
Trying to Send Data To App Widget

Hey there, I'm working on a widget that will change the data it is displaying when a user taps on it. This would normally be easy to deal with, but my app widget provider is handling multiple widget instances that have different sets of data. With that being said, when a user taps on the widget, a PendingIntent is launched that calls th...

Http URL connection can't read completely

Hi guys. I am facing with problem related Http Connection. MY code : URL url = null; try { url = new URL(_url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } if (url != null) { HttpURLConnection urlConn = null; InputStreamReader isr = null; try { urlConn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); urlConn.setR...

Android Application Initialization

I have an application that is driven by a configuration XML: various app properties are loaded at the app start-time by parsing the XML and initializing static variables of some class. The data read from this XML drives different Activities of the application. Presently, I have called the "parsing and the properties-initialization" from ...

[Android] Beginners problem

Hi, I am pretty new to programming and just to try Andorid. I am trying to create an simple app that ask after a string from the user and after that I want my program to go out on the internet with the web-browser. But I get 2 things wrong, one thing is my way to go on the internet but that I know I chose the wrong method, but the other...

force close when assign onclick to button

hi, i am very new in android development as well as in java. i had developed an application that gets an image url from a site and wanted to download it into the device and later on i would like to enable users to set it as wallpapers. however, i am met a problem when assigning onclick event to a button. Once i uncomment the line in red...

How to make my ImageView zoomable?

Can anyone help on how to use the matrix scaletype to zoom an imageview and also how to use the translate method so that it can be focused at the center? I have tried using webview to be able to use the zooming and scrolling functionalities i needed but it is not nice to look at. ...

Where can I find some good open source Android games to accelerate the learning process?

This question here lists some good links to general Android applications (that I'm already looking over) but I'm interested at the moment in specifically games (board-type, intelligent games rather than action - in other words, I don't need real-time). What are the best sources for applications like that? I want to look over the source ...

augmented reality framework

Hi, I am planning to develop an augmented reality application for Android phone. Does anyone know if there is any existing framework for augmented reality which could be used for such applications? Thanks. ...

how to convert a paint image to bitmap

hi, i am able to save the source image but not able save the image with colorfilter paint.setColorFilter(new ColorMatrixColorFilter(cm)); if this image is converted into bitmap it can be saved easily. but dunno how to do this. Is there anyone to give solution thanks in advance ...

android table row mouse listener

I want to use mouse listener for table row, wants to use mouse button up and mouse button down button implementation. ...

ImageView and TextView float (left/right) Android

Hey, I am searching for a way to position my text around my imageview (so like the css float left/right). How can I do this in Android? I have used android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" (to position my imageview left) and android:layout_alignParentRight="true" for my textview but the textview comes next to the imageView and doesn't cont...

android listview different views for every item

Hello, below is the peace of Code which is used to get view for the list item. I want to use different view for every row of listview how can i do it any good tutorial ??? public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { View row=convertView; ResultWrapper wrapper; if (row==null) { ...

How do I figure out what code will user a given permission?

For instance, let's take android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE. Searching for this string in Android 1.6 *.xml source files only points to a single application that uses it, frameworks\base\tests\AndroidTests. So the next step is to search through the .java files in a hope that I'll eventually find the code that might look like it queries ...

Android - drag and drop - list rearrange

How can I create a list where I can rearrange list items with dragging list rows to another row and so on (to change to order)? Just like on the HTC Hero in the clocks app where you can rearrange the order of clocks? Wouter ...

android Service explanation

Hello all I am a new android developer and I am currently making an application to communicate with SIP. I would like to set a background task to do all the SIP related tasks and, if possible, let it begin when the phone is started. My current thoughts are creating a Service and letting it start on the device boot, the problem is that th...

enunciator/notification bar conflicting with a custom view?

My Android application has to, at some point, switch to landscape mode with no enunciator bar to display a screen that takes up the full display hight and width. I do this by calling setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) and by calling "setFlags" on the Window object passing in "WindowManager.LayoutParams.F...

Android application transparency and window sizing at root level

Is it possible to create an application with a transparent background on the root task such that you can see the task running beneath it when it is part of a separate stack? Alternatively, is it possible to run an application so the window of the root task is only a portion of the screen instead of the whole screen? I understand how the...

Android: Custom Clock widget Service work-around?

I was interested in developing a clock widget for the homescreen and upon reading Home Screen Widgets tutorial, I wondered if there is a pre-existing Service I could reference for updating the current time rather than re-inventing the wheel? I download the Retro Clock application on my android phone and noticed that when I click it, it ...

Building/using runtime generated layout XML in Android

I am currently working on a project which requires me to use an XML document to render a form on an Android device. The form must be fetched and displayed at run-time. I am wondering if there is a way to tag the form XML, transform it using XSLT into an Android layout XML, and then have the device render it. ...

Do i need to install the Android SDK before installing Eclipse?

Do i need to install the Android SDK before installing Eclipse? Or must i install Eclipse before installing the Android SDK? i'm worried that one has knowledge of the other, the order of installs is important, and installing the two out of order could lead to problems. Does the Android SDK installer know about Eclipse, and registers i...