
Creating Clock hand animation on an ASP.Net website (ajax / charts)?

Hi, I have a 180-degree circular image, sort of like a speed meter, where I need to dynamically show a value based on an XML / database. One option is using 5-10 different images and loading a different image based on the current value when the visitor enters the website. But I would much rather use something truly dynamic, or an animat...

[WPF/MVVM] Dynamic animation using storyboards

Hello, I develop an application in WPF using the MVVM pattern. I am displaying an oriented graph, with nodes and links (see following picture). The user can drag and drop the nodes from one "cell" to another. When the user drops a node, its position is ch...

How does Windows Media Player deal with monitor refresh rates?

I'm writing an animation app in C#/WinForms (see this question). Basically, the animation in my application is smooth but shows tearing effects; when I take the same animation and render it to an AVI file and play it with Windows Media Player, the animation shows no tearing effects at all. I know WMP is not changing the frame rate beca...

Build a nice progress bar

Hi, I need some inspiration on how to build a nice progress bar for the iPhone. What I want to build is a custom progress bar, as I've drawn here: My approach up to now is to use a PNG (gray in the figure above) with a transparent rounded rectangle. Through this rectangle, users see the moving bar. It would be nice to draw this bar ...

Minimize window effect of OS X on the iPhone - Objective-C

Hi everyone, I would like to imitate the minimize window effect of OS X on the UIView's iPhone... I was thinking about making two animations: the first one extend and distort the view and the second one reduce the view! What do you think? My problem is to distort the view! Do you have any idea how I could make the whole thing? Thanks ...

JLabel animation in JPanel

After scratching around I found that it's best to implement a custom image component by extending a JLabel. So far that has worked great as I can add multiple "images" (jlabels without the layout breaking. I just have a question that I hope someone can answer for me. I noticed that in order to animate JLabels across the screen I need t...

Core Animation Requirements.

I've been using NSViewAnimation for some time now and I've read somewhere that Core Animation actually obsoletes it if I target 10.5 or higher. But does every Mac capable of running 10.5 or higher also support Core Animation? ...

iPhone SDK : UIImageView - Collapsing animation

Hi All, I'm trying to animating across the screen a horizontal bar with a color gradient. For simplicity, I chose to make a png of the fully extended bar, assign it to a UIImageView, and (attempt to) animate resizing of it using a UIView animation. The problem is that in the "closed" state of the Image, the portion of the image showing ...

How to play animation/movie instead of iPhone splash screen?

I want to play an animation(Gif) or a movie instead of Default.png. Is that possible? I tried what is described in this blog : but I don't know how to play a Gif animation instead of Default.png ...

Fastest image drawing method on iPhone

I am trying to draw images to the iphone screen by changing the images of a UIImageView in a loop. But since there was no much response on the screen than two or three images being drawn and skipping others I need another method. I am trying to show 80 png images that are 320*480 in size at 30 images per second. Please suggest the fast...

jQuery fading in an element - not working exactly as i want it to...

Anybody see what's wrong? Doesn't seem to do anything. If i replace $(this, '.inner').stop(true, false).fadeIn(250); with $(.fadeInOnHover .inner').stop(true, false).fadeIn(250); then all the .inner elements on the page will fade in (which isn't really what i want, as i have ~10 of them). I know it's possible to achieve what i want...

DisplayObject.rotation not matching trig functions

I'm trying to label an animated pie chart, and I've been having a great deal of trouble getting rotated objects to line up with trigonometrically-positioned objects. So, for example, if I have a pie piece that's middle is angle theta and has been rotated n degrees in a tween, and then I try to position a label with code like this: label...

wpf do animation until background worker finishes its work

Hi! I have an application that do some hard stuff when user clicks a start button and takes a long time. During this I would like to do some animation over a label, for example, changing opacity from 0 to 1 and vice versa and change foreground color between several colors at the same time changing opacity. I want it stops doing animati...

Border image on UIView

I want to have a UIView subclass that has a border image, but i dont want or care about this 'new' frame/bounds around the border image itself. What i wanted to do was just use drawRect and draw outside of the rect but all drawing is clipped and i dont see a way to not clip drawing outside of this context rect. So now i have added a su...

Handling touches during animation on iPhone

I have a view with multiple controls inside (a picker, a switch, a slider...). I use an animation to move this view; it appears from bottom and goes up until it disappear by the top. I can't get the inside controls respond to touches while the view is moving. How can I catch those touches? ...

How to use drag and drop within a UIScrollView

I am trying to drag and drop UIViews within a UIScrollView. I'd like the UIScrollView to scroll if I drag a UIView so that it intersects the top or bottom of the ScrollView. If it touches the top, it should scroll up. If it touches the bottom, it should scroll down. Once the UIView is moved such that it is no longer intersecting the top ...

XAML C# WPF Best efficient way to do an ordered sequence of animations

Hi everybody! I would like to do a sequence of animations on a label, for example, first do opacity animations from values 0 to 1 and vice versa and just at the end of opacity animation and not before a foreground animation. I would like to do it in XAML code and then start and finish de animation from C# code. Which is the best and eff...

Good way to make animations with Cocos2D?

Hi there, I'm making a little iphone game, and I would get some clues. Let's imagine: Two background sprites moving pretty fast from right to left, and moving up and down with accelerometer. I guess I can't use animations here, cause the movement of the background is recalculated at each frame. So I use a schedule with an interval of ...

PreferenceActivity used as main activity has strange animation

Hi, I have a preference screen (subclass of PreferenceActivity) set as main activity (opened when the application starts) on android 1.6 device/emulator. Anyway the animation android uses to open this activity is different from standard activity. It seems that two types of animation run concurrently: the usual fade animation and the rig...

jquery if statement animate back

how do i add a if statement when the right image is at +400px then animate back to -400px... when hovering the right image? $('#left img').mouseenter(function() { $('#right img').animate({ left: '+=400px' }, 700); }); $('#right img').mouseenter(function() { $('#left img').animate({ left: '-=400...