
show more photos

Hi I am getting photos from website and display them in Grid view, but here I do not want display all of them at time, 1. I want show only 10 photos and a "more" link below the grid , but i can display "more" link at top, how can I add it at bottom? 2.when user click on "more" it should display the another 10 photos only, I need to refre...

Opening the browser through an Intent and Posting data for PayPal...

I want to press an Android button and automatically direct the user to the PayPal site with all the relevant data POSTED along also. Is this possible? ...

How to force a meta-data value to type string?

Hi, I specified a meta-data in my manifest.xml like this: <meta-data android:value="5555555555" android:name="foo"></meta-data> When accessing the meta data like this: ActivityInfo ai = act.getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(componentName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); Object value = (Object)ai.metaData.get(key); this value gets ...

Can we use Android TTS from web pages?

How do I use Android TTS API's from the web page? ...

Android, trigger Activity on menu action

Hello, I'm new to android and I'm trying to figure out if there is a best practise in menu handling. Well, here is the thing: I have created a menu.xml file (wihtin res/menu), handle the menu action with a switch case. I'm wondering what is the best way to run appropriate task when an action is performed on a menu item: Use...

How to get the response from a modal dialog?

I currently have this: Builder yesandno = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); yesandno.setTitle("QuickResponse"); yesandno.setMessage(message); yesandno.setPositiveButton("YES", null); yesandno.setNegativeButton("NO", null);; How should I go by setting an event listener that will capture if the user clicked YES o...

Recommend a Java / Android Game Library - card, board, etc.?

Hi all! My dev team and I are looking to do a game in Android, instead of iPhone for our next sprint iteration. We've been tweaking with GeekGameBoard (which we love), and I was wondering if anyone could recommend a similar game library for Java / Android-esque. We're not looking for OpenGL We're looking for Board Game / Card Game (e...

how to filter the results of content resolver in android

Hello all, I would like to get user contacts and then append some kind of regular expression and append them to a list view. I am currently able to get all the contacts via getContentResolver().query(People.CONTENT_URI, null, null, null, null); and then pass them to a custom class that extends SimpleCursorAdapter. So I would like to know...

"android update sdk" on headless linux

Has anybody succeeded in updating/installing Android SDK platforms on a headless Linux server? All I got is the following error: It seems like the action "update sdk" is actually not supported? ~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$ ./android --verbose update sdk No command line parameters provided, launching UI. See 'android --help' for opera...

Android: What else can Facebook Connect do besides update your status? How can I perform other Facebook requests?

So I have successfully downloaded/compiled the ported Facebook Connect code for Android, created a Facebook app to connect to, and run the code on my emulator. It updates my status from my emulator, but I was under the impression I could perform other Facebook API calls. How would I go about making a friend request(knowing the user's Fa...

In the Gallery from Intent.ACTION_PICK, can I override the longClick?

In my app i let the user select one image from the media gallery. To do this i use the Intent.ACTION_PICK. Like Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.setType("image/*"); startActivityForResult(intent, IMAGE_PICK); The app works mostly fine, the users can select an image and the uri correctly. The matter is in ...

Any tutorial-like articles out there that explain how to use jRuby on Android?

Hi there, I'm planning to perhaps purchase an android phone, and would love to be able to script some simple apps in Ruby on it. I found this article from back in August where the author was able to get the scripts working, but since I'm not a Java head, I had a hard time understanding all the steps.

How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions

How can I size a view based on the size of its parent layout. For example I have a relativelayout that fills the full screen, and I want a child view, say an imageview, to take up the whole height, and 1/2 the width? I've tried overriding all on onMeasu onLayout onSizeChanged etc and I couldn't get it working.... ...

Unable to download .apk via webbrowser from drupal site

I have a drupal-based website where people can log in and see private discussion forums. This is where I want to have my beta testers for my Android application download the beta .apk files. I tested this thoroughly on my Android 1.6 based myTouch 3G, and was able to log in, and download files attached to forum posts without problems. N...

APK Deployment Issue

I have been able to create an *.apk file from my code, place the file in IIS, and download it onto a number of Android phones. Upon the install, the application works exactly as expected. However, after a phone is rebooted, the application name is changed to the fully-qualifed java class name of the activity in the menu (so "MyActivity...

About developing rich text edit widget.

I'm considering to develop rich text edit widget, so I'd like to get some useful information. The requirement of widget is RTF support. I don't mean supporting MS RTF format exactly, just supporting style like RTF is enough for me. So, anything about its development, such as kind of styles, how to design edit widget, is welcome. Thanks i...

AutoCompleteTextView displays 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@'... after making selection

I am using the following code to set the adapter (SimpleCursorAdapter) for an AutoCompleteTextView mComment = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; Cursor cComments = myAdapter.getDistinctComments(); scaComments = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,R.layout.auto_complete_item,cComments,new String[] {DBAdapter.KEY_LOG_COM...

Making child ListView scroll

Hello I am trying to make a terminal type app that is wider than the actual android screen. A listview is great except that I don't want the text to wrap. If the text is wider than the screen I want it to print the full text and then the user can scroll over horizontally if they want to see what was printed off the screen. Just FYI this ...

Is there any example about Spanned and Spannable text.

I'm struggling with using EditText and Spannable text object, These days, I've read API documents around ten times, even I'm not certain that I understand correctly. So I'm looking for a kind of example which show me how to utilize EditText and Spannable. ...

Forward or Backward Compatibility in Android?

Hi, I would like to know whether the Android provides any sort of compatibility i.e either forward or backward. It means as in Blackberry if develop an Application with JDE 4.2 then that application will work on any handset with OS 4.2 or higher which means it has forward compatibility. Is there anything similar in Android? Suppose I ...