
How to register listening for Contact changes on android 2.0?

How to register a content observer to listen for changes in the contact database in android 2.0? What URI should I use? Thank you ...

Android - can't enable BroadcastReceiver

I got back to the widget development after upgrading to the latest SDK and all of the sudden my widget is failing on startup with this message: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5296): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start receiver topjob.widget.SearchWidget: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: attempt to change component state ...

How to inform your (not started) app from a Boot_completed receiver?

I have registered a BOOT_COMPLETED Receiver in my application, i want to listen for changes on SMS Database. The BroadcastReceiver starts a temporary Service which registers the ContentObserver. Now i want to notify my main activity (which is not started) that the Observer was registered successful. (I want to do this, because if a use...

Zip to SD Card from .APK file

This is probably a really dumb/noob like question but what is the best method to have an .apk file that when installed drops a zip file onto the sd card, in a specific directory, from the assets or raw folder? ...

SimpleCursorAdapter - Binding to multiple item values in ListView

I have the following code to intantiate a SimpleCursorAdapter to use with a ListView. As you can see I have passed the R.layout.log_item to display the list items, and one value/control to bind to (TripDate). SimpleCursorAdapter sca = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.log_item,c,new String[] {DBAdapter.KEY_LOG_TRIPDATE},new int[]{...

Android internal storage - what are the limits?

1) Our Android app will store data in a built-in SQLite DB. I see the DB can throw android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException, but there's no exact info in API what is the limit. Could anyone tell what are the size limits for a DB in order not to get into the SQLiteFullException? I assume DB will store data in device's internal stora...

AlarmManager and the PendingIntent that failed

In order to learn how to use the AlarmManager I created an activity that consists of a single button. When the button is pressed the activity creates an Intent of itself and loads it into the AlarmManager 3 seconds in the future before finishing. So activity opens, user pushes button, activity closes, 3 seconds later activity opens, rep...

which android sdk version to release to market?

I want to release an app on the market. It uses nothing new from the 2.0 release like bluetooth for instance and it works well in every emulator using version 1.6 to 2.1. My question is upon version of the sdk should I distribute my application to make it compatible with all devices running 1.6, 2.0 or 2.1? I only have a physical devic...

camera preview on androd - strange lines on 1.5 version of sdk

Hi all, I am developing the camera module for an android application. In main application when user clicks on 'take picture' button, new view with SurfaceView control is opened and camera preview is shown. When users click on dpad center, camera takes picture and save it to the disc. Pretty simple and straightforward. Everything works...

Is it possible to create a simple answering machine in android?

I'm thinking of creating an answering machine in android that automatically alerts the caller that he/she has reached the answering machine after an alloted time and then records the message. Is it possible in android? ...

Is android phone are upgradable to new vaesion platform.

Recently android have launch 2.1 version, so i just want to ask, can phone running on 1.6 version are upgradable to 2.1 version. ...

Android: How to restart an activity within a tabhost?

I've searched and I know it seems some people frown upon using activities within tabs, but moving past would I restart a tabbed activity while still keeping the tabs visible? I have an activity in a tab, I use the menu to create a new activity to update the tab's activity displayed info, when I return from the menu activity I ...

how Emulator access web server on Lan

I want make emulator able to access web server (windows, IIS) on LAN, how can I configure this? I google for this but didnt find full solution. sample url = http://'ip of web server on lan"/webpage ...

Android - Storing images downloaded from the web

Hello everyone, I had a question related to whether or not (and how) I should store images loaded from the web. Let's say I am calling a web service from my Android app. In this web service I get a URL for an image on the web. I download and show this image on the left side of a list item in a ListView. My question is, what method s...

Can I start using HTML 5 for my smartphone app ?

Most smartphones use modern browser engines that have implementing HTML 5 (or at least partially). Should I start using HTML 5 for my web application ? Where can I find a list of browser engines used by most popular devices (iPhone,Android,etc.) ? My application doesn't have to work on older desktop browsers. ...

DateTime picker in android application

Hello, Is there any android widget that enable to pick the date and the time at the same time ? I already use the basic date picker and date picker: but they are not that sexy and user frien...

Facebook and twitter API

Hello friends, I am developping an ANDROID smùall application. It will just handle connecting et and managing one facebook and twitter account. How this can be done on ANdroid plateform ? Can someone show me a ressource wich can help me Thank you GUYS ...

Android: getLastKnownLocation out-of-date - how to force location refresh?

I'm using myLocation = mLocationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); to retrieve the current location at the start-up of my application. As the Android documentation states, this location can be "out-of-date", since the method returns the location when the GPS was used the last time. How can I actively reque...

How to debug an App on Android with GDBSERVER?

I'm trying to debug a native shared library that my App uses through JNI. I can attach to a running app just fine with "gdbserver --attach pid" but i need to actually launch my app when i launch the gdbserver command. There's a million blog hits on this topic but none of them seem to be clear as to how you launch your app. They all say ...

Android ListView loses highlight problem

Hi I have a layout which contains a ListView. Each View (row) in this ListView is a LinearLayout which contains 3 Views - CheckBox, ImageView and a TextView (Horizontal) My problem is like this - if I use the trackball to highlight a row in the ListView , it works (row's background color is Orange). By clicking on the trackball when a ...