
Possible iphone animation timing/rendering bug?

Hi all, I have been working on an iphone apps for several weeks. Now I encounter an animation problem that I can't figure out how to resolve. Mayhbe you can help. Here is the details (a little long, bear with me): Basically the effect I want to achieve is, when user click a button, a loading view pops up, hiding the whole screen; and th...

Image animation over CGContextDrawPDFPage

I have a pdf page displayed with CGContextDrawPDFPage. I want to keep this page shown and have an image slide in from top over this page, just as it can be seen in the iBooks application. It's a book, the sliding image is a bookmark that slides in when you are about to close the book. What is the best way to go about implementing this...

Play animation (storyboard) backwards

Is there a simple way to play some StoryBoad backward (reversed) ? As there is a method Storyboard.Begin() I would expect that there is some method like "Storyboard.BeginReversed()" but I cannot find it. If there is no way to play an animation backwards that I have to write for most of my animations complementary animations. That smell...

COCOS2D - Animation Stops During Move

Hey guys! I am trying to run a "Walk" style animation on my main game sprite. The animations work fine, and my sprite is hooked up to my joystick all fine and dandy. However, I think where I setup the call for my walk animations are wrong. Because everytime the sprite is moving, the animation stops. I know putting the animation in suc...

Run function in infinite loop

I am creating a background color animation with jQuery and the color animation plugin How do I have a function stay in a loop repeating itself each time it has finished running? I tried this but it did not work : function colorLoop(){ $("#window") .animate({ backgroundColor: "orange" }, ...

.GIF re edit! Can't figure it out!! That is the photo.. I am trying to cut around it so its a little smaller and make him walk the opposite direction. The reason I am doing this is for a VBulletin forum signature since it marquees left to right. I have tried editing the animation in Photoshop and I flipped the canva...

Image animation over CGContextDrawPDFPage

I have a pdf page displayed with CGContextDrawPDFPage in QuartzDemo sample application. I want to keep this page shown and have an image slide in from top over this page, just as it can be seen in the iBooks application. It's a book, the sliding image is a bookmark that slides in when you are about to close the book. I added this code...

about TranslateTransform and RenderTransformOrigin

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to silverlight application. I want to learn TranslateTransform and RenderTransformOrigin, could anyone recommend me some tutorials? I am a newbie of this area. And I did not find anything which is good to learn for a newbie from MSDN (correct me if there are some go...

Need some guidelines on iPad animation programming

Hi, I'm creating an interactive e-book for the iPad. This book will contain multiple pages that will consist of a lot of animations (frame and motion animations), transitions,... I was wondering what my development options are, should I use OpenGL, Quartz,...? I've use UIImageView.animationImages before and found that it had really bad ...

Android: implementing sliding cards in widget

I have a widget that periodically updates itself (hourly) to display top result of search query. I would like to extend it so it captures several top results and then loops through these. The best example would be Genie News and Weather widget for which I was unable to find a source code. QUESTIONS: What would be a good way to impleme...

How do I sync recorded voice to animation on the iPhone

I want to record voice and sync that up with animation on the iphone as a user touches the screen. Are there apis that will help me accomplish this? I've not done anything like this so I"m having a hard time visualizing the type of algorithm that would help me accomplish this. ...

Animation not playing

Hello again, I didn't say this last time but I am relatively new to iPhone programming and extremely new to iPhone game development so bear with me. In my game, when I tilt the device, the character moves and faces the correct direction, but does not animate. I am using an animated UIImageView. Here is the code: float newX = characte...

Create swipe controlled simple flipbook style animation in ObjC

Hi I am a beginner in Obj C development, though quite experienced (over 10 years) with other ECMAscript based languages and OOP development. I want to build a simple flipbook style animation, controlled through swiping motion. I'm sure extremely simple for any advanced ObjC coders. Can anyone with extensive ObjC-CocoaTouch experience g...

UIImageView movement What am I doing wrong?!?!?!

What am i doing wrong here?!?!! I get an error. I have the following code under a button touch down action. I am trying to make a UIImageView move to the right: = CGPointMake( += 1,; Please help. Thanks in advance, Bryce ...

JQUERY, scrollTo, after scrolling down, the page won't let me scroll up for a second... Y?

I'm using the following JQUERY to attach an even to a link in the header, which essentially scrolls to the bottom of the page: $('#comment-count-btn').click(function(){ $('html,body').scrollTo('#comment-wrapper', 500); }); Problem is, that it scrolls all the way to the bottom of the page (which is correct), but then when I try to ...

How to change pop view controller animation on back button ?

Hi all , I am pushing my view controller with the following statement : [[self navigationController] pushViewController:self.customViewController animatedWithTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft]; Now when I am pressing the back button I want to animate it with the uiviewanimationtransitionflipfromright . like [self.n...

How do I stop events from bubbling/multiple events with animated mouseovers?

I noticed a lot of JQuery answers on this, but I'm using MooTools... I have a Table of Contents which uses CSS Fixed positioning to keep it off to the left side, except for 20 pixels. The user hovers their cursor over the 20 pixels, which fires the DIV's mouseover event and the ToC slides fully into the page. When the cursor leaves, the...

coordination transform issue in Silverlight

Hello everyone, I am using Silverlight 3.0 + .Net 3.5 + VSTS 2008 + C# to develop silverlight application based on ASP.Net. I am very confused about what are the function of "TranslateTransform" and "RenderTransformOrigin" in the following code snippet? BTW: I roughly understand RenderTransformOrigin means move an UI element in x-axis ...

iphone webkit css animations cause flicker

This is the iphone site: After you click "play now" you'll get to a game. The guns will scroll in. You can scroll the purse and accessories up and down. You can see that when you let go they snap into place. Just as that snap happens, there's a flicker that occurs. The only w...

iphone autorotation animation

Is it possible to turn off the animation for the autorotation? I want it to rotate, but I just dont want the animation to occur (like an instant switch). ...