
OpenGL true coordinates and glutTimerFunc() problem C++

HI I am starting to learn openGl for C++.but at stating point I stucked. I have 2 question that is the coordinates for drawing some objects? I mean where is X, Y and Z? Second one I am making tutorial from some sites. and I am trying to animate my triangle.In tutorial it works but on my computer not.I Also downloaded source codes b...

UIView Animation: Shrink

I'm looking to have my main view shrink to reveal the next view in the same way the Facebook app's views shrink when you press the top-left button. I already have it working with one of the included animations like this: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut]; [UIView setAn...

WPF How to animate selection box movement of ListView?

I want to animate movement of a selection box in ListView so it will move from old selected item to currently selected. I don't even know where to start - could someone please share ideas how to achieve that or it's impossible to do in WPF. ...

WPF How to stop animation from a thread in background worker

Hi! I have a task that takes a long time. I do it with a background worker thread and before start it, since Do_Work I begin an animation over a label and when task finishes, I stop it in RunWorkerCompleted but I received an error because I try to begin/stop animation in the background thread that is not the owner. How can I do this, I ...

Android: how to hide and then show View with animation effect?

I have similar question like this one: Basically: I have one vertical LinearLayout View with edittext, button and then list. I'd like to hide exittext after pressing button to make more space for list (button will go up). On second press edittext should be visib...

What would you recommend to do simple 2D Graphics?

I want to build a program that will (as part of what it's doing) display lines organically growing and interacting horizontally across the screen. Here's a sample image, just imagine the lines sprouting from the left and growing to the right: The lines would look like the lines used on Google Maps Transit Overlay or OnNYTurf's transi...

iPhone: How to Stop Animations in a View Before the View Deallocates

I have added custom animation to UITableViewCells. Each cell has its own animation. When I pop the view, the animations continue and I get a bad exec error because the animation is trying to access the deallocated cells. How do I stop the animations before the view is deallocated? - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView accessoryBu...

UIView Animation iPhone (obtaining information on the frame dynamically)

I have a UIView called goalBar which is being animated by increasing the size of the frame according to a float value called destination: CGRect goalBarRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, destination, 29); [UIView beginAnimations:@"goal" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseIn]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0f]; goalB...

Fireworks Display in WPF

I am trying to draw a fireworks affect in WPF XAML and was wondering what would be the best way to approach this? ...

UIView animation only animating some of the things I ask it to

I have a series of (say) boxes on the screen in a row, all subviews of my main view. Each is a UIView. I want to shift them all left and have a new view also enter the screen from the right in lockstep. Here's what I'm doing: // First add a dummy view offscreen UIView * stagingView = /* make this view, which sets up its width/height */ ...

IPHONE - Flip animation when controller pushed

Hi, I had a look around and didn't find what I was exactly looking for ... Is there a way to get a flip animation when pushing a view controller ? I read that you can change the animation by using a modal view controller but AFAIK the animation for a modal view is from bottom to top and that's not what i am looking for ;) Is there a ...

Manipulating a Storyboard's target object

In the handler for the Completed event of a Storyboard, how do i get the element that the storyboard was being applied to? My Storyboard is part of an ItemTemplate: <ListBox x:Name="MyListBox" > <ListBox.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid x:Name="Container" Height="30" > <Grid.Resources> ...

How can I find the current position of a View when it's being translated by a tweening animation?

I have a View in an Android application, which is used to show a graphic. This View is being animated by a translation animation, specified in an XML file. In my case, the translation is moving the View from right to left across the screen. I'd like to be able to tell where on the screen the View is when a touch event occurs, but I can'...

How to do Animation like Dock in Macintosh [iPhone]

In iPhone I want to do animation like Dock in Mac how can I do. please suggest me. thanks. ...

jQuery Animation Delay

I'm working on a small bit of functionality for three similar tabbed items. Basically, when you hover over one, I want the opacity of the two siblings to go to 50%. I set up a pretty basic jQuery hover event, here's the page code... <div id="footer"> <a href="#" class="footer-tabs" id="footer-seek">Seek</a> <a href="#" class="fo...

show action sheet, but not animated

Hi all How can I show an UIActionSheet without any animation, so that it just show up? Thanks in advance. Sean ...

How do I get an UIImageView to tell me when its animation stops?

I have a UIImageView that is displaying a series of pictures as an animation. This part of the project works well. I want to display a label when the animation ends. Is there an event that the Imageview will trigger when it's animation ends? ...

Cannot resolve TargetName - Silverlight4 C#

I am getting the error Cannot resolve TargetName grdGeneral. What I am trying to do is have a fade out function which accepts a grid and fades the opacity to zero. I have this function called on MouseLeftButtonDown and is loaded after the xaml and form has loaded. Calling the fade out: private void imgNext_MouseLeftButtonDown(object se...

Understanding Flash SWC's imported into Flex Builder 3 and key framed animation

I am trying to understand what is going on in a SWC that I am importing from Flash CS4 into Flex Builder 3. Specifically I am using a SWC supplied by a Designer as the animation for a custom preloader (a subclassed DownloadProgressBar). The issue I am trying to understand is, once the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE is fired, I cleanup by remov...

Android LinearLayout Visibility issues with Animation

Hello, I am trying to swap two LinearLayouts by setting their visibility properties to "VISIBLE" and "GONE" respectively. I am also using an animation while the layouts are being swapped. The animation completes successfully and I see the correct layout. However, the previous Layout which has its visibility property set to "GONE" still ...