
How to get a live exchange rate data and apply it to an Android App?

How to get a live exchange rate data and apply it to an Android App? Currently creating a currency exchange as my project. ...

What's the proper way to implement an Android widget with dynamically drawn content?

For my first and most awesomest Android project, I want to create a home screen widget which displays one of those Arc Clocks that all the kids are raving about these days. Based on the limitations of RemoteViews, it looks to me that the appropriate way to get it actually drawn on the screen is to use an ImageView in the actual layout, ...

Needs to code when rotate the device ?

Hi guys, I am getting error when I rotate the device (it was HTC with Verizon): The application My App (process has stopped unexpectadly. Please try again. So, I think I need to code for this issue. In order words, when rotate the device from landscape to portable or from portable to landscape, application nee...

error in geocoder class in android

Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this); try { List<Address> foundAdresses = gc.getFromLocationName(addressInput, 5); //Search addresses for (int i = 0; i < foundAdresses.size(); ++i) { //Save results as Longitude and Latitude //@todo: if more than one re...

How to include external contentProvider(any api) package into android.jar in android.

Hello, I want to include contentProvider(say for some application) package in to android.jar. I was able to include it in sdk, well I could not do include in android.jar. It would be helpfull for me if i can include those apis in android.jar for my further development in eclipse.And to specify there are no proper documentation availab...

How to display route between two point in android?

Can any one please tell me how to show the route between two geo point in android application.If you can provide some code snippet. thanks in advance. ...

android sdk and avd manager does not launch on windows 7 x64

hi, can anyone please confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? i downloaded the sdk but when i tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to launch thanks ...

Image compatibility in iphone and android

Duplicate: Image compatibility in iphone and android I developed UI for iPhone apps and now want to use the same UI in Android apps. I read that Android use dip for image resolution and I also read that 1 dip=1.5 pixel. I simply multiply the image size by 1.5px. Now the problem is that the image is blur and not as clear as in iPhone...

marquee text in android

How can I use marquee text in an android application? ...

DNS query in android source code

Hi All, Can someone please point out the code in android source code, where a DNS query is being made? I tried to locate the code where the actual DNS query is sent from an application, but i couldn't. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance ...

android media player playing trailers.

I want to play the above trailer using following code but it is not working throwing following error Command PLAYER_INIT completed with an error or info PVMFFailure 02-02 13:40:33.696: ERROR/MediaPlayer(805): error (1, -1) 02-02 13:40:33.706: ERROR/MediaPlayer(805): Error (1,-1) Trailler link =

android runnable difference

What is the different b/w running runnable inside handler new Handler().post(runnable) and running in Thread(runable) ? ...

why android:background="" is giving error ?

dear friends, i dont what to give any background to activity when i leave this propery blank it gives me error and i have tried using @null as a value but it shows black background. can any one guide how to make it transparent?? ...

Background image size for Android

I have an image that I want to place on the background on my activity. For the G1 I would use a background of 320x480 but with the nexus 1 the resolution is almost double that. Should I just place the large image and make the smaller phones size down? I am trying to keep the size of my package down as much as possible. ...

how to Delete published application from my android market account?

I have published the apk files at android market site with a bug. But i want to remove that application from the android market. How to Delete a published application from my android market account? Below Scenario’s tried for delete application: * From the application page click the upgrade>>click the delete button bottom of the page. ...

ListSelector applies to the entire list

I have a simple list with a listselector like so. <ListView android:id="@+id/list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:layout_below="@+id/round" android:listSelector="#99000000" android:clickable="true" android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" android:background="#00000000"> </ListView> As ...

Android: How to disable list items on list creation

Hi, I'm pretty new to Android dev and still working out a lot of things. I've got a main menu showing using the following code, but can't work out how to disable selected items in the menu. Can anybody help me with some sample code? public class listTest extends ListActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedStat...

Update Rss Feed App continuously

HI Folks I am currently developing RssFeed app , i have one issue .I want to implement background service ,but what happen after some times it throughs exception,this was due to fact wifi goes in sleep mode and my app can not connect to server,In order to rid of this i thought of using wake_lock but this may not work because...

Delete SMS in Android 1.5

There are many questions about it, no answers are working in my application :( I need to remove SMS from a receiver, even if the user can see it, but it must be removed programmatically. How can I do it? The most suitable I have used was the following, but it doesn't work :( context.getContentResolver().delete( delet...

Android: BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray gives pixelated bitmap

I am working on an Android app that displays photos which are downloaded from Flickr. I obtain a bitmap object from a byte array, which in turn is read from the relevant Flickr URL, as follows: BitmapFactory.Options opt = new BitmapFactory.Options(); opt.inDither = true; opt.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap bitmap = B...