
How to disable orientation change in Android ?

I have an application that I just would like to use in portrait mode, so I have defined android:screenOrientation="portrait" in the manifest xml. This works ok for the htc magic phone. But I have a problem with the HTC G1 phone as i open the hardware qwerty keyboard (not the virtual keyboard). My activity stays in portrait mode, but se...

How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android?

I need to my current location using GPS programmatically. How do I do that? ...

Edit application database in android

How can I edit an SQLite database after it has been created and stored on my phone together with the corresponding app? I want to add a new column to the database but I can't figure out how. Is it possible to do this via the adb shell or maybe eclipse? Or in code? I tried to just update my db-adapter class, but then the app fails at com...

Error Receiving Broadcast Intent Problem

Hi, I created a broadcast receiver in the main activity and the background service which is sending broadcast intents. The application crashes each time I try to run it and the Log displays the following error message: 10-04 13:30:43.218: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(695): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent {...

Incorrect extras received with all intents but the first one

I have a small application which can be used to set reminders for future events. The app uses an AlarmManager to set the time for when the user should be reminded. When the alarm goes off, a BroadcastReceiver registers this and in turn starts a service to notify the user via a toast and a notification in the status bar. In order to disp...

Android: How to optimize ListView with ImageView + 3 TextViews?

I've been looking everywhere to see if there is a standard way of achieving this but I find a different solution everytime. Basically, I am trying to build a Custom ListView with an image and two-three lines of text besides it. In order to optimize it, I understand that the following have to be used: convertView: Basically if the view ...

How can I interact with the android scripting environment from an android app?

I'd like to use python scripts as plugins for an app I'm developing. This seems to be possible by interacting with android-scripting-environment (ASE), as is done by Locale, but I haven't found any documentation about this. How you execute ASE scripts from your own app? ...

Android: Anyone wants to take a shot at suggesting a better layout?

Hi, I never designed UIs (more of a middleware guy) before so I apologize if the question is stupid. I am designing a UI to look something like the following: ImageView ImageView TabHost Tab 0 ------ Tab 1 ------ Tab 2 -----INSIDE EACH TAB----- TextView ListView - Consists of ImageV...

How can I detect when outgoing call has been accepted (answered)

I am not able to detect when outgoing call has been answered, I have registered BroadcastReceiver for PHONE_STATE broadcast, but onReceive() gets called only when number is dialed and when call has ended. Edit: If it is not possible with current API (1.5 or 1.6) please enlighten me ? ...

What is the objective of setting the minimum heap size in an android app ?

In google's Calendar app for Android OS, you will encounter this line in the onCreate method of CalendarActivity. // Eliminate extra GCs during startup by setting the initial heap size to 4MB. VMRuntime.getRuntime().setMinimumHeapSize(INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE) Can someone explain why setting it to 4MB will eliminate GCs ? Thanks ...

setOnItemClickListener() not working on custom ListView @ Android

I have Implemented a custom ListView by extending LinearLayout for every row. Every row has a small thumbnail, a text and a check box. The list view is deployed properly and I can scroll and fling through it without any problems. But The ListView doesn't seem to respond to the setOnItemClickListener() at all, So I had to find a workaro...

Random shuffling of an array in Android ?

I need to randomly shuffle the following Array in Android : int[] solutionArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1}; Is there any function in the SDK to do that ? Txs. ...

How do you push Android Instrumentation Tests to Emulator/Device?

I'm trying to run the Webkit Layout Tests on the Android emulator using the command line shell in Ubuntu 9.04. adb -s emulator-5554 shell am instrument -w \ I get this error: INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: Error=Unable to find instrumentation info for: ComponentInf...

How to pause / sleep thread or process in Android ?

I want to make a pause between two lines of code, Let me explain a bit : -> the user clicks a button (a card in fact) and I show it by changing the background of this button : thisbutton.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.icon); -> after let's say 1 second, I need to go back to the previous stade of the button by changing back its ba...

Multiple Broadcast Messages with Less Data or Less Broadcast Messages with More Data?

Hi, I am developing an application which is communicating with the server. Tha application can perform log-in and get different parameters from server. The application consists of a RESTful client (custom class for making requests), Communication Service (the service which runs in the background) and the main activity. For now I crea...

Is it possible to call GC in Android?

Hi Im wondering if there is a way to call gc from code, hopefully to free some memory... ...

MOTODEV Studio vs. Android Google plugin

Does anybody have any advice, experience, suggestions? I'm pretty comfortable with Google plugin - what would make me change to MOTODEV? Needless to say - I will download and play with it but I'm also interested in fellow developer's feedback. ...

Standard Android Button with a different color

I'd like to change the color of a standard Android button slightly in order to better match a client's branding. For example, see the "Find a Table" button for the OpenTable application: The best way I've found to do this so far is to change the Button's drawable to the following drawable located in res/drawable/red_button.xml: <?xm...

How can I launch an android activity via a class name

Hi, How can i launch an android activity via a specified class name of an activity? Thank you. ...

How to make page turning effect in Android?

Can any one tell me how to make page turn effect in android?If u can pls provide me some code snippet. regards, s.kumaran. ...