
Android animation doesn't work, probably some kind of screen redraw problem.

I have created a custom component in my program by extending a ViewGroup. This component listens to touch events and are supposed to start animations when the user has move their finger past some certain points. I'm able to start animations while the user is touching the screen. But I'm not able to start animations if the user doesn't m...

How to prevent animation from being stoped by background worker in WPF

I have a WPF aplication that is doing some serious work (doing some calcualtions) when a button is hit. I wanted to add a 'busy animation'. However, the aplication is so busy doing its work that the animation is stopped until the calcuations are finished. Any ideas?? ...

Can not visualize correctly the written text of an EditText after animation (transformation)

Hello, At the end of a TranslateAnimation, when I write into my EditText that started that animation, it looks like I'm trying to write into the initial EditText. So It happens that I see a part of my text, sometimes I can see nothing. The EditText was well translated but not the rectangle where the text should appears. Here is my simp...

Keep object oriented towards a point while it's animated along a path

I'm trying to animate an object along a path...while it's moving it should continue to "point" towards another object (or CGPoint). What should I be looking for in the framework (Cocoa-Touch) to accomplish this? Maybe something in CAShapeLayer? Though I think that's more for animating the path itself... It's not jumping out at me... ...

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation

I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer but with most customization, basically the thing is working but the animation is flickering at the end. To further explain, I got an TranslateAnimation then after this animation it returns back to the original position, if i set setFillAfter then the buttons inside the layout stops working. If i...

How to provide animation when calling another activity in Android?

Hi, I have two Activities A and B. I want to have the shrink Animation when Activity A calls B and maximize animation when Activity B calls A. I don't need the animation xml files for this. When we call another Activity in Android it gives its default animation and then it calls shrink animation. What I want is that the default anim...

Jerky Silverlight 4 animations when running app in OOB

I was playing with new Silverlight 4 and to my surprise when I run my sample application in OOB all animations become very jerky when I moved mouse around during animations, but when I run my app in browser animations are smooth even when moving mouse around. I tried my app on two different computers, turned on GPU acceleration in OOB s...

UIView removeFromSuperView animation delay

I have a method which animates one of the subviews of UIWindow and then removes it from UIWindow using removeFromSuperview. But when I put removeFromSuperview after animation block, the animation never shows, because removeFromSuperview removes the UIView from UIWindow before the animation plays :-( How can I delay removeFromSuperview so...

How to animate line-drawing in iPhone development?

I have been searching around, but there seems no good answer for this simple question. So I am asking again: how to animate line-drawing in iphone dev? Basically what I want is something like this: @implementation MyUIView - (void) triggerLineDrawing: (CGPathRef) path { ... // animate line drawing here // and the line should ...

Jquery animation query bubbling how to handle it properly when using ex. slideToggle???

Hello, I need an answer to the following question... I have the problem when I use slideToggle I can't handle it's animation query with .stop(), i can handle it with .stop(true,true) though but it cuts my animation. I want to handle it smoothly without any plugins for example : I want it to wait till the animation finishes. Thanks ...

Sliding "pull-down" navigation - what do I use? How do I implement? jQuery?

I'm new to Javascript and jQuery, but I'm learning. Here is what I'd like to accomplish: I have a row of navigation "pull-down" tabs that I'd like to animate. Some sliders will have text links to sub-pages and some will not. The bottom portion of the tab should be clickable to go to the main page. Then the sub-page, text links should al...

Python Animation Timing

I'm currently working on sprite sheet tool in python that exports the organization into an xml document but I've run into some problems trying to animate a preview. I'm not quite sure how to time the frame rate with python. For example, assuming I have all of my appropriate frame data and drawing functions, how would I go about coding th...

how to trigger a event handler when WPF animation repeated

I have a WPF animation with the RepeatBehavior set to Forever. There is something need be updated every time the animation is repeated. I can't figure out how to catch the repeat event, the Complete event handler don't work for this. The animation interval is programmable and determined by some environmental factors. So use a timer isn't...

JavaScript: Achieving precise animation end values?

I'm currently trying to write my own JavaScript library. I'm in the middle of writing an animation callback, but I'm having trouble getting precise end values, especially when animation duration times are smaller. Right now, I'm only targeting positional animation (left, top, right, bottom). When my animations complete, they end up hav...

How to put overlay NSImageView and keep it at the top of a WebView?

How to put overlay view (NSImageView) and keep it at the top in front of a WebView ( which runs core animation or )? Standard ordering in interface builder does not help.. imageview is shown in front of the webview but when i load the contents of webview with a tag or only just an html opacity animation, suddently webview takeovers t...

How to make UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp in reversed direction?

Hi, I'm working on the app which allows flipping of the interface under some circumstances. Both landscape orientation should be supported (landscape left and right). Device flipping and orientation changes works fine, however, when in landscape mode, application allows to go to another screen using UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp effec...

jQuery inline text scrolling/rotating/carousel effect

I trying to create an animation with JQuery that scrolls 1 word in a sentence. For example, I am a nice sententce of text with a MAGIC word in it OTHER HIDDEN WORDS After a second or so, MAGIC would move upwards and OTHER wo...

How do I rotate a single object on an html 5 canvas?

I'm trying to figure out how to rotate a single object on an html 5 canvas. For example: - I want each one of those cards to be rotated at a different degree. So far, all I've seen are articles and examples that demonstrate ways to rotate the entire canvas. Right now, I'm guessing I'll have to rota...

Reading BVH file in pyopengl

Hi I am trying to animate a skeleton using a BVH file. I am doing this in pyopengl. Now I have googled and got to know that python has a generic module that can be used to read BVH file but i don't know how to use it or how to import that module. Can anyone help me with that. Any sample code or any other help would be appreciated. Tha...

Optimizing a 3D World Javascript Animation

Hi! I've recently come up with the idea to create a tag cloud like animation shaped like the earth. I've extracted the coastline coordinates from and wrote a little script that displayed it in my browser. Now as you can imagine, the whole coastline consists of about 48919 points, which my script would individually render (e...