
Animate PNGs with jQuery?

Is there a simple plugin or some robust code that would allow me to animate PNGs with a simple start and stop method? TSM, Alex. [Edit: I made a jQuery plugin that animates PNGs. Will post when it's all done.] ...

jQuery, IE & Animate

I've been working on a website that is very jQuery intensive in Chrome and Firefox. It's now come to the stage where one opens it in IE and sees WTF IE is doing to the website. I get a problem when clicking the minimise button (top left) in one of the windows on the page. The item should animate to a corner and change opacity however it...

Jquery animated horizontal accordion menu has a bug in Safari

Hi there! I'v been trying to make a simple accordition menu homepage. The link is: The page displays well in firefox 3, IE 7 has some lack in speed, but in Safari and Chrome right after the close animation is performed ( i use 'toggle' to open and close) there is a 'blink' as i...

jQuery Looping Animation pauses each time. How to keep from pausing?

I am trying to cause a block to "pulsate" between 100% opacity and some partially transparent opacity. I want to do this with the functionality that is built into the jQuery core, if possible. I would rather not add a plugin to get this effect. Here is the code that i am trying to use: $(document).ready(function() { function pulsat...

How can you animate in OpenGL without using the idle function glutIdleFunc()?

Basically, what is another method for animating besides idle? ...

How do you make sure the speed of OpenGL animation is consistent on different machines?

How do you control the speed of an animation? My objects animate faster on another's machine. void idle(void){ if (!wantPause){ circleSpin = circleSpin + 2.0; //spin circles if(circleSpin > 360.0) { circleSpin = circleSpin - 360.0; } diamondSpin = diamondSpin - 4.0; //spin diamonds if(diamondSpi...

jquery animate (height) causes background-image flickering in firefox

I have a little Problem using jQuery.animate with firefox: when i animate the height of a container with some background image, the background starts to flicker on firefox only - all other browsers (even ie) show a smooth animation. a reduced code snippet that shows what i do: <div style="background-image:url(image.jpg);background-posit...

Shape tween in javascript

Is there a way to do a shape tween in javascript? Using canvas maybe... ...

jquery: can i animate the position:absolute to position:relative?

i have a bunch of images that are positioned absolutely, i want to be able to click a button and have them all animate to where they would normally be on the page if they had the position: relative. so is it even possible to animate from position:absolute to position:relative in jquery? this is what i have: $(".change_layout").click(f...

jQuery mouseleave bugs with animated elements

Hi, I have bumped into a weird issue. jQuery 1.4.1 mouseenter/mouseleave events fire up correctly if the mouse is being moved, not a big deal. However, it bugs in some browsers when the cursor itself remains static but the element is being moved away by animate(). So imagine the code like this: jQuery('somelement').bind( { mouseent...

Android slide animation problem

I have a 3 horizontal views - an image on the left which is a thin vertical handle-type bar and an image to its right followed by a textview. What I'm trying to achieve is a sliding animation, activated with a click on the handle, so that the center image slides in and out to the left (and so disappearing when fully left) with the textvi...

JQuery Animate Delay Problems

Below is the HTML & JQuery code I have: HTML I have: <div class="announcement"> <img id="imgBanner" style="cursor: pointer;" onmouseover="showPopup();" /> </div> <div id="divArrow" class="arrow"> <img id="imgExpandContract" style="cursor: pointer;" alt="Arrow" border="0"onmouseover="showPopup();" /> </div> <div id="window"> ...

Jquery 1.4: Two functions not working together on same page

Hi, I've got two Jquery functions that I can get to work fine alone on the page, but not when I have them both in at the same time. I'm unable to see what I might be doing wrong as I've got similar code working well on other pages. First function: $(document).ready(function() { $("#add-questions").click(function() {$("#extra-questi...

jQuery animated hover blinking out of control

Hey good people of this forum.. I'm using the following code as a hover-function on thumbnails: $(function (){ $('.button').hover(function(){ if($(this).is(":not(animated)")){$(this).animate({opacity: 0.7}, 'fast');}}, function(){ $(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 'fast' ); }); }); the problem is that when i pass over a thumb t...

Javascript/Jquery: using a variable in the css-property of animate

Hi! Why does this work: <something>.stop().animate( { 'top' : 10 }, 10 ); but this doesn't: var thetop = 'top'; <something>.stop().animate( { thetop : 10 }, 10 ); To make it even clearer: At the moment I'm not able to pass a css-property to the animate function as variable. Thank you! ...

jquery scroll content with stop function

Hi, I have a div with a height of 200px (viewport). Inside this div there is a ul>li list with many links. Now I have 2 arrows to push/scroll this content up and down. I'm using this kind of code (will be changed into bind- events): $("#jq-manufactors_bot").click(function() { $("#manufactors .toggle").animate({marginTop: "-=100"},...

jQuery fades painfully slow on IE8

Hi! I am using jQuery cycle and also a fade in/out on this site: Cycle for the banner, fades on hover for the bottom nav buttons. In anything but IE8, all is peachy, but IE8 has incredibly jerky fades. There is mention of IE8 having a different method of animating transparency on: http://stackoverflow.c...

Which jQuery plugin animates an element by sliding it across the page to a 'target' element?

Hay, I'm looking for a jQuery plugin which i've seem before but can't now find it. It animates a div and makes it look like it is being sent to another div, imagine that you click 'buy' on an item and the item appears to moved across the screen to a shopping basket. Any ideas what it is? ...

Fading a div's background on page load using jQuery 1.4, jQuery color and delay()

Hi, Basically, what I have is 4 or so .php pages, each with the #container div set to a different colour. As I click on each link in the navigation and the new page loads, I want the background to fade in from whatever the previous colour was before. Eg. the background is blue, a new page is clicked, and it fades from blue to red. Not t...

iPhone animations - animating one things causes other things to be animated

Hi there, I've animated moving a UIView as follows: CGRect rightPop = CGRectMake(167, 270, 142, 73); [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.4]; [rightToast setFrame:rightPop]; [UIView commitAnimations];...