
Android make error: gcj issue

Hello. I'm using SuSE 11.2. It has GCC 4.4 installed by default. I've downloaded and built from sources GCC 4.3.4 while leaving 4.4 as well. I've also altered environment variables - CC, CPP, CXX and PATH - to point to GCC 4.3 binaries. And when I run Android 1.5 make, I get following error: make: * No rule to make target ../../../../bi...

ExpandableListView centains a link does not expand

hello, I have an ExpandableListView contains a link, it does not expand when has a link, and i want the link is clickable. code like this: <ExpandableListView xmlns:android="" android:id="@android:id/list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:groupIndic...

Android: How to change CheckBox size?

I would like to make CheckBox a bit smaller/bigger, how can I do this? ...

Problems with getting back from Actvity with VideoView

Hi I'm having a problem with the VideoView - launching activity with VideoView from another activity, video plays, press back - i'm in original activity. But sometimes then i came back from the Video activity - screen is frozen, until i go back again to another previous activity. In such case i see in the log 01-27 19:13:11.062: DEBUG/...

Is it possible to send an event from a thread to an activity?

If I want to send an event, e.g. OnClick, to an activity from a thread? Thanks. The expected work flow is below: public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); Crate threadA Start threadA ...

Sound processing in Android

Hello, I know there is a similar question to this floating around stackoverflow. What I would like to know is if there's a simple way to do beat mapping for a song in Android? I don't need to do anything as complicated as beat matching between different varieties of songs, as the other question requests; at least I don't think it's any...

Android SDK Camera API Demo Crashes

The Android SDK has an API demo for using the preview of the camera. However, this gives me a runtime exception in the emulator. I'm running with Eclipse on a Mac with 10.6 Here's the link where I grabbed the code: ...

On android system.I want to get the status of running apps,how to do?

On android system.I want to get the status of running apps,how to do? ex. foreground / background! ...

How can I implement ClientLogin on Android to access Google services?

What is a good way to implement the Google ClientLogin scheme below on Android? My understanding is that Android does not support the GData API. So I wanted to say, login to my Google books account, will I be able to do it using Android and the reference above? What cl...

Collection with fast removal/iteration/insertion that recycles objects in Android/Java programs?

I'm programing a game for Android. As an example, the game might involve bullets, enemies, gems etc. which need to be: created and destroyed in the game world during gameplay e.g. a bullet is fire and then disappears when it hits a wall. accessed a lot in sequence e.g. all updated in sequence, then all drawn in sequence. Based on wh...

Writing a Mobile Application that connects to multiple Social Networking sites..

Hi, I need to write an Android application that allows a user to connect to multiple social networking sites like MySpace, LinkedIn, FaceBook etc. and fetch friends list. I know that most of these applications have Java libraries or functionalities exposed as REST based WebServices. But since there is a lot of variety and disparity in ...

How to display particular array of items from a database (SQLServer) in a Spinner of Android?

How can I display a particular array of items from a database (SQLServer) in a Spinner of Android? ...

How to implement master and child page like Activity in Android?

Dear friends, I want to place a common banner and menu on each Activity with footer too. Can anyone guide me how can I implement master and child page like in Android??? Any help would be appreciated. ...

Android - Passing data from a service to a non activity class/object

Hi all, I currently have a service running in my Android application that makes a wifi scan at a set interval and returns the results. I was then passing the data using an aidl interface and to do this I had to bind the service to my Activity I was passing the data to. However the design has changed and I now need to be able to send t...

Why does my LocationListener become null?

I am having issues regarding a LocationListener in my Service called myService. Here is my code: ///onStart method .. onStart() { locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) . . provider = locationManager.getBestProvider(criteria, true); locationListener = (LocationListener) new M...

Regarding image Display from url in android

Tag :Android Development Hey i want to display a list of image form url which i will get from xml file. how can i do that plz assist me. Any knid of help is appriciated ...

Android First App, changing the background color from a list of specified colors

This is my first app so finding my way around bit by bit and have been experimenting a little and would like to change the background colour to a colour from a list. Currently it loads a white background specified in strings.xml <color name="all_white">#FFFFFF</color> This is used in main.xml: android:background="@color/all_white" ...

Android: using registerContentObserver() to be notified as the contacts are changed.

using registerContentObserver() to be notified as the contacts are changed,but when i register for the content uri:People.CONTENT_URI and when i observe in the log cat i'm getting the notify as "false" even after changing the contact. i have also over ridden the deliverSelfNotification to true. can u help me out with this Thank yo...

Android SDK and AVD Manager hangs trying to rename temporary folders

I run Android SDK and AVD Manager in Vista and have problems installing components. The installer downloads components successfully, but at the end of the installation it hangs for about minute and then asks to disable AV software. If I choose 'No', the installer stops with error message like: "Filed to rename directory '...' to '...' "....

how to implement Remember me function in login of android Activity?

hi, i have username,password and checkbox of remember me. how to implement remember me function to keep username and password data?? any help would be appriciated. ...