
Python: Animation with PIL

I want an animated picture. But I need a refresh-function because always opens a new window. Does anybody have a hint? Thanks! import numpy as np import scipy from scipy import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #array aa = [] for x in range(44): aa.append([]) for z in range(44): aa[x].append(3*sin(x/3.0)+2*co...

jQuery move div while flipping?

Sorry if this is an easy one, I'm new to jQuery. I am using the Flip! plugin to rotate a div in place. I would also like to move the div while it is rotating. Currently I am doing this: $("#flipDiv").flip({ direction:'lr', content:newContent }); $("#flipDiv").animate({ 'marginL...

Render each frame as a single image

Just curious, can flash take each frame and export it out as a image ? In my case, I want to create sprite images for a flashdevelop project using blitting. Of course I know there is a solution for this. like copy and paste each shape into a image editor such as photoshop and turn them into png's. But I am just seeing if there is a simpl...

WPF Grid/WrapPanel AutoSize Animation

Hi, I have the following layout in WPF <grid> <row height=auto> <border> <listbox> <border? </row> <row height=*> <othercontent> </row> </grid> Using MVVM and have listbox itemsource bound. I am using a wrapPanel in the grid, and have scrolling disabled so the Grid row height will grow and shrink based on the list box contents. Thi...

flipping between 3 view controllers on iphone

I have 3 view controllers. Main view (controller1's view) is displayed first. Based on button selection the 2nd view (controller2's view) is displayed. There are several buttons and a home button on this view. Selecting those will display 3rd view (controller3's view) with animation.Selecting home button will display the main view(contro...

How can I achieve jQuery animation queuing?

Possible Duplicate: jquery finish one animation then start the other one I've got a set of divs loading via ajax (we're talking about 6 divs, representing 6 products). What I'm trying to accomplish is a progressive animation, like a jquery.fadeIn() per div, after the animation of the previous div has finished. What would be t...

Having a problem with selectors

The problem I'm having is not being able to select the divs inside the 'menuItem' class divs. I've tried using the jQuery selector to select by both class and even ID, but every time I try to do anything with it, such as an animation, nothing happens. Is there some jQuery law I don't know about that prevents me from doing so? $('.menu')...

jQuery: Wait for entire page--including ajax--to load?

I'm using some jQuery tabs that load their content via ajax. I'm using $(document).ready() in conjunction with the following code: // Hide loading animation, show content container $("#content").show(); $("#loading").hide(); The purpose is to wait until the page is fully loaded, then show the content and hide the loading animation. H...

WPF StoryBoard FillBehaviour

Hi all, I have been trying to get a simple few animations working in Blend where the user basically navigates through the application. However, I'm running into the problem where after you animate a value, you cannot change it again unless you change the FillBehaviour property to Stop Which means that I have to create a Completed even...

Java: Make an animation/video from frames

Howdy! For a research project (in Java), I've got to find some way to save an animation of a graph into some file format. Now I've already got the program working fine drawing each frame. The problem is, short of learning the whole GIF or AVI file format, I have no idea how to assemble the frames programmatically into some sort of an...

WPF Trigger animation when Visibility is changed?

Well i have a custom control and when Visibility is changed to Visible i have a trigger with a enter/exit action but the problem is that when the exit action fires the Visibility is no longer Visible so the animation can't be seen how would i fix this? here is my trigger: <ControlTemplate.Triggers> <Trigger ...

iphone - Can self.view transitions be animated?

The code below is from another SO post, and my question is can the transition from one view to the next using this method be animated, and if so how? // origView is an instance variable/IBOutlet to your original view. - (IBAction)switchToPhoneView:(id)sender { if (origView == nil) origView = self.view; self.view = phoneViewContr...

Javascript flip animation without jQuery

Does anyone know if there is a Javascript flip animation around, similar to this one:, but that does not use jQuery. I Googled before posting this question, but they seem all to use jQuery. Thanks! ...

UIButton Buy Now effect

Hi. I want to make a "Buy Now" button in my Application, which should work the same way as the one in the App Store, but I dont know how to resize the UIButton with an animation. I have tried the following, but it resized the button at once and not as an animation: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration...

How is the purchase button animation made in the Apps Store?

I've tried creating two UIButtons programatically as described here. This works great but there doesn't seem to be a simple transition for expanding the UIButton on the left as seen in the Apps Store. ...

OSX hide window effect on the iPhone

Hi everyone, Is it possible to 'easily' make on the iphone a MAC OSX hide window effect on a UIView? When I say easily, I mean using existing libraries or tools... Thanks ...

UITabBarController, animation causes sliding of other views without a UINavigationController

I've run into an animation issue (I think) with my TabBar based app. I have four tab bar items, of those three have UINavigationControllers, and one of them just has a regular view controller. The issue is that after changing to a view with animations, the first tab without a UINavigationController seems to no longer have the right size/...

WPF Animation of border width

I've got a dockpanel on my ui as follows; <DockPanel> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Top">Header</Border> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">My footer</Border> <Border DockPanel.Dock="Left">Menu</Border> <Border>Content</Border> </DockPanel> What I want to do is to have a storyboard animation to show / hide the Menu on the lef...

Lazy UIPickerView - (it won't move twice)

Hello everybody, And thank you in advance for your attention. I am trying to achieve a little animation effect in my simple application, using this time an UIPickerView object. Basically, when a certain event occurs, I wish my picker view to animate itself selecting its last row (with animation, of course) and immediately after (without...

jQuery UI bounceslide animation not working?

Hi, i'm trying to use the animation 'bounceslide' but I'm not seeing any bounce! Any ideas - I'm pretty new to jQuery. Thanks <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>Accordion</title> ...