
to select a submenu item using an xpath

Hi there, I'm trying to select a sub-menu item using XPATH. The submenu items have the following structure in common. ..../span/a[@class="button"] Inside the anchor tag, the title of button is present inside a <strong/> tag e.g. <span> <a class="button" text="" href="....."> <strong> submenu item 1 </strong> </a> </span> How do ...

How to disable default <a> behaviour of "href" attribute ?

I have a simple sidebar like this: <div class="sidebar"> <ul class="nav"> <li class="Page1"><a href="Page1.html">Page1</a></li> <li class="Page2"><a href="Page2.html">Page2</a></li> <li class="Page3"><a href="Page3.html">Page3</a></li> </ul> </div> This code exist on each one of the pages: page1.html, page2.htm...

Anchor tags are duplicating My anchor tags (highlighted in red dashed border) are being created by their own free will. I have no idea how to get rid of them and have been working at this for hours now. Any ideas? Is this some freaky cross-browser bug? Or is it just a problem with my markup? Thanks. ...

Hyperlink in Andorid

Hello... I have a question: How can I place a hyperlink WITHIN a text-block of normal text? I have some text and in the text I mention a URL and I want this URL to be in a different color, underlined and click-able. I know hyperlinks in android can be placed with "Linkify".. and i have referred android docs page Consider the same ab...

Open a file with specific page from an anchor tag.

Hi all, I am trying to open a specific page in a file from an anchor tag(<a href=""></a>). The anchor tag is in a xls file.When i tried doing this i am able specify find the specified page but when i pass a parameter i am nt able to find the location of the page. Can anyone help me in this pls. Thanks ...

hyperlink tag active state not working

whenever i've tried using the hyperlink/anchor tag active state, it doesn't work. even if i click on the link, it should show it as in active state, but there's no effect. is there something i'm missing? this is a basic example- html: <ul> <li><a class="main" href="">Home</a></li> <li...

Show an Anchor tag in an ASP.Net page with JQuery

I've got an ASP.Net page in which I have an html anchor tag and I've set the visible property to false. I want to make it visible with JQuery, but can't seem to get it to work. I've tried to use the selector for the anchor tag itself, and also a class selector, but neither has any effect. Here is the markup for the anchor tag: <a run...

Return to top of the page when clicking back

Hi guys, I have the following question/problem: On this page there are 3 tabs [It's all in Greek but I hope you will understand] Each tab contains links to articles. When you click on an article and then press the back button on the browser it comes back to the selected tab AND scrolls to the arti...

How can I write this in jQuery?

Hi, Guys, There is two links in my body part: but i want to give them jquery touch, as I am a beginner to jquery, not able to get it done can you help? click <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display='block'">here</a> on clicking abov...

Drag'n'drop image inside link from IE to C#

Hello, I'm trying to get link to image file (src attribute) which I drag'n'drop from browser onto my desktop application. Image located inside an anchor (a-tag). My code works with Chrome & Fx - but not with IE :( if (e.Data.GetDataPresent("HTML Format")) { string data = (string)e.Data.GetData(DataF...

Access asp:HiddenField through javascript from target page in anchor tag

Hi, I have a page (startPage.aspx) which transfers control to another page using an anchor tag i.e. (a href="newPage.aspx"). I would like to know how I can access some form element on startPage.aspx from the newPage.aspx in javascript? (eg: document.getElementById, etc). The element I am trying to access is an asp:HiddenField which does...

DOM Error - ID 'someAnchor' already defined in Entity, line:...

If I try to load an HTML document into PHP DOM i get an error along the lines of : Error DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: ID someAnchor already defined in Entity, line: 9 I cannot work out why. Here is some code that loads an html string into DOM. First without containing an anchor tag and second with one. The second...

Proper way for links to execute javascript code

So there are 4 main methods I'm aware of to execute javascript code from a link. For my requirements, I need to do so without moving the screen anywhere (linking to # and not returning false is bad). SEO for the executed javascript code, if possible, is important too. So what's the right way to do this? method 1 (need to make sure my...

CSS: clear all formatting of anchor tag

I have a site where the page is formatted to be 800px wide with an image taking up the top 40 pixels. I wrapped the image with an anchor tag so that clicking on the image takes user to home page. When I wrap the image with an anchor tag, the image seems to shift to the right a little bit which throws of the alignment! Is there a way I c...

Creating an external link in ASP.NET MVC 2 from model properties

I'm trying to build a link to an external website using some properties of my model class in my view page, e.g. I want it to render as something like - < a href=" reading">Twitter < /a> where post-id would be pulled from the model (I'm using a strongly typed view ...

anchor tag click listner in Safari

I've posted a question of how Safari behaves for the anchor tag click event here on Apple's Forum. It has not gotten any answers as of posting here.;tstart=0 I'm asking developers here at Stackoverflow to take a look and provide their intelligent comment how to circumvent th...

Why do my anchor tags contain my request context path before the path I specify?

I'm using Apache Tomcat 6.0.26 with java servlets and JSPs. Whenever I'm trying to link to an external website, my anchor tags always contain my request context path before the external link. For example if my context path is http://localhost:8084/MyWebPage/ and I'm trying to link to via this tag: <a href="

IE7 anchor tag problem

Hi, I am having a weird problem with a webpage in IE7. The structure is as follows: <a id=".." href="...."> <img id=".." src=".."/> <div class=""> <em> <img class=".." src=".." alt=".."/> </em> <div class="..">My text</div> </div> </a> Everything is "clickable" except the img inside the em tag....

Change the href of an anchor tag with javascript.

Hey I have a question for javascript. I need to assign an href value to an anchor tag or asp:HyperLink. SOMETHING. that will allow me to link text in a dialog popup to an href that a function specifies. Here is my code. <'custom:JQueryDialog I made' runat=server ID="dialogPopUp" AutoOpen="false" CloseOnEscape="true" Modal="true" Tit...

How to edit part of anchor in URL

I have code for get part of anchor: function _get_part(queryString, name) { var match = '&' + name + '='; var i = queryString.indexOf(match); if(i < 0) { match = name + '='; if(queryString.slice(0, match.length) == match) i = 0; } if(i > -1) { i += match.length; return queryString.slice(i, queryString.i...