
jquery animate one element after another

I'm trying to create a small sequence of animations with jQuery but cannot get it to work! HTML: <div class="outer"> <div class="inner"> <p>First line visable.</p> <span class="expand">Read more</span> <p class="fade">Line one</p> <p class="fade">Line two</p> <p class="fade">Line three</p> <p clas...

jQuery animation unwanted repeats :)

And some question once again. I have a set of inputs and I want to change their background color after hovering and then come back to the original color after mouse out. It works fine, with one glitch - when I hover those inputs, then take mouse back, then hover them again and take mouse back etc. rapidly - they're blinking some time a...

Is using jQuery with Pixastic possible?

Hey! I have a set of link images (HTML): <a href="#"><img src="test.jpg /></a> <a href="#"><img src="test2.jpg /></a> <a href="#"><img src="test3.jpg /></a> They are partially transparent (CSS): #a img { border: 0; opacity: .2; } They're getting less transparent on hover (jQuery): $('a img').hover( function() { ...

Rotate li items with jquery...

Hi all, I have a UL list like: <ul> <li>menu1</li> <li>menu2</li> <li>menu3</li> <li>menu4</li> <li>menu5</li> </ul> I want to use this list as a animated JQuery menu. Setup in such a way that if a user clicks menu3 it becomes the first item in the list as menu1 and menu2 get appended to the end. So after clicking on menu3...

how to animate + symbol to disappear on table cell

i have an table view and + symbol is on the every cell of table view ,i should able to see disappearing + symbol by animating whenever i selected the cell ...

Writing image animation (swap images) with jQuery

I'm trying to arbitrarily animate images using jQuery and a timer ( works as the timer) so as to simulate an animated GIF but allow the animation to be defined within the HTML file (or in a script at the top of the page for repeated use of the same "animated" image). I've written a specific version in whic...

jQuery b is undefined during animate callback

Hi - I'm making a slider and this is the meat of my code; $('#slider a').click(function () { elem.filter(this.hash).addClass("active").animate({"right":"0"}, 3000, function() { elem.filter(activeElem).removeClass("active"); activeElem = elem.filter(thi...

JQuery sortable, dragging between two lists, cancelling the drop: How to animate?

I have two HTML lists, and am using JQuery sortable to drag between them. This works perfectly. The receive event is raised upon dropping a dragged list item into the second list. In this event handler, in some circumstances I am calling $(ui.sender).sortable('cancel'); which cancels the drop and returns the list item to its orig...

How can I animate a lot of text behind a graphic?

The page would be white with the shape of the Taj Majal punched out (i.e., a mask) with the letters scrolling from right to left on a layer below the mask. See a visual comp here. Each line of text should scroll independently, and loop around when it reaches the left edge. I've looked at SVG, HTML5/canvas, and jQuery marquee. Is one of...

Animaton like iPad Photo APP

Hi All, I am implementing photo gallery functionality i my iPad app . I want to display Photo gallery like iPad Photo app gallery. is there any external library or sample code available to do this ? thanks!!! ...

jQuery how to animate my code?

Hey, I know a little bit of jQuery now, but I'm still a bit confused with animations (especially when I have to add them to working script). I have for example: if (i = 1) { i = i +1 $("#div p").css("left", "-" + width * i + "px"); } How to animate() margin adding? I'm trying an...

jQuery Animation, missing : after property id

I have an HTML file that has a set of divs with the class "block". I'd like for these to sort of slide into place when the page loads, and I'm trying to use jQuery's animate function for this. However, I'm a total noob to jQuery, and I'm getting a bug that the tutorials at the jQuery site aren't helping with. Here's my code: $(documen...

How to create a animate to specific LI in an UL?

I am using Jquery .animate to scroll a UL up and down so that you can see all the elements, how would i make IF ELSE statement that said. IF the FIRST LI item in the UL is at the top, dont scroll anymore, and IF the last item is at the bottom of the visible portion of the screen dont scroll any more down, else scroll 510 px. Right now ...

jQuery animate()

Hello,here is my code : function toggle() { $("#Layer4").animate( { width:"20%"}, 1000 ); $("#Layer6").animate( { width:"20%"}, 1000 ); } Now what happens is,that Layer4 and Layer6 witness some animation,but the interestingly the height changes and not the width.Also,after a second,the original dimensions are restored Why is this h...

jQuery animate()

Hello ! My code is as given below : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type...

How to view width of element while animating?

Hi. I animate simply object using: $("#progress").animate({width:400},2000) Than i also want to view it's width like that $("#loadingpro").html(pro+"%"); pro = Math.round(procent$("#progress").width()/4); But when I am doing it like that it's start to delay whole cpu so much that it is not possible to do it at all. Any ideas how...

hover in jQuery increment fontSize error

ok, I'm fooling around with jQuery and for the life of me can't find an elegant way to fix this error. jQuery('a').hover(function() { jQuery(this).animate({fontSize : '+=5'}); }, function() { jQuery(this).animate({fontSize : '-=5'}); }); The problem with that is that I build up an animation que. I thought i could solve it with...

jQuery animating back to original position

Hi, I've got a site i'm working on that has a few absolutelty positioned divs that I need to resize on clicking, these will then fill the container that the divs are in. The question is how do I get them on toggle to go back to the original position (top, left) which is different for each. $(".work-item .toggle").toggle(function() { ...

jQuery removeClass duration not working?

I have a paragraph set with the following style: .design_info_box p.design_info_desc { height:30px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow:hidden; } With this, you can see the first 2 lines of text with a button to "read more" which expands the paragraph to show the rest of the text. Here is the code for the button: $(".read-...

jQuery animation glitch: functions fire in wrong order when mousing across to quickly

NOTE: I didn't write the script in question, my collegue did. Just volunteering to get some input on this for us. Please pardon incorrect terms or descriptions that sound like a noob; I'm not a scripting guy, I'm an HTML/CSS guy. The page in question: A screenshot of the issue: ...