
Page flip effect on iPhone / iPad (for book reader)

Hey Guys, anyone has an idea how to build the page flip? I've seen it in flash applications and I want the same functionality for our iPad app ... I want to have a flipped corner on the bottom of the pae that you can drag and flip the page :) ... Cheers, Ondrej ...

How do you set the height of an object to Auto when Animating in WPF?

Tring to animate the expanding and contracting of a WPF Expander in .Net 4.0 using PowerEase. The animation works except I have to hardcode the height or bind to the height of an object in the expander which does not give the desired height. I need to set the "To" of the expander to Auto in animation. <Expander x:Name="MapsExpander" ...

how to animate 2 surfaces in Matlab?

Hi everyone, I've written this code which makes an animation of 2 ellipsoids. Parameter k1 of these ellipsoids must depend on time (so they'd move asynchronously), but I need to animate them in one figure. Can I use loop for it or is it better to use timer & some kind of callback functions? The second problem - I need to move inner elli...

How can an animator do animation targeted for the iPhone

Hi, I'm working with an animator for the iPhone. The animator I'm working with isn't a programmer and has a background in Flash. (right now she's doing the animation in Flash and I need to convert to Objective C). For some it's ok because I can just use image frames, but there are more complex animation that would take longer for me ...

Chaining jQuery animations using recursion crashes browser

Here's the basic idea of what I'm trying to do: Set the innerHTML of a DIV to some value X Animate the DIV When the animation finishes, change the value of X and repeat N times If I do this in a loop, what ends up happening is, because the animations occur asynchronously, the loop finishes and the DIV is set to its final value before...

iPhone - UIView Animation on UIButton - button unclickable for portion of duration.

I am trying to have a button move around the screen and still be clickable. I have it moving around the screen correctly, but the odd thing is that I can't click the button until the final second of the animation. The button is still moving and yet after a certain threshold I can click it. Any idea what is happening? Any idea for some ot...

UIView animation doesn't work first time

Hello everybody, I have a seachButton in the navigation bar which upon hitting calls following method: - (IBAction)search:(id)sender { if (nil == searchViewController) searchViewController = [[SearchViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SearchViewController" bundle:nil]; searchViewController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearC...

Problem with LinkButton and AnimationExtender

Hi. I have LinkButton and AnimationExtender for it. Also sometimes I need to disable LinkButton via JavaScript. I have my own function (because of problems with disabling LinkButton in FF). function disableAnchor(obj, disable) { if (disable) { var href = obj.getAttribute("href"); if (href && href !...

segmented controls mangled during initial transition animation

greetings and salutations folks, i'm relatively new to objective c & iphone programming, so bare with me if i've overlooked something obvious.. i created a simple app to play with the different transition animations, setting up a couple segmented controls and a slider.. (Flip/Curl), (left/right) | (up/down), (EaseInOut/EaseIn/EaseOut/L...

Animation is slow on iPhone

I'm developing an app that would display images and change them according to the user's action. I've created a subclass of UIView to contain an image, an index number and an array of image names. The code is like this: @interface CustomPic : UIView { UIImageView *pic; NSInteger index; NSMutableArray *picNames; //<-- an ar...

[Cocoa] Core Animation with an NSView and subviews

I've subclassed NSView to create a 'container' view (which I've called TRTransitionView) which is being used to house two subviews. At the click of a button, I want to transition one subview out of the parent view and transition the other in, using the Core Animation transition type: kCATransitionPush. For the most part, I have this work...

How do I animate image content in WPF?

I have a really basic user control with a button that has an image. I want to animate the image of the button, by changing it to a different image. <UserControl.Resources> <Image x:Key="GlyphDefault" Source="pack://application:,,,/X;component/images/Glyphs_Default.png" Height="8" Width="8" /> <Image x:Key="GlyphClicked" Source=...

Starting Frame-By-Frame Animation

Hi, I have a basic question about starting a frame-by-frame animation. When I call the AnimationDrawable.start() method from my code directly, it doesn't seem to work. public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... mAnimation.start(); ... } But if I put this line inside the onClick() callback method of a butt...

packaging sequences of png files in iPhone APP for animations to reduce bundle size

Basically, I have an application that uses a flip-book style animation technique. I am simply cycling through around 1000 320x480 pngs at 12fps, and everything works really well. Except for the fact that 1000 images takes up a ton of disk space. Ideally I'd like to be able to compress these images as a movie file and pull out each fra...

iphone - Images (slide show) and audio snychronization

I have 20 images and some audio. I would like to show a single image at a time and change the images at (unequal) intervals. For example, I want to show image 1 for 1.44 seconds and image 2 for 1.67 seconds and so on. Can someone suggest how to go about doing this please? What I have seen are examples that show how to setup an array ...

iPhone NSTimer OpenGL problem

I've got a problem that only seems to occur on the device, not in the simulator. My app's animation is started and stopped using these methods: NSTimer* animationTimer; -(void)startAnimation { if(animationTimer == nil) animationTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0f/60.0f target:self selector:@selector(drawVi...

WPF MVVM Trigger Animation on MainWindow close

I'm using trying to implement MVVM in my app. I have a MainWindow.xaml and a MainWindowViewModel. I'm in the process of removing all of the code-behind code from the MainWindow.xaml but I'm stuck on one final piece. In my pre-MVVM setup I started an animation in the MainWindow.xaml.cs that would fade out the form before closing it. ...

How to create an animated message banner in WPF

Any pointers on how would I create one of those (usually yellow) popup animated banners used in web apps (like stackoverflow FAQ)? ...

UIImageView Animation Question

Is it possible to run an NSArray UIImageView Animation that plays pictures 1 through 5 only once, plays pictures 5 through 7 on repeat over and over (while holding down IBAction button) then when button is released it plays 7-10 only once? ...

Matlab Simulation: Point (symbol) Moving from start point to end point and back

Hi, I would like to create an animation to demonstrate LDPC coding which is based on Sum-Product Algorithm So far I have created a graph which shows the connections between symbol nodes (left) and parity nodes (right) and would like to animate points travelling from symbol to parity nodes and back. The figure is drawn by executing the...