
Android (Java) network programming resources

Hi, I would like to develop an application for Android which would transfer data through TCP connection. Does anyone know for any good example or book where client-server connection example could be found? I'm quite new with Java and Android so I would be very thankful for any suggestion. ...

How can I manage audio volumes sanely in my Android app?

I have an app that plays intermittent sounds while its activity is open, and the user is always expecting it to make these noises, but unfortunately it is constrained by the music stream volume. The options I have discovered are thus: Adjust the music stream's volume, possibly deafening the user if they happen to be playing music at th...

Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically

I'm trying to get a vertical seekbar going with the emulator, but I'm sort of stuck. I can get the seekbar to display the way I want it to, and I can get the progress to do what I want, and I can modify the onTouchEvent to get the thumb to go vertically instead of horizontally. What I can't do is get the thumb to move outside of the de...

How to save SMS to inbox in android programmatically?

I have written the below code , for sending SMS . SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault(); smsManager.sendTextMessage(destAddr, null, mMessageText, il, null); But this is not updating in my Inbox ,I need to save the same message in Inbox, Or is there any way to invoke a native SMS application to send SMS ? ...

How do I share code via git with others having the Android repo?

I want to work on some Android code together with others and need to set up repository to be used locally within the team. However, it seems like repo doesn't let me do that. And neither does cloning a git repository in the android repo like this: $ git clone /var/android/.repo/projects/bionic.git/ I get the following error message: ...

Can't Debug Android Applications

I've tried to debug the android applications on emulator and than on the device as well but all the time I get the message "Wait for debugger - waiting for the debugger to attach to the process". I really don't know how to set the environment and the application in order to run the debug. I Would really appreciate if anyone of you coul...

Using TouchScreens for game control

I'm working on my first video game for the Android platform as a bit of a nights and weekends project. It is coming along nicely, but I am very unhappy with the control sensativity. In this game, you move an object left and right on the screen. On the bottom of the screen is a "touchpad" of sorts, which is where your finger should rest...

How do I save data from Camera to disk using MediaStore on Android?

For my application, I'd been using my own Camera class for taking images and my own database but soon enough I couldn't really keep up with changes and I decided to use the built in camera application in Android to do the job, but I can't seem to get it to save file. What am I missing here? The application seems to save the file but it's...

Android : Bitmap save to location

I am working on a function to download an image from a web server, redisplay it on the screen, and if the user wishes to keep the image, save it on the SD card in a certain folder. Is there an easy way to take a bitmap and just save it to the SD card in a folder of my choice? My issue is that I can download the image, display it on scre...

Android - inconsistent ringtone behavior

Hi I am trying to add ringtones to the media/ringtones folder from my application. If the phone is connected via USB to a computer or mounted on my Mac, the ringtones do not show up in the SD Card, nor in the Ringtone settings. But if I run the application with the USB unplugged, the ringtones appear ok. This is not a problem with Ring...

Android: Update Listview after Thread loaded Data from the Net

Hi, I like that my GUI appears immediatly when the User starts the APP. Than some Data (text, Pictures) come loaded in the Background (like Youtube APP) The Listview and Gallery comes updated automaticly with this new Data. I initiate my Listview, start a Thread and load the Data.... and than the Listview does not come updated!! Sev...

How to prevent the application timeout?

Hi, I have created a multithreaded application but it still hangs if the server is unavailable. In the main Activity I've created the following methods: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); //bind GUI elements ... //start TC...

How to make EditText smaller than default?

I need to show a large number of EditText controls on a screen, each of which will only allow entering 0-2 digits. The default EditText size is too wide for me to show enough EditText controls on a screen, but I have been unable to figure out how to make them narrower. I have tried the following attributes in XML: android:maxLength="2" a...

Android layout - alignment issue with ImageView

I'm trying to put an image at the top left of a LinearLayout, but with the image border and padding taking up the whole of the width of the window. If I try the XML below, I get my image with its border and a white background across the whole width of the page, except that the image ends up centered, and doesn't move to the left. <Imag...

Android Get Group of Contact by ID

Hello, I have a contact ID, how do I get the group the contact is assigned to? I am sure it is something to do with the Contacts.Groups class but I cannot figure it out. Thanks, Isaac ...

How to replicate android:editable="false" in code?

In the layout you can set the EditText widget to be non-editable via the android:editable attribute. How can I do this in code? I need to make the EditText widget to be editable depending on conditions. ...

Android ImageButton -- can't get image in the center

I want to create an Android ImageButton in the xml file with a background image, and a smaller icon on top of that, right in the center. For some reason, it's not obvious how to do it, and documentation is no help. <ImageButton android:id="@+id/sound_button" android:layout_x="430px" android:layout_y="219px" android:layout_width="48px" a...

Android: accessing radio button values from a service

In my Android app, a Service runs in the background and logs GPS readings to a database. The user sees an Activity that presents them with radio buttons. I'd like to also log their currently selected radio button to the database. How can I access the radio button object from the Service? ...

Android WebView save state?

Hello, In the Browser that comes with Android, when you rotate the phone, the WebView is not reloaded. I was wondering how to do this. I can save the current URL of the webview and pass it to the next version of myself, but how do I with the whole WebView. Thanks, Isaac ...

Dataflow between Android BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider, and Activity?

I've developed an application that receives a Broadcast and then launches an Activity, where that Activity queries a ContentProvider which pulls information out of the DNS in real-time. I'd like to be able to shuffle this so that instead of going: BroadcastReceiver.onReceive() { Intent intent = new Intent(...); intent.setData(...);...