
Apply an Animation on a Drawable in Android

I am adding a glow animation effect to a logo. So far, I have managed to get the glow image behind the logo, using a LayeredDrawable, but I can't figure out how to animate it. I have found that AlphaAnimation would achieve the desired effect, but unfortunately I can only apply it on Views, not Drawables. How can I achieve this effect? ...

Using jQuery to rapidly scroll through a countdown

I have a webpage that displays the number 0, and when the user presses "start", the number should rapidly increasing until it reaches a target number (maybe 10,000 or so) a few seconds later. I'd like the numbers to scroll by as if they're on a slot machine wheel. I've managed to mostly hack something together using the ScrollTo plugin...

UIView does not move a subview when a animation block is after it.

I have this UIView class. It has 4 Views in it: self.view. The view of the class itself. Above that twitterButtonView that holds: A UIImageView of a button. Above that a hidden view of the back of the button. The self.view has a frame of (30, 380, 68, 66); I want to be able to tab the button and then it scales up accompanied by ...

Animate UserControl in WPF?

I have two xaml file one is MainWindow.xaml and other is userControl EditTaskView.xaml. In MainWindow.xaml it consists of listbox and when double clicked any item of listbox, it displays other window (edit window) from EditView userControl. I am trying to animate this userControl everytime whenever any item from the listbox is double cli...

Rotating a UIButton with a custom image (animation)

Hi, I'm trying to rotate a button that I've connected to the controller from the Interface Builder. I've set it's image right from Interface Builder. I'm using this code on the method that runs when I click it: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [UIView setAnimationRepeatCount:5]; updateButton...

Repeating animations using the Stop Selector

I'm trying to repeat an animation until a certain condition is met. Something like this: - (void) animateUpdate { if (inUpdate) { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate: self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector: @selector(animateUpd...

How to do animation using swing and clojure ?

I'm trying to animate a chess piece in a board. First I created a java.util.Timer object that "scheduleAtFixedRate" a TimerTask implemented as a proxy function. So I kept a record of the piece to move (piece-moving-record) and when it's apropriate (when the user move the piece using the mouse) the TimerTask proxy function should be test ...

Using jQuery to animate icon mouseover (slide out from right to left on mouseover)

I need to duplicate the functionality of the "Get Social" icon on the website. The icon is located at the top right of the web page. When you mouseover the "Get Social" icon, an image grouping containing Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, and Flickr icons slide out from right to left and are clickable. When you mouse...

Looping an animation made with

I've created an animation using However, when the animation is finished, I want to have it reset all the objects and perform the animation again. I plan to just reset the positions of the objects manually, but how can I make the animations loop? If I put the effect declarations inside a for or while loop, it just cras...

How can I run a function anytime anything is animated with jQuery?

Hi - I have some jQuery animations in my code to slide divs up and down in response to some mouse clicks and other logic. This is all working just peachy, however in IE 6 some of the smaller icon images on the page don't slide along with the rest of the div for some strange reason. They kind of stay put then flicker into the new positio...

Animate UserControl (When It Gets Collapsed) in WPF

I have two xaml file one is MainWindow.xaml and other is userControl EditTaskView.xaml. In MainWindow.xaml it consists of listbox and when double clicked any item of listbox, it displays edit window (EditView userControl). Whenever edit window gets displayed, it plays an animation (sliding from right to left). The EditView userControl ha...

UIView animation cancels previous animation?

Hi I have an NSTIMER that counts the time, and on t = 10, it fires an animation but during that time it might happen that another animation is running. This causes the previously running animation to cut off. Any idea? i thought UIVIEW animations were ran in diff threads. I cannot use a willstop selector here since t = 10 might happen wh...

How to creating animation videos programmatically ( Java or C ) from pictures

I am creating a animation video for which I have the frame by frame pictures. I want to create a video out of it but only programmatically and not using any tool like MovieMaker, Flash or AdobePremier. Please let me know if there any apis which can combine these frames and create compressed video in any of the formats like AVI, MPEG-4 e...

What is the equivalent to "UIImageView" on OSX?

I'm wondering how to get some nice sprite-animations on OSX - like the UIImageView provides for the iPhoneOS. NSImageView cant... but how can I solve this? ...

Add animation when user control get visible and collapsed In Wpf

I have two xaml files MainWindow.xaml and other user control WorkDetail.xaml file. MainWindow.xaml file has a textbox, button, listbox and reference to WorkDetail.xaml(user control which is collapsed). Whenever user enter any text, it gets added in listbox when the add button is clicked. When any items from the listbox is double clicked,...

MVVM with animations (should I use VisualStateManager?)

I've got a View.xaml with the following set in Resources-section: <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MyFirstViewModel}"> <Views:MyFirstView Content="{Binding}" /> </DataTemplate> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MySecondViewModel}"> <Views:MySecondView Content="{Binding}"/> </DataTemplate> In the content of ...

Core Animation 'flip' animation

I'm looking to use Core Animation to simulate a flip clock animation in a Mac application. Currently I have three CALayer's representing the top and bottom half of the digit, and a third used to represent the flip animation (a solution found in the follow article: Creating an iPad flip-clock with Core Animation. The animation of the fli...

iphone animation - catch notification

I'm using following lines of code to animate: CATransition *animation = [self getAnimation:dirString]; [[self view] exchangeSubviewAtIndex:0 withSubviewAtIndex:1]; [[[self view] layer] addAnimation:animation forKey:kAnimationKey]; After end of animation, I want to play sound. How can I get notification when animation is comple...

iphone how to show curl animation from left side

I'm using following code to show curlup animation. It generally curls up from right side. But I want curl up from left side. How can I get this. My code is as follows: [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveLinear]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1]; if(dirString == kCATransitionFromTop) {...

javascript accordion - tracking time question

Hey all, I was reading up on this javascript tutorial: Basically, it shows you how to create an accordion using pure javascript, not jquery. All made sense to me until the actual part of tracking the animation. He says "Because of all that, the first thing we do in the animation func...