
Animate backgroundPostion always returns 50% ?

I'm trying to do a very very simple mouseover that animates a change in background position. js $('li.services_w') .css( {backgroundPosition: "0px 0px"} ) .mouseover(function(){ $(this).stop().animate({backgroundPosition:"(0px -35px)"}, {duration:500}) }) .mouseout(function(){ $(this).stop().animate({bac...

jquery simple animate/rotate of a css background-image inside a div?

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me out, or point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a snippet of jquery that will automatically change the background image of a div every say 5 seconds or so. My initial bg image is set in css, but i'm not sure how to create the function to make it swap between an array of images? I...

qt: How to animate the transparency of a child QPushButton using QPropertyAnimation ?

I want to progressively decrease the opacity of a QPushButton over a time of 2 seconds to complete transparency. For that I used the QPropertyAnimation class and used the property "windowOpacity" of the button to achieve the effect. But that worked only for a standalone QPushButton. When I assigned a parent to the button, the effect disa...

Jquery: animate .outerWidth()?

When animating a width toggle, it's not animating the padding, so i looked into .outerWidth() but i'm not exactly sure how to implement this... $('#shareheart').click(function(){ $('.share-text').animate({outerWidth: 'toggle'}, 2000) }) ...

pause/resume jquery .animate() ?

Hi there, I am using jquery to animate an object. I am looking for a way to pause the animation on mouseover, and resume it after the mouse has left. Is this possible? ...

jQuery HowTo Toggle Animate?

Hello I'm working to slide a DIV to the left (off the page). ... I have the following which works: $('.mybigbox').live('click', function() { leftDistance = $(this).attr('name'); // set px so I know how far $lefty.animate({left:leftDistance}) // Makes the slide }); What what I want to happen, is on the first click it animates with ...

Jquery scrollTo only scrolling up in small increments

I am using the scrollTo plugin to scroll to some headings. The problem it will only scroll upwards in small increments that is determined by the height of the browser window. It does not seem to recognise the id's I am using. Click here to view the page, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and select the item with two fing...

jQuery animate to set position

Hi all, I need to animate shopping cart images from a listing page into a set position (basket) on the top right of the page. (A fly to effect if you will so people can see the item going into the basket) I have only ever used set vales for animate so Im not sure where to start. Obviosuly each image/product clicked will need a differen...

jQuery animate CSS, set back hover state

I have an update button on which I want to pull attention when updating my content. I am doing this with an animation color fade and adding some arrow characters. When the animation is finished I want my CSS :hover states back. Is this possible or do I lose the original CSS and do I have to reset these with jQuery's hover() Fiddle: htt...

cocos2d animate

I try create animation in my application written on cocos2d. I make it on this tutorial All work fine. But I write all code in my Engine class. Also I have class for object which I would like animate. And I have special class for create object. Now I try next File which must have animation sprite...

jQuery animate DIV using "position"

I want animate this: $("#movethis").position({ my: "center top", at: "center bottom", of: "#nav1" }); How do I do it? ... It's kind of an oddball one, and I can't find any examples. ///udpate: got a work around. Would still prefer to do the above but this is what I got: AnElement = dynamically selects correct element theMoverPo...

div in front of another resets jQuery hover animation. how to prevent this?

hello. i have an animate effect applied to 4 divs in order to create a blinds effect: when you hover over the first box it grows , the other 3 shrink and when you "mouseout" all 4 return to 25% of the total height. i want to insert a nested div inside each box (in front, actually with absolute positioning) in order to present some text...

jQuery show content using horizontal slide/animate

Hi, I have a small menu that looks like this: Item1 | Item2 | Item3 The menu sits inside a div and floats to the right in the div. When I hover "Item1" I would like a "sub menu" to slide out to the left of the "Item1" item. Item 1.1 : Item 1.2 - Item1 | It...

jQuery hover animate & click problem

Hey there, have a list of images as a navigation. when you hover over them a div with transparent background slides up. when you hover out the div slides down. that part wokes like a charm. now when you click on the image or title, the div with the title changes its opacity to 1, moves to the top of the image and gains 100% height. t...