
Using UIImageView for a flipbook anim on iphone

I'm using UIImageView to run a flipbook anim like this: mIntroAnimFrame = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake( 0, 0, 480, 320); mIntroAnimFrame.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"frame0000.tif"]; Basically, when determine it is time, I flip the image by just calling: mIntroAnimFrame.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"frame0000.tif"];...

Fluid iPhone Animation ala Plants vs Zombies

If you've played Plants vs Zombies, you've seen how fluid and remarkable the character animation is. Can anyone assume how they are doing this? They don't seem to simply be animating bitmaps; the animation is too crisp, even as characters rotate and scale. The artwork looks vector, but I can't imagine that everything is drawn out using C...

jQuery: Multiple animations with a delay on a set of divs

Hey there, I have a group of 4 divs and I'm looking to use jQuery to animate them once, then have a delay using delay(), and then run another set of animations on them, putting the divs back to their original configuration. Here's the code that I have: //only selectors called 'option1' are affected by delay, and not 'option1 img' or ...

Can jpg images support animation?

Well guys. we are not supposed to ask theoratical questions here .. but dint know any other forum where someone would answer this :) jpeg image How is the above jpg image can be animated? As far as I know jpg format does not support animation. ...

Flash like animation editing and container format for OpenGL environment?

Are there ANY tools that lets an animator / designer create scripted animations that can export to an OpenGL compatible format -- that are similar to the timeline editing in Flash or After Effects? Does OpenGL ES have some kind of animation playback or container format? ( is there something similar to .swf for OpenGL? ) Im looking for ...

JQuery. Layout is shaking during animation

Hello everybody, JQuery accordion animation (as well as simple hides / shows) looks weird with some browsers (IE, Opera). But Fire Fox and Chrome renders animation perfectly without artifacts. Html layout tends to shake with IE / Opera during animation as if surrounding paddings / margins are changed for small random value. How can I...

xna manual animation

i want to animate 3d model in xna programmatically ,i tried to transform bones but nothing to happen only the whole model transform not individual bones as i want i read the 3d model by basic model processor so how i do this ? and is there any need to extended model processor like skinnedModelSample please explain the steps ...

problem with QPropertyAnimation in Qt

Hi , i have a problem with QPropertyAnimation in Qt my code: QString my_text = "Hello Animation"; ui->textBrowser->setText((quote_text)); ui->textBrowser->show(); QPropertyAnimation animation2(ui->textBrowser,"geometry"); animation2.setDuration(1000); animation2.setStartValue(QRect(10,220/4,1,1))...

Jquery UI Sortable - Get the item being sorted.

Hi, When using Jquery UI Sortable (which is great by the way) how do you get the item that is currently being sorted. When you use $(this); it return the actual sortable list, not the current sorted item. I want to do fancy-pants things with the widget when the user is dragging it around. E.g. Animate it when dragging between two list...

Problems with GUI in Matlab

Hi everyone, I have such code: a=5; b=a; c=10; u = (0:0.05*pi:2*pi)'; %' v = [0:0.05*pi:2*pi]; X = a*sin(u)*cos(v); Y = a*sin(u)*sin(v); Z = c*cos(u)*ones(size(v)); Z(Z>0)=0; % cut upper V1=4/3*pi*a*b*c; d=1/2; e=2^d; a2=a/e; b2=a/e; c2=c; V2=4/3*pi*a2*b2*c2; X2 = a2*sin(u)*cos(v);%-2.5; Y2 = b2*sin(u)*sin(v); Z2 = c2*cos(u)*ones(size(v...

How can we set time delay in animation of images to make them appear smooth ?

Hi, I have 10 CCSprite images. They are continues images. I am using, CCSprite *playerH = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"Player_01.png" ]; playerH.position = ccp(playerH.contentSize.width/2, windowSize.height/2); [self addChild:playerH z:1]; CCAnimation* animation = [CCAnimation animationWithName:@"dance" delay:0.20f]; for( int i = ...

animation in one direction

i like to animate my image "finga" not centered but from left or right: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:1]; finga.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(2,1.5); finga.animationDuration = 2; [UIView commitAnimations]; ...

JQUERY – How to resize an image from center (centered registration point)

Trying to resize (enlarge) an image with animate(). Didn't manage to resize it from center – always resizes from the top-left corner. Is there a way to resize (enlarge) it from a centered registration point? Negative margins/positions didn't work. ...

How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable?

How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? ...

iPhone - how to make delete animation like Notes app.

Hi, I want to make an animation, like the deleting a note in iPhone Notes app. But here I want to do it for Tabbar. So deleting a view (something shows in a view) will swoop down in a delete tab bar icon. Say, I have favourite tab bar item, so adding something in the favourite will swoop down the view in the favourite tab bar item. Th...

jQuery delay doesn't work as expected

I have the following jQuery code $("#dropdown").hover(function() { $(this).stop(true,true).fadeTo('fast',1); $("#options").stop(true,true).slideDown(); }, function() { $(this).delay(1000).stop(true,true).fadeTo('fast',0.1); $("#options").delay(1000).stop(true,true).slideUp(); } ); What I expec...

jQuery: setInterval animations?

Currently I'm trying to make some sort of vertical auto-scrolling. This is my code $(document).ready(function() { var reachEnd = false; var top = 0; function animateMargin(){ if(top == -720){ reachEnd = true; } if(reachEnd == false){ $('#bslider').animate({'marginTop' : '-=240px'}, 500); top -=240; ...

jQuery.Path plugin code doesn't animate bezier correctly

This code is straight from the original page of the jQuery.Path plugin, only I added a hash in front of the selector after i gave my tag an id of "my_elem" because it wasn't working. <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="path.aspx.cs" Inherits="path" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN...

Cannot activate View Touch Event After Animation end

I add animation on a Button, use .SetFillAfter(true) to keep the last view on screen. But I find it impossible to call touch event function by touching Button icon on the screen any more (but it can be called by touching original position). <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <AbsoluteLayout xmlns:android="

AnimationDrawable, when does it end?

I know there have been several people with the same question. Which is: How do i know when a frame by frame animation has ended? I have not had any useful answer on fora i visited. So i thought, let's see if they know at stackoverflow. But I could not sit still in the mean time, so i made a work around of this, but it does not really wor...