
iphone add view from left

When calling subview, how can I add animations something like facebook? I'm having following code [self.firstView removeFromSuperview]; [self.view addSubview:secondView]; I want first view to be removed slowly towards left and second view to be added slowly from right. So that it will visualize scroll view kind of operation. ...

Animated layout-to-layout switching in Silverlight

Hi, I want the same thing as but for Silverlight. Is there any third party libs that are capable of doing this? Also I would like to do something more than just switching between WrapPanel and StackPanel, but have some more complex layout combinations (e.g...

jQuery .animate chains, callbacks, and .stop(true, true)

So I have a animation chain (.animate().animate().animate()), and on the last .animate(), there is a callback to do some clean-up. The animation is triggered by the hash in the address changing (#page1, #page2, etc.) -- so when the user changes the history state rapidly, if there is a currently executing animation, it needs to stop so t...

how to create more realistic explosions

hi, right now, for an explosion, i am just showing 3 images in a for loop, is there any better way to create a more realistic explostion? thanks. ...

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation and Animations

Hey guys, When I return NO from my shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: method in my view, my beginAnimations doesn't animate anymore! The code looks something like this: - (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation: (UIInterfaceOrientation) interfaceOrientation { return (UIInterfaceOrientationIsPortrait(interfaceOrientation)); }...

Touching an object in a tweened animation?

I'm having trouble porting a simple game I developed for the iPhone over to Android. The game has an animated ball which moves from Point A to Point B. The user must touch the ball before it reaches point B or lose the game. This was easy to implement on the iPhone using Core Animation since I could locate the current position of the...

jquery stop image rotation on mouseover, start on mouseout / hover

I have built a jQuery rotator to rotate through 3 divs and loop them. I would like to add the functionality on mouse over to "freeze" the current div and then start again on mouse out. I've thought about setting a variable to false at the start of the function and setting it true when it's on it's current frame but I've got my self a...

bleed through effect in ipad

hi i want to know is there any animation bleed through effect in ipad?????? ...

Background custom button animation using WPF

Hi, I am using Resources dictionaries to customize my controls and apply them as themes to my WPF application so I have implemented one for the button control. A code snippet for my custom Button.xaml is (its namespace is MyWPFApp.Themes): <ResourceDictionary ...> ... <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="NormalBackground" ...

iPhone SDK 3.2 UIGestureRecognizer interfering with UIView animations?

Are there known issues with gesture recognizers and the UIView class methods for animation? I am having problems with a sequence of animations on a UIImageView from UIGestureRecognizer callback. If the sequence of animations is started from a standard callback like TouchUpInside, the animation works fine. If it is started via the UILong...

Slide expand animation in android.

Hi, I have a simple list view listing results in android. Upon click of each item, I would like it to slide down expand and show the content. Is there an easy way to do this in android? Any help will be appreciated. Cheers ...

ActionScript3: How to start different moviclips one by one.

i started learning ActionScript3 and now i´ve got a problem: I want to start moviclips one by one on the same stage. For example: mc_A plays and in the end it starts the mc_B to play. than mc_B plays and starts in the end the mc_C .... other idea: the moviclips start at different times with a timer? I hoppe somebody can help me, cause ...

jQuery prevent action to be executed before it starts

Hello all, I am having a small problem. I have a nevigation build which opens when mouse is over, but also listens to keypress, than firing same animation as if mouse is over, just additionally opens the submenu. Now, when keypress is active and I am going with the mouse over that navigation, it fires the closing action before I can cli...

animation in Matlab

how to animate a surface if it's coordinates change in time (e.g. ellipsoid) using Matlab? ...

How to create ASCII animation in Windows Console application using C#?

I would like it to display non-flickery animation like this awesome Linux command; sl I would appreciate a small & stupid example of say ... a fly. Thanks! ...

How to create ASCII animation in a console application using Python 3.x?

I would like to port this question to Python (Windows + Linux + Mac Os) Thank you! ...

iPhone - UIView Animation not looping correctly

Hey all, got a little problem here and can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to animate a UIView up and down repeatedly. When I start it, it goes down correctly and then back up but then immediately shoots to the "final" position of the animation. Code is as follows: UIImageView *guide = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:...

Cocos2D SpriteSheet animation problem, my number of frames is much larger.

Hello, I am trying to use SpriteSheet to run an animation. My frames are of 320x480 in size each, So I am able to put max 6 frames on the texture image. But my animation consists of frame number ranging from 50 to 200 sometimes, and all are of size 320x480. But this much number of frames cannot be added on the Texture image as the size ...

iPhone - Detect the end of the animation

Hi everyone, How can I detect the end of the animation of a modal view (when I do a dismiss)? (I'm talking about MFMailComposeViewController which is not created by myself...) Thanks ...

Android ViewFlipper + homescreen animation

I am trying to use a ViewFlipper and make it act like the home screen(The layout will move with your finger). Check out this for an example. I want to do this with a ViewFlipper that only contains two children so the opposite view should be shown on either side of the current view depending on which way the user moves their finger. This ...