
Reading a text file or XML file in Android java

Hello all, I am currently working on a group project to build an Android game. I have been delegated the task of building a PC based level editor (which is all done). All I have to do now is decide on the file format for the map that is outputted. At the moment it is just a standard text file with different numbers to represent differe...

Parse HTML in Android

Hi I am trying to parse HTML in android from a webpage, and since the webpage it not well formed, I get SAXException. Is there a way to parse HTML in android? (my guess is not, so the follow up question is: what is the best way to do this? ) Thanks ...

Augmented Reality - Mapping GPS to OpenGL

I am writing an Android AR application and have my engine working but it contains a strange behaviour that I can't seem to get fix. I am overlaying an OpenGL surface on the camera image and am placing 3D objects in the view accordingly. If I use dummy data for the location of my AR objects, i.e. LAT 10 LON 10 become x=10 y=10 on the Open...

How to set android reminder/alarm

Hi, ive got some times stored in ISO format. Some of these times are flagged to either 1(on) or 0(off) set in another column. I need to set a reminder at the times flagged to 1 , but how would i pass that each date to the reminder class? ...

how to get macid and mobile number only in android mobile device not in database

how to get macid and mobile number only in android mobile device not in database ...

Some questions about OAuth and Android

I started reading on OAuth this morning; need suggestions(links et al.) that will help answer the following questions: 1. How to implement 3 legged Authentication using OAuth on Android devices? Is there a library that assists in the aforementioned? 2. What does it mean when someone says: "Site/Service ABC supports OAuth"? Thanks! ...

how to get MacID of mobiledevice in android?

how to get MacID of mobiledevice in android? ...

android table layout rowspan

I want to build the following layout but it is not working. <LinearLayout android:orientation="horizontal"...> <ImageView ...></ImageView> <TableLayout ...> <TableRow..> <ImageView ...></ImageView> <ImageView ...></ImageView> ...

Is there any way to get a notice when a user power off their Android phone?

I need to know when the user powers off their phone, is there any broadcasts or similar when the phone is powered off? ...

Android SDK installation error - "no buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): recv failed

Hello I am trying to get my environment setup to develop an android app so I downloaded the SDK ( After unpacking the files and running the SDK Setup.exe, the Android SDK and AVD manager opens up. During the installation process, I got an error stating the following: Failed to fetch ...

Rotating an ImageView within a Layout... how?

I have a layout with an image on it (embedded in an ImageView). I need to rotate the image (let's say) 90 degrees CCW. I've written code to animate the image rotating...: public class MainActivity extends Activity { private ImageView mImageView = null; private Animation mRotateAnimation = null; @Override public void on...

How to display route information between two points in andoird ?

I can able to show the route between two geo points in android using google map.Now i want to know how to guide the user like turn right ,take left like wise should display message. How can we achieve this? ...

"org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: expected: START_TAG"

Hi all, I am developing an application which uses KSOAP2 with Android 2.0. But I am getting error "org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: expected: START_TAG" can anyone tell me why this is happening?? Regards, Pankaj Deshpande ...

Working with Excel files on Android

I am working on a module that should be able to create, read and write to Excel files. Is there a (recommended?) lightweight Java library for working with excel file that can run on Android? Suggestions are welcome. Thanks. ...

Horizontal scroll problem

Hey, I am relatively new to Android. I am working on an application wherein i want to display digital signals. But the problem is once I occupy the available screen width how to i add a scrolling feature to continue viewing the signal. Also i am drawing the signal using using drawLine(), so what co-ordinates should i set for drawing the ...

android pan scan mode

When my application is in landscape mode and I selected an edittext, it is edited in full screen mode. Yet I force activity to Pan and Scan adding android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" as an attribute to the Activity element in my xml layout. ...

android table layout one for both (landscape and portrait view)

I want to create the following layout which should be 100% in landscape form as displaying in portrait form. here is my code which i tried but not working <TableLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:stretchColumns="0"> ...

ImageButton selector doesn't work ?

Hi guys. I am trying to make ImageButton for state of pressed, focused and normal. I've read introduction of ImageButton from this: I've saved selector XML file in /res/drawable/. Also set the android:src="@drawable/my_selector". my_selector.xml file : <?xml ver...

Changing ImageView content causes OutOfMemoryError

Hello, I have a very simple application with one ImageView and a Button. The first Drawable resource loaded by my ImageView is specified with the "android:src" tag in the XML Layout, however at runtime i want to change the picture displayed by it. To do so i start an Activity for result to pick an image from the sd card (intent sent t...

Mixing Audio Files

Hi, I have few audio files: f_1 - length 10 sec f_2 - length 3 sec f_3 - length 1 sec What I need is to find a way to mix(merge) f2 and f3 at particular section in f_1 (i.e. position which is equal to 6 sec) I was looking at Audio examples but they don't help me much so any ideas\references\ documentation that might help? Many T...