
Animate button on MouseOver and MouseDown

I'm making my own ControlTemplate for a standard Button in WPF. I want to change the background of my button when the user hovers over the button with the mouse, but also when the user presses the button (to yet another color). This seems like a common behavior, but I can't get it to work. My template consists of a Border with an Image ...

How build this animation?

Hi All I can't build this animation: Show a working version please =) Thanks, Ben ...

Animate programmatically added subviews

Hey, I've setup an own class(custom UIView). I'am adding two of these customViews to my UIView as subviews. So now the question araises: How do I animate the subviews? myCustomView *myCustomViewInstance = [[myCustomView alloc] initWithText:@"myText"]]; [self.viewContainer addSubview:myCustomViewInstance]; myCustomView *myCustomVie...

search results filter effects - flex

I've created a search with a couple of comboboxes that allow users to filter their search results. The results are currently using a TileList & itemRenderer to display, and now I'd like to add an animation effect when the user filters their results. I know that you can use the itemsChangeEffect to create an animation effect when the us...

Intermittent fillMode=kCAFillModeForwards bug using CAKeyframeAnimation with path

I'm having an intermittent problem when I move a UIImageView around the screen using CAKeyframeAnimation. I want the position of the UIImageView to remain where the animation ends when it is done. This bug only happens for certain start and end points. When I use random points it works correctly most of the time, but about 5-15% of the t...

What JS framework offers scroll functionality (+animation) in a div without a scrollbar?

All: I want to scroll through a sequence of tumblr/twitter posts as a long sequence of texts. Let's say we have: <div id="mainContent"> _some content_ </div> where the css for mainContent is: #mainContent { padding: 20px 20px; background: #FFF; height:500px; overflow:hidden; } I really like the functionality...

Applying animation tracks to specific frames in a DirectX frame hierarchy?

I was wondering if it's possible to separate which frames get which animation tracks in DirectX. The animation controller seems to be very specific to the entire hierarchy and I'm not sure if there is a way to separate this without having to create a whole different clone to the animation controller and substituting the bone transforms (...

How to do animations in Android chess game

I'm developing chess game for Android ( If I want to add animations, should I use custom View extending Canvas (I do this now), or custom View extending SurfaceView? ...

IPhone SDK - Transition to NavigationController display problem

Hi, I am nearly finished with my first IPhone app and everything works fine - except of one very little display bug: My starscreen is an UIView (Fullscreen) without Navigationbar or Toolbar. If I tap on a start button, there is an UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight animation that flips to the main navigation controller: -(IBAction...

Difference of 2 NSArray's for animated insert/delete in UITableView

At some point in my Application, I have an NSArray whose contents change. Those contents are shown in a UITableView. I'm trying to find a way to find the diff between the contents of before and after of the NSArray so i can pass the correct indexPaths to insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: and deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation...

iPhone: Waiting until selectrow animation finishes before pushing viewcontroller?

My code looks like this: NSIndexPath *ip = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:15 inSection:0]; [[self tableView] selectRowAtIndexPath:ip animated:YES scrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle]; // Pause needed here until animation finishes [[self navigationController] pushViewController:secondView animated:YES]; Right now it animates...

Help with animation

I've used the "FeatureList" Jquery Plugin to make my own content slider. The script can be found here: Here is an exemplificative image to show what I'm triyng to achieve: Actually the slider add a "current" class to an item (in the example the squares 1,2 and 3) and for e...

Android TranslateAnimation after scrollTo() = undrawn view

This might be a "duh" question but I'm going to go ahead and ask it anyway. I have an oversized (bigger than the screen) RelativeLayout, and I'm using swipes to start a TranslateAnimation from viewing one part of the layout to another. Say for instance the layout is two screen wide and two screens tall. After the nice animation to shift...

Some animation requests in a Silverlight application

I am making a flash card application. It shows the question and then a textbox for user input, all wrapped in a border or rectangle. So what I want is an animation that "flips" the rectangle or border upside-down and then their is text on the "back". Also, I want my application to APPEAR transition from one card to another by "flying off...

How to eliminate tearing from animation?

I'm running an animation in a WinForms app at 18.66666... frames per second (it's synced with music at 140 BPM, which is why the frame rate is weird). Each cel of the animation is pre-calculated, and the animation is driven by a high-resolution multimedia timer. The animation itself is smooth, but I am seeing a significant amount of "t...

jQuery - Problem with executing animation of two separate objects, one after another

Hello I have problem to put together animations of two separate objects to second one start when first one ends. I tried to use callback but it seems that i make some syntax misteakes which crash jQuery or cause some unexpected behaviour. It seems that i'm stuck so I'd like to ask You for best way to put these animations together to act ...

Where can I find a jQuery color animation plugin?

I need an up-to-date jQuery color animation plugin that works in IE 8. I tried using the one at but it causes errors like "Invalid property value." in the following line of code from color.js:[attr] = "rgb(" + [ Math.max(Math.min( parseInt((fx.pos * (fx.end[0] - fx.start[0])) + f...

Animate multiple UIView in a cicle

Hi all, i'm creating a card game on iphone. My problem is that i want to animate the cards at the beginning of the game making the cards animate from a point to another point in a deck. I move my cards that are UIView, in afor cicle. this is what i do With this code, alla tha cards move together, i need to move the cards separately o...

Calling two different animations from the same click event

Hi Stackoverflow, I'm currently working on a Surface application where I need to call two different animations when a button is tapped. How exactly should I be doing this? I'd like to do it declaratively if it's possible. Should I be using MultiTriggers for this, or? Thanks in advance! ...

Wpf treeview - i want to animate the expansion of the nodes

I have a databound treeview that i want to animate when the nodes are expanded. The animation should work vertically. Any ideas on how I could do that? ...