
jquery and sliding/animated background

Hello, I want to make something like this site: Check the header, the city slides, how can this be done with jquery ? Any plugin or tutorial would be great :) Thanks ...

Making a follow camera in Motionbuilder

I am using VICON c3d files of someone walking, and I want to change the point of view to be first person. I started by setting the original camera to eye level, but when the character starts walking, the camera doesn't follow the eyes, so it turns into a view from behind. ...

UITableView Custom Section Header, duplicate issue

I am having trouble animating a custom UITableView section header. The goal was to create collapsable sections. When I tap on the custom header the first time it animates as expected, however every time after that it leaves a duplicate in the original location and animates another. Image Example: My Custom Header: - (UIVi...

Different durations for CSS properties in jQuery animate()

I’m using jQuery to animate DOM element on the page and I hit an obstacle when using its native animate(). I’m trying to move my element to the right and change its opacity. $element.animate({ 'left': '50%', 'opacity': '1.0' }, 1000); It works very well, but I need to animate position in 1000ms and opacity in 300ms. I found ...

Video to image sequence

Hi, is it possible to extract images or convert a video to a sequence of images using the iPhone API? The goal is to play a video using some kind of animation, instead of the builtin video players. The reason for doing this is that I need to playback a video at reduced speed. FFMpeg is not an option. Thank you for your time. ...

Flex: Animate an image how to do it in as3

Hi! i am having problems with animation. Can't realize how to animate things in flex? E.g. in my current self made project I want to make am image to move after response from server. E.g. after event on client side is made, server returns coods of new location of an image. How do I animate the movement? Examples will be appreciated, ...

UIView Animation wont Delay!

I have a simple UIView backgroundColor transition running on its own thread as such: - (void)colorLoop_thread { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; // [self performSelector:@selector(changeColors)]; [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(changeColors) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; [pool release]; } ...

Any other way to do animations?

Is there any other way to do animations besides my below code? I'm asking because I'm going to have some pretty intense animations that could get up to 20-30 frames. I'm also wondering if it's possible to play a sound with each frame? popup.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNam...

Moving image along predetermined path?

Is it possible to set an image into motion along a predetermined path with the push of a button in iphone SDK? I'm not looking for anything fancy. I working on a simple concept, but this would save a lot of animation work. ...

Animation in netbeans

Hello all, Is there a way to add an animated background to netbeans JFrame ? I'm using netbeans 6.7.1 IDE.. ...

How to animate an object to the Center of a fluid layout in Silverlight

Hi and thanks for reading. I am building a simple silverlight page and having difficulties animating elements to the center the screen. The example... MouseLeftButtonDown > animate the rectangle to the center of the screen. Is there a way to do this? ...

Flex: Moving canvases between several ui elements

I need to animate a lable movement between 2 canvases... The mxml example of the code is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="main()" frameRate="1"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.controls.Label; public function mai...

iPhone SDK - How to scroll a UITableView programmatically with animation?

How would I scroll a UITableView to a specific position with an animation? Currently I'm using this code to jump to a position: //tableController -> viewDidLoad [self.tableView reloadData]; NSIndexPath *indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:row inSection:0]; [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath ...

How to create "image building" effect

Hello all. I'm looking for a convinient way to create such an effect in a web application: i have some picture, which has not very high resolution, and i want it to appear as a cloud of particles in some random part of the screen, and then to move to it's position. It's ok that i will lose some resolution (i don't think that 1x1px part...

Creating a looping background animation in jquery

What I want is: when the page loads - the background has color red after 10 seconds the bgColor changes to green with a fade in fade out animation... after another 10 seconds it changes to orange....then again to red and so on.. Could someone help ...

Cancel all queued jQuery slideUp and slideDown animations

I have an interface that makes heavy use of the jQuery slideUp and slideDown effect to expand items in a tri-state kind of way. onmouseover: function() { this.find('.details', this).slideDown(); }, onmouseout: function() { this.find('.details', this).slideUp(); } However, when the user quickly moves the mouse over these interface ...

How to fix flicker in a WinForms form?

I am constantly drawing frames, and I need the form to not flicker. How do I accomplish this? namespace GraphicsEngine { public partial class Form1 : Form { Image[] dude = new Image[3]; static int renderpoint = 0; int lastimage = 0; public Form1() { dude[1] = new Bitmap(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Boys\...

Jquery, make a loop with a simple animation

hello guys.. i'm trying to make a replacement for a flash movie. the animation is really simple, background image slide to the left for 10 seconds.. meanwhile a product is shown with his name. i was able to recreate the animation with jquery.. it works perfec.. BUT JUST ONCE! T_T does anybody know how can i make it to loop? this is t...

jQuery animation bug: .slideToggle causes content to overlap during the animation in FF & IE, Safari is fine. What could cause this?

First of all here is a link to the dev site I am currently working with. It features the form fields that are being animated using .slideToggle() .slideUp() & .slideDown(). Link: The CMS is Expression engine, but that shouldn't matter in this case. Basically what you'll see happen...

Freeze last frame of animation?

Is there a way to freeze the last frame of my animation in my iphone app? Here's my code so far. popup.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: [UIImage imageNamed:@"picture1.png"], [UIImage imageNamed:@"picture2.png"], [UIImage image...