
How apply a storyboard to a Label programmatically ?

Hi :), I've a little problem, I'd search google and my Wpf's books but I don't found any answer :( I have created a little storyboard : <Storyboard x:Key="whiteAnim" Duration="1"> <ColorAnimation By="Black" To="White" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Background" x:Name="step1"/> <ColorAnimation By="White" To="Black" Storyboa...

How do I get an imageview to rotate while translating in Android?

I am trying to make an imageview that rotates while sliding across the screen. I setup a rotate animation for 180 degrees, and it works by itself. I setup a translate animation and it works by itself. When I combine them I get an imageview that makes a big spiral. I would like the imageview to rotate around the center of the imageview wh...

iPhone UITableView header won't disappear

In my app, I have a UITableView, grouped style. The table has two modes. In mode 1, it shows one section (A), and in mode 2, it shows 2 sections (A and B). I transition between the two modes via the insertSection and deleteSection methods of UITableView. In addition, I have header text for each section This works great for the most part...

Let system time determine animation speed, not program FPS

I'm writing a card game in ActionScript 3. Each card is represented by an instance of a class extending movieclip exported from Flash CS4 that contains the card graphics and a flip animation. When I want to flip a card I call gotoAndPlay on this movieclip. When the frame rate slows down all animations take longer to finish. It seems Fla...

UIView animation not working

I have the following code to do a UIView animation: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:mapView.view cache:NO]; [self addSubview:detailView]; [mapView removeFromSuperview]; [UIView c...

How to convert image sequences (PNG) into Animation File (gif/mov/others) (iPhone) ?

I have a sequence of images (PNG format) in my iphone app. It is saved in the app's sandbox doc folder. How do I create animation file from these images? I would prefer animated gif, but other types like video (mov/avi/etc) is ok too. I don't need audio. Just images. Thanks. ...

[iphone sdk] changing animationDuration while animating

Hi all i want to change animationDuration of a UIImageView while it's animating ... and want to do this 60 times a second... is there any way to do this ? When I try to do it, the animation stops ... ...

glow when touch the screen in android?

when i touch whereever in the screen that point will be glow(nothing but like a flash or glittering) for some time. how to do that? any example or idea?? i have to implement to put buttons on it. exactly when i touch the screen it will glow some time and then the button will appear on the point where i touched. ...

How can I make an iPhone UIView "pulse" or fade from one color to another repeatedly?

I want a UIView with a glowing or pulsing effect, like the status bar during a call on the iPhone. Does anyone know how I would go about doing this? I've experimented with NSTimer but can't seem to find how to go about this. Thanks! ...

Queueing Effect.Parallels in Scriptaculous doesn't work

Each block of animations, grouped in an Effect.Parallel, runs simultaneously. That works fine. Then, I want each of the Effect.Parallels to trigger sequentially, with a delay. The second block doesn't wait its turn. It fires when the function is run. Why?! ///// FIRST BLOCK ///// new Effect.Parallel([ new Effe...

Animation management in COCOS2D iphone.

Hi All, I have near about 255 image frames for background animation, 99 frames of enemy sprite and 125 frames of player sprite. All animations are running simultaneously on the screen. That is background animation is running and 4-5 enemies are on the screen are present at a time, also player is there at the same time. Take a look at ...

How to Animate a Gradient on a Path to visualize data flow in WPF/WCF app

I have an interesting project where several "nodes" on a cnavas are connected via a Path similiar to a mindmap tree. The path is used to visualize the connection state between two nodes. Red means the nodes are disconnected, green means they're connected. The next step would be to illustrate data flow (from A to B or B to A) using that p...

Disable animations when ending search in iPhone

Hi. A quicky: is there a way to dismiss the keyboard and the searchDisplayController without animation? I was able to do it when the user presses "Cancel", but when the user presses the black "window thingy" above search field (only visible while the user hasn't inserted any text), the animation always occurs, even when I change the de...

OpenGl glutIdleFunc(void (*func)(void))

I'm trying to design very simple animation in OpenGL such as rotating and translating objects. In the red book, I found that using GLUT's glutIdleFunc() is okay for a simple animation. How many times does glutIdleFunc(...) call the function in one second? Thank you. ...

Storyboard apply to all labels

Hi everyone ! I whant to apply a little storyboard to a collection of labels in my window. My storyboard is like that : <Storyboard x:Key="Storyboard1" AutoReverse="True" RepeatBehavior="Forever"> <ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="00:00:00" Storyboard.TargetName="label" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Label.Foreground).(Soli...

Creating a custom animation with CGLayers?

Basically, I want to animate a shrinking circle. I've already done this by drawing progressively smaller circles onto CGLayer's, and then using if(index < 30){ [self performSelector:@selector(showNextLayer) withObject:nil afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)0.02]; index++; } in my showNextLayer method. This works for my simple goal, but in ge...

How do I animate text links using jQuery?

I am somewhat new to jQuery and I have a problem with something I am trying to implement. I have a vertical navigation menu where each link animates on hover by changing color, increasing letter spacing, and adding a border on the left. Everything is working the way I want it to except for when I click on the link. After I click on the...

inconsistent setTexture behavior in cocos2d on iPhone after using CCAnimate/CCAnimation

Hi, I have a character that goes through multiple states. The state changes are reflected by means of a sprite image (texture) change. The state change is triggered by a user tapping on the sprite. This works consistently and quite well. I then added an animation during State0. Now, when the user taps - setTexture gets executed to cha...

How to get DIVs into this code via JQuery

Heya everyone I been struggling along with this piece of code for the longest time, its driving me insane. I am trying many different things and looking at past posts here but nothing seems to be helping. Basicly i have a jquery pagination code in place and i want to add animated transitions between pages. With some assistance i got th...

Android -- How to position View off-screen?

Hello all, I'm trying to animate a simple ImageView in my application and I want it to slide in from the bottom of the screen and come to a resting position where the top 50px of the view is off the top of the screen (e.g. the final position of the ImageView should be -50px in X). I've tried to use the AbsoluteLayout to do this, but thi...