slashes instead of normal GETs?

Hey, so this is one of those questions that seems obvious, and I'm probably going to feel stupid, but here goes: I'm doing a CodeIgniter site with a search. Think of a Google type input, where you'd search for "white huskies." I have a search results page that takes a URI ( huskies), and takes the third part, and ...

Is this a valid css?

I have a pager in my page with anchors in it... I use the following css... .page-numbers a { color:#808185; cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;outline:none; } .page-numbers a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } .page-numbers a:visited { color:#808185;outline:none; } But my anchor tag doesn't seem to take the css above instead it us...

CSS: a:link vs just a (without the :link part)

So we're required to use the following order for CSS anchor pseudo-classes a:link { color: red } a:visited { color: blue } a:hover { color: yellow } a:active { color: lime } But my question is why bother with the a:link part? Rather, is there any advantage to the above (other than perhaps clarity) over: a { color:r...

Anchor links not working properly

I have a tooltip that has a link to an anchor but it seems like it is not going to the right anchor. Rollover the person and click on the "[+]" inside the tooltip. To view the sample click here ...

html anchor: <a>

I just found that <a href="#comment:9"></a> can work the same as <a name="comment:9"></a>, which is more standard? ...

How Long Can Same-Page Anchor Links (#) Be?

What is the maximum number of characters that a same-page anchor tag link can be on all mainstream platform browsers released from IE6 on up? For instance, a link like:

Links not clickable after changing text with jQuery

In Joomla, I am switching between languages not using the country flags as the indicator which language I am on but switch the text from English to Afrikaans using jQuery's replaceWith() method. Problem I am having is that on first click of the word English, to change it to Afrikaans, the link does not work. It does however work on the ...