
Android custom ContentProvider

Hi, Is it possible to create a custom ContentProvider to * access android existing database (e.g. Contacts, SMS)? * extend an Exciting ContentProvider which has access to android existing database (e.g. ContactsProvider to access Contacts DB)? Thank you. ...

Which mobile programming environment do you recommend for a startup to target?

There's a lot of mobile platforms out there at the moment; iPhone, Android, WebOS, Symbian. If creating a startup for mobile development (i.e. as a commercial endeavour, not a hobby), which mobile platform is worth focusing on? ...

Stream-lined xml builder/parser in Android?

I'm learning the Android api from a book, and it seems like there isn't any mention of a stream-lined api for dealing with raw xml (reading and writing). His suggestion for parsing is the XmlPullParser, and his examples look horrendous considering the kind of api's I'm spoiled by in other platforms (LINQ to XML especially). Is this the...

Android: supported streaming protocols

Hi, Does anyone know where to find informations about streaming protocols supported by Android. As I have to write an official documentation I don't want to rely on any blog post and would like to find the official Android (Google) specifications. Thanks! ...

SQL Client on Android

Hi, I'm developing on Android and currently haev various methods which manage my database in a convenient class. What I'd ideally like, though, is a (preferably GUI) sql client that would allow me to view the contents of a different apps' DB. Eg: I install my own app (App1). It creates and uses a DB I install I use SQLClient to exam...

varying the capture rate for video in Android

Is there a way to vary the frame-rate dynamically on Android? MediaRecorder has a SetVideoFrameRate() function, but it must be called in advance of starting capture. ...

What knowledge/expertize is required to port android to custom arm device ?

Hi Friends, I am working on a system on which currently linux kernel and microwindows windowing system is running. Code of current linux system drivers is available to me. I want to port android on it, just as a hobby project. can you please tell me what all understanding of linux-kernel is required to port it? Please give me referen...

How to launch android applications from another application

hello, I wan to launch any one of the android application say it can be contacts or call dialler from another app(from my app upon on click on button). All that i know is to get the intent of the particular app and start the activity. But I don no how to set the class path for the intent for contacts. Can any one help for my following...

Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item

I've a ListView with items containing information about places with a rating and the distance to the current location. The items are sorted into groups: Group 1: within 500m Group 2: 500m - 1km Group 3: 1km - 1.5km ... Withing these groups the items are sorted by their rating. Now I put out these items via my custom adapter (extens...

Android 1.6 Camera rotation?

I posted this on the android dev forums, but wanted to reach out here. One of the activities in our app was taking a picture. The picture preview shows the correct way on screen in 1.5 & 1.6, but when it is saved, it saves the jpg 90 rotated. I can rotate it realtime when displaying, and I guess I could re-save it once saved. My issue...

Android: What does this google analytics dispatcher warning mean ?

Im using google analytics to track the user in my android application, but in my log i keep getting warnings like: 10-22 14:44:08.879: WARN/googleanalytics(1266): Dispatcher thinks it finished, but there were 56 failed events Anyone knows what the problem can be? Im using a correct account key? Has somebody solved the problem with t...

Android LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation() returns null

So I'm trying to sample the gps coordinates just once in an application. I don't want to create a LocationListener object to constantly get gps updates. I want to wait until receiving the coordinates, and then proceed on to another task. Here is a code snippet LocationManager lm = (LocationManager)act.getSystemService(Context.LOCATIO...

Android - fancy ListView background problem

I have a ListView backed by customized ArrayAdapter where each item has 2 LinearLayouts - one I call head, and the other one - body. The body is hidden (gone) until user clicks on the row at which time it slides out. The second click (on the head) will hide the body. However if user clicks on the body it brings another activity. All of t...

Intercepting links from the browser to open my Android app.

I'd like to be able prompt my app to open link (instead of the browser) when the user clicks on a URL of a given pattern. This could be when the user is on a web page in the browser, or in an email client, or a WebView in a freshly minted app. For example, click on a YouTube link from anywhere in the phone and you'll be given the chance...

How to return array from JNI to java?

Hello, I am a beginner programmer and I am attempting to use the android NDK. Is there a way to return an array (in my case an int[]) created in JNI to java? If so, please provide a quick example of the JNI function that would do this. -Thanks ...

Exporting Sqlite data from an Android Application

My Android application stores all user data in a Sqlite database. What are my options to backup/export/import/copy this data? I know I can easily copy the database to the SD card. I would also like to send the data to a network server. Are there any packages/classes available to facilitate getting sqlite information to/from a network...

Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6?

It seems that DrivingDirections have been removed since Android API 1.0 What's the way now to display a map with two points (one of them might be the current location, but can also be any other location) and the direction from one to another in Android 1.6? ...

How to get width and height of a Webview in android

Hello.... I want to determine the width and the height of the webview .i have already tried using webView.getWidth(); webView.getHeight(); but the log always show them 0. any help will be appreciated.. thanks.... ...

Android: One vs many instances of HttpClient per application

Until recently, our app shared a single Apache HttpClient instance using the ThreadSafeClientConnManager across the whole application. The http client instance was held by a singleton class. Since I dislike the singleton pattern for its numerous problems, I refactored our API accessor to be a per-thread object, but now for every thread ...

Server to stream RTSP to android

Can Flash Media Server 3.5 serve a video rtsp stream to android? Or do we need to use Wowza or red5 with Android rtsp clients? Are there any other rtsp servers to consider when the client is going to be running on android? ...