
Setting animationDidStopSelector: on UIView's animation delegate

I think I've been doing this wrong for the past year and a half of my iPhone development experience... I could use some knowledgeable clarification please! As you may or may not know, UIView properties can be animated quite easily using the beginAnimations:forContext: method, and wrap it up with a commitAnimations call. You can also se...

dynamically updating JS Chart library with animation

Hey, So I'm happy updating a JavaScript chart library to represent new data via Ajax. I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a library that will allow me to do this with a nice animation. Similar to this Preferably free! Thanks Mat ...

How to get the Apple Javascript Split Flap Counter to run on a local machine

I am captivated by the split-flap animation on Apple's 10 billion song download page: however, I have not been able to replicate it on my own machine. I have downloaded the script and what I believe is the appropriate css, but the page only displays 3 images of the number 0. Has anyo...

Fading form values with jQuery

Is there any way to fade out the set value of a field on focus, and then fade it back in on blur if nothing was entered? I'd like to fade out "Enter your name..." on focus, but fade it back in on blur if the user didn't enter anything. Thanks! ...

Problems with the animation queue deforming my divs

So, I have an animated drop down menu that slides down when your mouse is over it, then fades away when it isn't. Simple enough. But if the use moves the mouse before the animation is complete moving down, then it will either jump to the end of the queue exposing the entire menu and then fading, or it deforms the menu by making it shorte...

UIKit: Animating a view while it's being moved by touchesMoved

So, I have a UIView subclass called MovableBlock. It overrides touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded and touchesCancelled. The moving about part works just fine. When a MovableBlock is moved to the left side of the screen, it's 130px wide. When it's moved to the right side of the screen, it's 80px wide. I'd like to animate the transi...

how to replicate JQtouch smooth iphone animations?

Hi! so, i know how to do this by theory, buy when i try the animation is really laggy. what i"m doing: i got this UL with all sort of items and text (really standard) and when i want to animate it i just add with JS a class "flipout" like so: element.className = "flipout"; the CSS for the animation looks like this: .flipout{ -webkit-...

How to create videos which animate as u draw/write?

An example is here: ...

GWT: animation and CSS style problem.

Hi! I have a simple animation on group of images, made with GWT 2.0. Images is situated on AbsolutePanel. Animation always goes on one axis (x or y). When the panel has no style, added by addStyleName(...), animation is fine. But if i set the style, wich contains "border: ... ;", animation become on both axis synchronously! How can i fix...

Setting an delegate for the UIDatePicker animation?

If I had a date picker within an action sheet and called the following line: [datePicker setDate:newDate animated:YES]; And then my app hides the action sheet the date picker is within, is there anyway to set up a animation delegate so that the user see's the animation of the date picker first and then hides the action sheet? I have d...

iPhone animationDidStop Identifier CAAnimation

Somehow it doesn't matter which key I provide for the addAnimation method the key will always become 'transition' and there for I can't add more the one animation. Is there a logical explanation for this? CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; animation.delegate = self; animation.duration = 2.0; anima...

programaticlaly moving rows with animation in UITableView

Hi, I want to move a row to the bottom of my UITableView with cool animation effect just like in Grocery Shopping List app. How can I create such animation? -Alex ...

KeyTime property on KeyFrame object must be set to a non-negative TimeSpan value?

All, Can someone tell me why this KeyTime is telling me it is a negative value at runtime? I've removed some logic that builds a path to an image. public Storyboard CreateAnimationStoryBoard(DependencyObject dependencyObjectTarget,Image targetImage) { try { Storyboard sb = new Storyboard(); S...

Blink/Flash effect or animation in gwt

Hi, I'm building an web intra-net application which has the need for a flashing/blinking button (this has been discussed in depth and is our design decision so please do not lecture me about it). Our UI framework is GWT. Currently in the prototype this effect is achieved be scheduling a timer which adds or removes a css style thus creati...

Animating Images

Hello all, I have a problem, I am trying to animate through about 10+ images by fading in and out of them slowly in the same UIImageView. I need to know how is the best way to go about doing this. HELP PLEASE!! ...

jQuery animation works in IE8, not in Firefox or Webkit

My CSS: #content { border: 2px solid #4190d4; padding: 220px; background-color: #282828; margin-top: 65px; -moz-border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; } My jQuery: $("#header a").click(function() { $('#content').animate({padding: 300}, 500); } This code works perfectly fine in IE8, my #content div grows from 22...

iPhone animations - animating one things causes other things to be animated

Hi there, I've animated moving a UIView as follows: CGRect rightPop = CGRectMake(167, 270, 142, 73); [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:YES]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.4]; [rightToast setFrame:rightPop]; [UIView commitAnimations];...

Automatic animation

Hi I have a ImageView that needs to be slide in from the bottom. Remain there for 5 sec. And then slide out. How do I do that? There is no user intervention. Thanks Rajesh Muthu ...

How to make applet animation?

I try to make applet for array including operations of insertion/removal/search. For insertion and removal, it's easy: once user click the 'insert' or 'remove' button, just update the array, and call repaint to redraw the array. However search is different, it's an animation, once the search button is clicked, I want to start from the ...

How to do 'busy' animation in Android ?

Doesn't seem to be covered in the books Ive looked at. ...