
jQuery animate on window scroll: moving more object in parallel problem and unwanted delay on objects with fixed css position

I want to move 4 objects of the DOM when a user scrolls the page. you can check the page i'm talking about at this address: as the user scrolls - i'm using $(window).scroll(function() - i check if the window.scrollTop is more than 10 pixels to move some objects. This seems to work fi...

How can I animate Three20 TTThumbsViewController images?

Hi, I would like to animate some of the thumbnail images in the Three20 TTThumbsViewController view. The animations will occur randomly, not because of user interaction. TTThumbsViewController subclasses TTTableViewController and uses TTThumbsTableViewCells to layout whatever number of TTThumbViews are needed in that cell. TTThumbViews...

jQuery Animate Upwards

I have an issue where I have a div that is positioned absoutely and I want to animate it off the page upwards (I'm animating a person jumping off the screen). However, I need the element to be bottom: 0, but when I want the animation to finish I want the image to have top: -600px. When I write $("#jumper").animate({ top: "-600p...

jQuery animate() to hide and show elements by sliding left and right

I'm trying to animate something using jQuery. You can view it here UPDATE I have it working the way I want it. This is the jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { // go chat button $('#go-chat input').click(function() { $('#search, #go-chat').animate({width: '0px'}, 1000, function() { ...

Jquery-animating left to right absolutely positioned div

Hello, I have a hidden panel off the left side of the screen which slides into view on the click of a 'tab' positioned on the left side of the screen. I need the panel to slide over the top of the existing page content, and I need the tab to move with it. This is an example of the original code which i have changed, how can I get the b...

Flex 4: Can I animate multiple objects within the same parallel?

I have multiple spinning balls that I want to animate altogether. Here's what I have so far but when I play the parallel (, nothing happens. Where am I going wrong? <fx:Declarations> <fx:Vector id="kfP1" type="spark.effects.animation.MotionPath"> <s:MotionPath property="baseColor"> ...

flex 4: creating a group that slides off stage during fullsize mode

I have no problems getting this to work in smaller sizes, but as soon as the application goes to full screen it throws off all of the layout. Any suggestions? here's the effects (stageWidth is updated on resize and I've checked that it contains the correct value). <s:Bounce id="bounceEasing"/> <s:Parallel id="panelIn"> ...

[IPhone] How to animate text color of an UILabel?

Dear All, Could you please tell me how animate text color of an UILabel? for example: change color from WHITE to RED then come back to WHITE with fade in effect and repeat in about 3 times. I need this animation due to my app get real time data from internet, and when value is changed, I need to animate this text value to tell user th...

Setting height of text area based on text inside of it using jQuery

I have a <textarea> element in my form that has this code attached to it: $('#links').focusin(function() { $('#links').animate({ height: '100px' }, 300, function() { // done }); }); This works perfectly, when the text area gets focus it increases in height nicely to 100px. Now, I want it to shrink back down...

Jquery animate with live(), possible?

Hi, my jquery animation is not working, i think the porblem are the dynamic elements. Is it possible to say live() with animate()? $(".tls").animate({"left": "-=50px"}, "slow"); kind reagards peter from germany ...

UIPopoverController animates when keyboard pops up

Heey, In my iPad application I have a UIPopoverController with a UIViewController containing some textfields. When the keyboard comes up, the Popover gets animated to fit. Does anybody know how to disable this? Thanks ...

Fading jQuery slideshow flicker / queue problem on mouseover (slideSwitch.js)

I've adapted code from the slideSwitch.js tutorial by Jon Raasch, which is basically a fading slideshow. The script promotes the 'active' slide to a higher z-index and animates the opacity for a fading effect. It's working fine with a pause added to stop the slideshow temporarily on mouseover. The issue I'm having is I'm trying to stop...

jquery animate question

I am attempting to animate fireflies to fade in, pulsate and then fade out. I am using the code below, but the final animate seems to fire before the pulsate effect. if I remove the pulsate it works as well. Ideas? $('#fireflies').animate({'opacity':1}, 20000) .effect('pulsate', { times:6 }, 3500) .animate({'opacity':0}, 20000); ...

Jquery animate from relative to absolute position? Possible?

Hi, I am trying to animate a couple of images across a screen. Ideally I would like the images to start out centered in the browser window (whatever its size) and have them move over to a an exact position (say 100px from top, 100px from left) of the browser window. My animation works fine, but only relative to the starting location. I c...

iOS - Animating text size change in UILabel or UITextView?

In an application showing chunks of text, I'm having the font size increase when the device is turned to a landscape orientation. I don't like how it does the whole animation and then suddenly jumps to the new size, so I'd like to animate the size change over the course of the rotation. I read somewhere that throwing this change in a U...

How can I simplify my jQuery animation?

How can I simplify my jQuery animation? What is the best way? Code: $("#nav").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $("#sub_nav").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $("#user_links").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $("#logo").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $(".top_buttons").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $(".pageheaders").animate({opacity:0.2},1000); $(".hea...

jQuery, SVG: How to animate an attribute value (not style property)?

Hi, I need to animate an attribute of an SVG element, which has no CSS counterpart - <circle cx="..." /> How can I achieve that? Or, I can use an alternative, e.g. if I could animate <g/> using CSS's top or similar. Any experience? Thanks, Ondra Note this is not a duplicate of

Erorr while using jquery animate "Out of memory at line: 13"

i am trying to display my products animation with the following code (jquery) var prodNum = <%=prodNum %>; var i = 1; $.timer(5000, function(timer) { $(".prods").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500, function() { $(".prods").html("<div class=\"prod\">" + $("#pr" + ((4*i) % prodNum)).html() + "</div>" + ...

Android widget with changing text

I'm attempting to create an incredibly simple widget that changes the text displayed every 5s or so. However I've had major headaches attempting to get this to work. Obviously I can't use the onUpdate call as it's a minimum of every 30min. Currently my solution uses an Timer in an extended Service class, which is as ugly as hell and tend...

Jquery toggle click

Say I need an element to animate when clicked. To do this I just: $('#header .icon').click(function() { $('#header form').animate({width:'195px'}); }); But how would I make it so that when I click the element again the opposite animate takes place? (e.g. animate to width:0px ) ...