
How can I move an object left and right with silverlight?

I currently have two buttons that say left and right, and I want them to move a square object left and right respectively. What its currently doing when i press left is moving the square to the left, and if I press left again, it resets from the center and goes left. I want it so that when I press left, from where ever it is currently ...

BounceEase and silverlight 4 BarSeries

Hi, I am trying to get a bar series to "bounce" when drawing, I assumed the BounceEase TransitionEasingFunction would do this but the lines just fade in, I have posted the xaml and code behind below, does anyone know where I have gone wrong or is it more complex than I though, I am fairly new to silverlight XAML <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoo...

How to trigger event in silverlight animation by keyframe?

I need to call a method when the animation gets to a certain keyframe. Is it possible to trigger an event when an animation gets to a certain keyframe? If not is there a better way of triggering an event at a certain time? ...

Link doesn't let animation to end JQUERY

I create a div that when is clicked it executes an jquery script, but the problem I have is that in the animation there is a link, when you click on the link the links is execute as well as the animation but it does not let the animation to end. Is there a way to let know Jquery that when the links its executed wait for the animation to ...

How do I change the animation style of a jQuery Accordion?

Hi there. Is there a way to change the default animation that jQuery accordion uses? It appears to be "slide" but I'd like to use a Bounce or Drop effect. Here's my current code: $("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false, collapsible: true, event: 'click', active: 4 }); I'd like to change this from a slide to a drop or a bounce....

Retractable button bar using animations

I want to create a button bar that is retractable: when the user clicks on a special "handle" button, the button bar should slide out of view partially so only the handle remains visible. When the bar is in retracted state only the handle is visible. Clicking on the handle should "slide out" the button bar so it is completely visible ag...

How to programmatically(C#) go to a certain keyframe in a silverlight animation?

Is there a way of going to a certain keyframe inside of a silverlight animation? For example the user clicks a button and it goes to the specified keyframe in the animation. ...

How to calculate point along a curve?

I am writing a custom animation for wpf and as a non math guy I have a couple questions... If I am given two Point3D's, the From and To, and assuming the origin is at 0,0,0 how do I calculate a curve between the two points? And once I have the curve 'plotted' and I know its length (how to do that too?) how can I calculate the x,y,z coo...

Multiple Queues in jQuery

I am having problems using multiple queues in jQuery. Consider the following example: $('#example').click(function() { $(this).delay(1000, 'fx2').queue('fx2', function() { alert('here'); }); }); The alert never fires. Why? ...

Chaining Animations (iPhone / MonoTouch)

I'm trying to slide some (custom) tab-like buttons into view. I don't want them all to move at the same time. Also, they shouldn't move one at at time (where one slides after the other finishes). I want each button to begin sliding slightly after the previous. Preferably it would happen on a curve but just a fixed .1 second offset ...

jQuery animation loop not working

Hi, I'm trying to create a looping animation that starts on onmousedown and stops on onmouseout. The effect is a simple scroll that will continue looping until you release the mouse. I've created a function which performs the .animate method and it passes itself as a callback but the code only runs once. Here's the entire code: $(doc...

In Xlib, How can I animate until an event occurs?

Hi, I've been trying to animate in a C program using Xlib and I wanna do something when an event occurs, otherwise I wanna keep animating. Here's an example code snippet of what I am doing currently: while( 1 ) { // If an event occurs, stop and do whatever is needed. // If no event occurs, skip this if statement. if ( XEventsQ...

UIImageView animation has long delay on device

I create a 5-frame animation on UImageView and each image is created by [UIImage imageWithContentOfFile:xxx], however, the animation on simulator is working well but not on device, it usually has ~1 sec delay though the animation duration is 1sec. This is my code. NSArray *animations = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathsForResourcesOfType:@"...

Sequencing 2 lines of jQuery

I have the following lines of jQuery: // When dragging ends stop: function(event, ui) { // Replace the placeholder with the original $placeholder.after( $ ).remove(); // Run a custom stop function specitifed in the settings settings.stop.apply(this); }, I don't want settings.stop.apply(this); to run UNTIL th...

Python problem with resize animate GIF

Hello! I'm want to resize animated GIF with save animate. I'm try use PIL and PythonMagickWand (ImageMagick) and with some GIF's get bad frame. When I'm use PIL, it mar frame in read frame. For test, I'm use this code: from PIL import Image im ='d:/box_opens_closes.gif')

When animating, how fire the callback only when all elements are done?

When animating in jQuery, what's best practice for firing a callback only when ALL elements are done animating and not for each element? For example: $('.someElements').fadeOut('fast', function() { // dont do this until ALL elements are done fading } ...

Modal View Controller with keyboard on landscape iPad changes location when dismissed

I present a modal view controller on my on my iPad with UIModalPresentationFormSheet presentation style and UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical transition style. The Modal View Controller contains a UIWebView with some TextFields on it. When the user taps one of the text fields the keyboard comes up. I have noticed that in landscape mod...

iPad: Move UIView with animation, then move it back

I have the following code in a UIView subclass that will move it off the screen with an animation: float currentX = xposition; //variables that store where the UIView is located float currentY = yposition; float targetX = -5.0f - self.width; float targetY = -5.0f - self.height; moveX = targetX - currentX; //stored as an instance varia...

C# WPF abnormal CPU usage for animation

I am developing WPF application and client reports extreamly high CPU usage (90%) (whereas i am unable to repeat that behavior). I have traced bootleneck down to these lines. It is simple glowing animation for small single led control (blinking led). What could be reason for this simple annimation taking up SO huge CPU resources? ...

Apply Storyboard Animation to DataGridTemplateColumn depending on Binding value change

I have a DataGridTemplateColumn on a WPF DataGrid which has a binding to a double type. I wish to apply a Storyboard Animation when the value goes down and another Storyboard Animation when the value goes up. I've got the following code to start with: <dg:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="My Double"> <dg:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemp...