
Android: Sending a Mail/SMS/Tweet with Intent.ACTION_SEND / requestCode / resultCode ?

I'm using the following code : Intent sendMailIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); sendMailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, getString(R.string.Share_Mail_Subject)); sendMailIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getString(R.string.Share_Mail_Text)); sendMailIntent.setType("text/plain"); startActivity(Inte...

How to toggle the option returned by ConnectivityManager.getBackgroundDataSetting() ?

Did anybody watch jsharkey's battery life google io presentation ? How does one toggle the option returned by ConnectivityManager#getBackgroundDataSetting() in the emulator ? ...

Android - how to receive broadcast intents ACTION_SCREEN_ON/OFF?

<application> <receiver android:name=".MyBroadcastReceiver" android:enabled="true"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_SCREEN_ON"></action> <action android:name="android.intent.action.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF"></action> </int...

Android app components - a word of advice needed

I am a complete newbie to Android development; Basically, I am about to write an application, that will let the user to take photo, which (with a bunch of extra data) will be submitted to the remote webservice. So I'm guessing I will need: A Photo-taking application (Activity) that will gather all the extra data and put in the SQLite...

Android contacts extraction

Are there any possibilities to extract contacts in some of the following formats, vCard, hCard or json/xml, using the standard Android API? ...

Android - Tabs, MapView, activities within tabs

Hi folks, We're in the process of writing an app that has 4 tabs: Map, People, Places, Events. The People, Places, and Events in the App show up as Icons on the map. By default the People, Places, and Events tabs each show a listview, custom rendered, displaying all the People, Places, and Events respectively. Now, right now each o...

Getting Java Binding for Dbus to Run on Android

Has anyone succeeded in running the Java bindings for dbus on Android? All indications point at dbus already running as a process within the Android OS, but there is no official access point for them through the Java interface. Thanks in advance! ...

onKeyDown not always called in Android app

I've created a simple android game, based on the Lunar Lander sample, and I'm having a problem with handling key events. When the activity starts, the only keys that onKeyDown or onKeyUp get called for are the dpad up/down/left/right keys. Neither the menu, back, or dpad_center keys trigger onKey methods. However, once I've pushed one...

Can't receive broadcasts for PACKAGE intents

I am trying to register a Broadcast Receiver to receive broadcast events for the package events. Following is the code and my receiver in the manifest file. The log statment never happens, but I can clearly see the same broadcast firing for "HomeLoaders" (the Launcher) debug statements. Could someone explain what I am missing? public...

Android: customize application's menu (e.g background color)

What is the way (if there is a way) to customize the menu (the one triggered by the MENU button of the phone). I'm especially interested in two things: changing the background color from the standard light gray into a darker gray how the menu items are aligned. I have 4 items and they are automatically aligned 2x2, but I would prefer t...

How to start application in adroid system directly from the browser?

Is it possible and if yes, how to start application directly from email, or browser. What I want to achieve: user receives in email some activation link, clicks it and he is redirected to app, possibly with some Extras put into intent. Thanks in advance, Patryk ...

Are there any benchmarks on J2MEPolish converting a J2ME app to Android?

J2ME Polish claims to support porting of existing J2ME applications to Android. Has anyone tested the quality of such a port. How reliable is it? ...

stop camera click sound programmatically in android

hello.. I am using android's default camera to click images from within my app. I want to stop the click sound that it does on clicking an image. Is there a way to stop that click sound programtically? Thanks. ...

Android listview item doesn't appear

Hello Guys, I should write in the title instead of 'doesn't work' something like 'I don't know how to do it' but the first version feels better :). What I am trying to do is the following: Download the xml from the web, parse it and create ArrayList of some objects (done and working) Display the objects using custom Adapter (doesn't w...

Android: ListView with complex data model

I'd like to map an Array of "complex" data to a ListView. In a very simplified form my data model would look like something like this: class ListPlacesValues { String idObject; String name; String city; String country; ArrayList<String> classification; double distance_quantity; DistanceUnit distance_unit; [......

Android: Is it possible to observe system calls?

I was wondering if there is a way to observe the system calls in Android using a service... Is something like this remotely possible using Java or do I have to get down into native code...? Thanks ...

Android application loading screen

Hi everyone, I'm working on an application that lists a stored library using a ListActivity. My question is, is when I open application it has a visible loading time before the XML view is inflated. During this time only the application name is shown. This is noticeable on quite a few application out there but others seem to have implem...

Android colors aren't reflected properly in emulator or device

I'm trying to set the background of a RelativeLayout to a particular color. However, the color that's being displayed by the emulator and by the device is off by quite a bit. For example, <RelativeLayout android:background="#e1e5e8" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="85px"> #e1e5e8 is a nice si...

Is there an easy way to add a border to the top and bottom of an Android View?

I have a TextView and I'd like to add a black border along its top and bottom borders. I tried adding android:drawableTop and android:drawableBottom to the TextView, but that only caused the entire view to become black. <TextView android:background="@android:color/green" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_hei...

Android Database error?

I have a MenuItem in my Android application that deletes all the values in the database, its used more for my debugging purposes, after a while, inserting dummy values get redundant. Anyways, I have used LogCat to debug my program as it runs in the emulator and it gives me an error: Failure 21 (out of memory) on 0x0 when preparing 'DELE...