
how to list the audio files in a Listview in android

Hi, I am new to this android application development. I have a audio files in a particular directory. I want to list the those audio files in a listView. please tell me how to do this activity. ...

Can the audio stream output from the earpiece during a call be captured?

Hello, I am looking to develop an application and would like to know if the earpiece audio output can be captured. Thanks, Matt ...

HelloAndroid]emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'com.example.helloandroid.HelloAndroid activity launch'!

Hello, I am new to Android. Follow the HelloAndroid Tutorials by use Eclipse. After run HelloAndroid, the AVD 'xian_avd2' lunched, but stop there, no " Hello, Android" displayed on AVD. Looks like Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched... Not know how to resolve this, please help. Thanks wang813 [2010-01-29 00:12:13...

how to add items to the spinner dynamically in android?

how to add items to the spinner dynamically in android? ...

Which control would be a better fit to this problem?

Requirement: I have a GridView of thumbnails; the user can click on a thumbnail to view the larger, full sized image. This "full sized" image is to be fetched from a remote server. When the user is viewing a particular image he should be able to cycle through all of them by swiping his fingers on the screen(like leafing through pages of ...

android ellipsize multiline textview

I need to ellipsize multiligne textview. My component is large enough to display at least 4 lines with the ellipse, but only 2 lines are displayed. I tried to change the minimum and maximum number of rows in the component but it changes nothing ...

Andorid:How to i know the fields changed in the native address book

O.k i will be more clear: I have my own address book application for which i am fetching the contact Name and contact Number form the native address book using the contact content provider. So my question is: How do i get a notify for my application when the Contact Name or Contact Number of a particular person is changed in the nati...

Android: Delete entire database

Hi, I would like to delete a complete database created by my application. Do you know any adb command, or android sentence to do it? Thanks in advance. Best regards. Jose. ...

Android - Controlling a task with Timer and TimerTask?

Hi all, I am currently tryinging to set up a Wifi Scan in my Android application that scans for Wifi access points every 30 seconds. I have used Timer and TimerTask to get the scan running correctly at the intervals I require. However I want to be able to stop and start the scanning when the user presses a button and I am currently ha...

embed version details in android APK

My code is stored in SVN version control. I use Eclipse to build my Android application. In my application, I have an about-box. I want to show the correct source control revision/tag/whatever in this. Is there a way of automating this so that my version string in the about-box is always right, or is this something I have to hand-edi...

Android question - how to prep 100 images to be shown via Fling/Swipe?

I'm totally new to this, been tinkering around for a week. Came up with a simple image viewer app for 2 images. Feature: Left and right swipes will switch the images. Dead simple. What i'd like to do: Have up to 100 images. note: All my images are in my res/drawable folder. They're named image1.png to image100.png I obviously don'...

generating captcha

Hi, Does anyone know if there is any library available for generating captcha which is possible to implement in android application so the captcha appears in the activity? Thank you. ...

Android - Is It possible to disable the click of home button

I have an application, when it launches I have to disable all the buttons, I successeded in disabling end call and other i need to disable home buttom if I click it, It should not produce any action. Any suggestions highly appreciated Cheers Vinayak ...

Android, collections

Hi, I have a generic list in android. for other hand i have a listview. How i could bind the generic list into the listview? Thanks in advance. Best regards. Jose ...

Android - Passing changing data from BroadcastReciever to another Object?

I have a Wifi class that has a couple of broadcast receivers that listen out for changes in Wifi connection state, Wifi Rssi levels etc... I want to be able to pass this data to another "Engine" Object and still keep the data changing dynamically. I currently create a Wifi object within the "Engine" class and run its methods, the data ...

Android question, get selection of text from EditText

I'm trying to implement a copy/paste function. How can I get a selection of text from an EditText? EditText et=(EditText)findViewById(; blabla onclicklistener on a button: int startSelection=et.getSelectionStart(); int endSelection=et.getSelectionEnd(); Then I'm stuck. Any ideas? ...

Creating database in android

Hi, i was creating a database and deleting it, adding registries on my android htc mobile sqlite database without any problem. But now, after last deleting of the database everytime i want to create a new one i get a sqlite exception that says me "unable to open database file" with the following data: serialVersionUID (RuntimeExc...

Correct transformations for image zooming

Hey, I'm writing an app for android (although I think this is a generic question) and I need to display a large image (in an ImageView) that can be scrolled and zoomed. I've managed to get scrolling to work by capturing touch events and performing matrix translations, and i'm now working on zooming. If I simply apply a scale transformat...

android dialog activity position

I created an non-maximized activity using android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" to make it looks like a dialog. I need to change the position of the activity on screen but I didn't find how to do this... ...

dynamic alertdialog with radio buttons

I am trying to make the item list dynamic, so i can add to it on runtime, but i have no idea. CharSeqence isnt dynamic, and no clue how to use the adapter option, how could i change my code to be dynamic? private void alertDialogLoadFile() { AlertDialog.Builder alert = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); alert.setTitle("Choose:"); ...