
can a flash object be exported to a java application ?

Hi all, Is it possible to play a Flash object/file into a jframe < netbeans > / any java application ? If so , how ? ...

Remove Silverlight Animation

Hi all, I have a problem with my Silverlight animation that I can't seem to fix. The problem seems to be well established, but the techniques used to solve it don't seem to work in my case. Here is the storyboard code that I am using to animate a grid called "underGrid". underGrid is a base grid which I am applying a scale and location...

Silverlight cannot update property after animation runs

Im trying to create a simple pan and zoom app using silverlight 4, but Im having trouble updating the TranslateTransform and ScaleTransform properties after I run an animation on them. I have tried to set the FillBehaviour to Stop, with no success. Here is the code that I have: <Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White" Width="800...

Smoothly make a number approach zero

I have a floating point value X which is animated. When in rest it's at zero, but at times an outside source may change it to somewhere between -1 and 1. If that happens I want it to go smoothly back to 0. I currently do something like addToXspeed(-x * FACTOR); // below is out of my control function addToXspeed(bla) { xspeed += bla;...

Animating UIView problem (matching the expanding animation to the shrinking animation)

Hi, I'm trying to animate a UIView so that it can grow larger when tapping a button and shrinks down to its original size by tapping the button again. I do this by adjusting frame to its new size and origin and running the code below. [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.5]; [UIView setAnimationCurv...

How does jQuery accomplish its asynchronous animations?

...or more specifically, how are they able to create animations via javascript, which is synchronous, without holding up the next javascript statement. It's just a curiosity. Are they using a chain of setTimeout()? If so, are they set early, each one with a slightly longer duration than the previous, and running parallel? Or are they be...

Thread Vs javax.swing.Timer, controlling game animation in Java?

Hi, I have this very straight forward question regarding Thread and Timer classes in Java as a way of creating game animations. Which is better of the two? What are really the differences between the two and which is the most preferred in terms of animation in Java? I hope my question makes since, this is in someway related to the answer...

Validation adorner does not completely disappear in Animation

Hi, I have a WPF Window that contains a ContentPresenter that has Height and Width set to 0 by default. When a user clicks a button, I run an animation to transform the ContentPresenter's Height and Width properties to 896,1024 (actually it does 3 rotations whilst its growing, too) and this is all good... The DataContext for the User c...

How achieve multiple "loading images" for each cell of table's data while it is being asynchronously fetched from PHP script?

I would like to have a box. In the box a user enters a string and presses the OK button. This request is then sent to the PHP backend, which gives me back 20 rows of results. But, for each of those 20 rows, I'll also have a few columns, but this data will take much much longer to generate (~10 seconds each, not from MySQL, but separate ...

iPhone - Animate TabBarController Switches

I am switching tabs through code with this: self.tabBarController.selectedIndex = 1; // or any other number The switching between the tabs works fine. I'm wondering if there is a way to animate the transition. It'd have to be only in this instance, not the total tabbarcontroller in general. That is to say that the transition will only...

Animating with parameters in Javascript using a timer

I'm trying to animate a dot from one point to another on a map. Right now I have the following code: function animate(){ //animation var pt = oldLoc; for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){ pt.y += 5 pt.x += 5 graphic.setGeometry(pt); //sets the new point coordinate...

controlling gifs with javascript

Hi, Is it possible to use javascript to control which frame of a gif image is showing / stop animation. I want to be able to load a gif with several frames and only show one of them. I know I could do it with lots of seperate images, but if I can do what i want with a gif, it will only be one file to worry about. Thanks, Logan ...

How to find transformation matrix aligning two lines?

Given two points in 3D space, A and B, I get a line segment LS. Given two new points A' and B' yielding the line segment LS', I need to find the transformation matrix that transforms LS into LS'. The length of the line segments is assumed to be equal. I have a theory on how to calculate the matrix, but I would really like some feedback ...

XAML Without WPF - Animations

Hi! I am trying to use XAML completely outside WPF, in particular inside an XNA application. So far, I have managed (quite easily, I am surprised to admit) to load some data inside my XNA application from a XAML file. The problems start when I decided that I wanted to animate one of the properties of my class...Nothing happens :( Here i...

Rolling an image partially like in google maps

Can someone tell me how I can realize the rolling / unrolling animation as in google maps for iPhone? Thanks. ...

Waterfall in WPF/SL

Hello. I'd like to know if someone has realized a light waterfall animation in WPF/SL, and if so if he could show me how to do this. KiTe ...

How To Implement Fade In/Fade out .NET Compact Framework Forms

Is it possible to implement Fade In & Fade Out effects in .NET Compact Framework forms? We have two panels that needs some smooth transition effects. I checked FlowFx library, but seems to be using it in commercial applications is not allowed. Any other libraries/sample code that helps me? ...

WPF: Drag/Drop to re-order grid and jiggle

I need to implement a grid in WPF which has squares that can be dragged/dropped to be re-ordered, but I'm not sure the best way to do it. I was thinking using an ObservableCollection of squares and a UniFormGrid but although I have experience with both WPF and drag/drop, ideally I'd like to do a kind of 'jiggle' when before the user rele...

Animating CircleItemRenderer with the CartesianChart

I am using SeriesInterpolate to animate the values of my ColumnChart and CartesianChart. The CartesianChart is using a CircleItemRenderer to produce dots on the line. The columns & lines are animating, but I can't find a way to get the dots to animate. They don't update until the animation is complete. How can I animate the dots as well...

How do i rotate a CALayer around a diagonal line?

Hi. I'm trying to implement a flip animation to be used in board game like iPhone-application. The animation is supposed to look like a game piece that rotates and changes to the color of its back (kind of like an Reversi piece). I've managed to create an animation that flips the piece around its orthogonal axis, but when I try to flip i...