
UILabel fade-in fade-out question

Hi there, I got the following code inside an NSTimer selector: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [infoLbl setAlpha:0]; [UIView commitAnimations]; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [infoLbl setAlpha:1]; [UIView commitAnimations]; So I want to imple...

How to render consistence and smooth moving animation on iphone / ipod / iphone simulator.

I am trying render a simple animation(object movement animations) on iphone. I used opengl for object rendering. Movements appears to be smooth on the simulator. But if I used same code in the ipod, object movement is slower. In the iphone it is still slower. I googled a bit and found 'frame rate independent rendering method', which tau...

Custom event loop and UIKit controls. What extra magic Apple's event loop does?

Does anyone know or have good links that explain what iPhone's event loop does under the hood? We are using a custom event loop in our OpenGL-based iPhone game framework. It calls our game rendering system, calls presentRenderbuffer and pumps events using CFRunLoopRunInMode. See the code below for details. It works well when we are no...

Best approach to make Page Flip animation on iPhone (like magazine)

Hi all, What would be the besta approach to make one oage flip like a real magazine, like I put the finger in the corner of the screen then flip the page... Like this video: Is it a sequence of images ? all images are in one view or Imageview ? Or there is another way to ...

How do I "rebind" the click event after unbind('click') ?

I have an anchor tag <a class="next">next</a> made into a "button". Sometimes, this tag needs to be hidden if there is nothing new to show. All works fine if I simply hide the button with .hide() and re-display it with .show(). But I wanted to uses .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() instead. The problem I'm having is that if the user clicks on ...

How to order a window to front if you are not in the Application in Objective-C

Hello, Is there a way to make a "makeKeyAndOrderToFront" without beeing in the Application? If I am in Safari and in the Menu Bar there is a MenuItem to my App, after I press this, i want to show a window of my App in the Front (makeKeyAndOrderToFront makes this just if you are in the Application). Which way can I use? And how can I a...

Qt 4.6.2 - QPropertyAnimation not works

Hi guy, I have a problem. I use a QPropertyAnimation to move a QLabel but not works. void TitleChannel::changeChannel(float angle){ int channel=(int)(angle/60); QPropertyAnimation *animation = new QPropertyAnimation(label, "geometry"); animation->setDuration(10000); animation->setStartValue(QRect(0, 0, 360...

Passing dynamic CSS to jQuery.animate

The documentation of jQuery.animate states that The only required parameter is a map of CSS properties. This map is similar to the one that can be sent to the .css() method, except that the range of properties is more restrictive. So, why does this work $('#con div').css( { top : function(i) { console.l...

Silverlight Animations When a Button is Loaded From ItemsControl

Here is the Problem, I want to Animate the DataTemplate of an ItemsControl with a Storyboard. The DataTemplate is A button. The Animation is just fading in when it is loaded. Now, What happens is if I have more than say 10 buttons in the ItemsSource, the animation does not work/Or is really slow. If it is only one button then it works pe...

Turn a page (a UIWebView) with an animation

Hi, I have a webview, which shows the pages of a ebook. I want to switch from one page to the next page with a page curl animation. By now, I know how to switch the page and how to apply a page curl animation on the webview. But how do I apply the curl animation in a way that it looks like flipping from one page to another? ...

WPF touch and slide/drag animation

I'm trying to create a pretty simple WPF interface, and from what I know this should be mostly possible using pure XAML. What I know I have a pretty basic understanding of WPF so far, however I have a decent grasp on XAML. I know or can work out how to put content in these panels. This isn't the topic of this question. What I don't ...

Drawing and Animating with UIView or CALayer?

hello, i am trying to implement a graph which a uiview draws. There are 3 UIViews to animate a left/right slide. The problem is, that i can't cancel the UIView animation. So I replaced the UIViews by CALayer. Now, the question is if CALayer is appicable for this? Is it normal to draw on a CALayer like this? And why is a CALayer so slow w...

Making a ViewFlipper like the Home Screen using MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE

Ok I have a ViewFlipper with three LinearLayouts nested inside it. It defaults to showing the first one. This code: // Assumptions in my Activity class: // oldTouchValue is a float // vf is my view flipper @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent touchEvent) { switch (touchEvent.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN...

Why isn't TextBox.Text in WPF animatable?

Ok, I have just run into something that is really catching me off-guard. I was helping a fellow developer with a couple of unrelated questions and in his project he was animating text into some TextBlock(s). So, I went back to my desk and recreated the project (in order to answer his questions), but I accidentally used TextBox instead o...

UIView animation -- horizontal page curl... like a book?

I'm pretty sure I've run across this animation at some point, but I can't remember where or how to do it! I want the equivalent of UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown but a full page horizontal curl. Does anybody have code that does this? Thanks! ...

Android animation clipping when going between layouts

I have a fairly complex layout. I use a relative layout as the root and then inside of it I have a few table views and some further nesting. When I animate an imageview between these layouts my image clips. I have a background on the parent layout and the animation looks like it's going under it. I have set android:clipChildren="false" a...

Gradually enlarging text

I want to create a Flash or animated video that starts with a red dot on a black background. Gradually the dot increases in size and is actually text which says something such as "Buy American". How can this be done? ...

WPF Animation / Processing priority

Hi all, I have a button which has an animation (in xaml) on it's click event. Cool so far. Problem is that I also have processing occurring on the click event (so I can do stuff) - and this occurs first. How do I prioritise or re-order so that the animation takes place before any custom processing... Thanks. ...

iPhone UIView frame animation inconsistent why?

I have an app that uses an image loaded in from an UIImagePickerController instance. Once the picker is dismissed so as to reduce the jarring transition from the picker layout to the layout of the next function I initially have the UIImageView for the image fill the whole screen and then when the picker is dismissed the image 'squeezes' ...

jQuery : check in an element is being animated

I'd like to check if an element is being animated currently, something like $(...).is(':animated'). Does this exist? ...