
How can I animate a content switch in an NSImageView?

I want to switch the image shown in an NSImageView, but I want to animate that change. I've tried various methods to do this. Hopefully one of you could suggest one that might actually work. I'm working with Cocoa for Mac. ...

UIView animation

I have a UIView(first view) on top of which I would like to display another UIView(second view). I display the second view using animation which causes the second view to be displayed for about 3/4 of the iPhone screen. The first view is visible underneath the animated second view. I would like to make changes to the first view as the se...

Callback for UITableView animations

Is there a delegate protocol that includes a callback for the end of animated changes to UITableView? Particularly reloadSection/Rows? ...

Detecting completion of GWT Deck Panel Animation

I have a Deck Panel with AnimationEnabled(true). I want to know when the animation completes when i change the deck in order to perform other tasks. ...

Canvas Animation

I'm making a graph script using canvas, i'm adding animation to a chart but i don't like the way that it's look, i use setInterval for X function adding height to a rectangle to make a bar chart for example, but i wanna an animation more fluid, is another way to do an animation? ...

Trying to get simple jquery animations on a site I created in Dreamweaver

Hey guys, another question. I'm trying to do some basic jQuery stuff for my final project. I'll be using it to modify my already existing site created in Dreamweaver a few months ago. However, no matter how I source the framework, it just won't take regardless of whether I host my own copy or link to someone else's like Google's. I'm...

How can I animate between states in a programmatic skin? [FLEX]

I have a button with the various states (up/over/down etc) that uses a skin file to render the display. I want to achieve animation between the states. For instance, between the change from 'up' to 'over' I want to fade in a color and a border. The way I am doing this at the moment is to use viewstates and animate between them using tra...

Animating list items with jQuery

Hi Guys, Im trying to find the best way of animating a list of items one by one. So for example I have a UL with 7 items in it and when my trigger element is clicked I want each item to fade in one below the other with a slight delay between each item. Any ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks ...

How to unset delegate on UIView setAnimationDelegate: call?

I am receiving crash reports that appear to be from a UIView animation calling a delegate that has been dealloced. Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x334776f6 objc_msgSend + 18 1 UIKit 0x31c566c4 -[UIViewAnimationState sendDelegateAnimationDidStop:finished:] 2 UIKit ...

How to move a line or rectangle in a context without setNeedsDisplay

I have a rather complex graphic within the context of a UIView within a UIScrollView that is created on load using CGPath and GContext path functions. The graphic is static unless the user changes one of it's parameters which in turn calls setNeedsDisplay on the UIView. The graphic is laid out over a 24 hour period and I now want to add...

Storyboard as timer in WPF

Hi, I'm trying to do smooth animation in procedural code. For this (in Silverlight at least), it's recommended to use the Storyboard timer rather than a DispatcherTimer. So I use something like this: Storyboard _LoopTimer = new Storyboard(); public void StartAnimation() { _LoopTimer.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseco...

Flash / Actionscript wheel

Hi, I have been asked to create a wheel for navigation similar to on the Visit Provence website. However, I don't know where to start and my Googling effort have been unsuccessful - I guess that I am searching using the wrong terms. It the the way that the wheel moves and interacts with the other segments around it that interests me. ...

iPhone UISearchBar animated to top

There are lots of apps where the searchbar moves upwards if active and moves down when it is inactive. There is a sample code from apple available which works with IB, but how can I achieve this behavior programmatically? Mostly it is combined with a navigationbar which moves out of the screen in replace with the searchbar ...

Handling inverse kinematics: animation blending or math?

I've been working for the past four days on inverse kinematics for my game engine. I'm working on a game with a shoestring budget so when the idea of inverse kinematics came up I knew I had to make it such that the 3D models bones would be mathematically changed to appear to be stepping on objects. This is causing some serious problems ...

Animate pygame sprite in elliptical path

This is pygame 1.9 on python 2.6.. Here is a screenshot of what is currently being drawn in my "game" to give some context. Here is the code. It's supposed to be the moon orbiting around the earth (I'm not trying to make a real simulation or anything, I'm just using the setting to play around and learn pygame). It's 2 circles, and the ...

How to create an animated tiled background from a texture atlas with Cocos2d

I want to create a CCLayer with an animated tiled background from a larger texture atlas with Cocos2d. I know how to drop a background in a CCLayer. I know how to create an animated CCSprite. I even know how to handle tiled world maps. But I can't find a proper way to combine all these elements in the desired form. How would I do this?...

How to animate characters text with html5

How would I animate individual characters of text on a page in HTML5. Like this example in flash. ...

Export Flash Animation to ActionScript

Hi I would like to make an animation using some tool (like e.g. Flash CS) and then export it for ActionScript. I thought this could be done in Flash CS but I just tried it by making an animation, converting it to a symbol and then selecting "Export for ActionScript". The problem: in the project folder there are no ActionScript classes ge...

How to reuse actions

Of the three parts I want to move, only the last one actually moves. I can't seem to "recycle" the ease action I created. How is this done the correct way? - init { // initial setup [self moveParts]; } - (void)moveParts { id action = [CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:1 position:ccp(0,160)]; id ease = [CCEaseInOut...

WPF: Animating TranslateTransform from code

I have a WPF canvas on which I'm dynamically creating objects from code. These objects are being transformed by setting the RenderTransform property, and an animation needs to be applied one of those transforms. Currently, I can't get properties of any transform to animate (although no exception gets raised and the animation appears to r...