
Implement looped movement animation with tap to cancel

Hi All; My app is based around a grid and an image that moves within a grid that is contained within a scrollview. I have an imageview that I am animating from one cell to another in time with a slow finger movement and recentering the scrollview. That is rather straight forward. I have also implement the ability to detect a swipe and ...

UITableView is getting interaction when changing rows with animation

Hi, I have a tableview on a nib file with the interaction setting turned off. I'm animating a section change like this: [myTableView beginUpdates]; [myTableView deleteSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:YES]; [myTableView insertSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0] withRowAnimation:YES]; [myTableView endUpdate...

iPhone Dev: Animating PNG Sequences

What is the best or recommended technique for animating PNG Sequences. Heres what I've learned: Do it Manually Using MutableArrays containing Strings, you can animate a UIImageView with a timer which increments an index number UIImage - animation methods This works, the only problem is to find if an image has completed its animation, y...

My Core Animation block isn't working like I'd expect

I have a UIView called activityView, which contains two subviews activityIndicator and cancelOperationsButton. These views are embedded in a XIB and wired up to my view controller. I have two methods that deal with activating (showing) and deactivating (hiding) these two subviews: - (void) enableActivityIndicator { [activityIndicat...

how can I get animation when going to previous view

hi, i have used viewcontroller with multiple view. when i go back to previous, there is no animation i have tried by below lines of code , -(IBAction)goback { [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1]; [UIView setAnimationTransition: UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown forView:self.view cache:YES]; [sel...

Change UITextView text color with animation.

Hi ! Just a simple question. Is it possible to change the text color of UITextView with a animation? [UITextView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL]; [UITextView setAnimationDuration:2.0]; textView.textColor = [UIColor grayColor]; [UITextView commitAnimations]; Cheers! - Martin ...

Looped jQuery slideshow with smooth cross-fades

I'm trying to do a simple rotating image on the home page. Under the hood I'm reading a directory and then populating urls for the images into an array. What I want to do is cross-fade the images. If it was just a matter of showing the next one, it's easy, but since I need to cross-fade, it's a bit harder. I think what I want to do is do...

WPF: Selecting the Target of an Animation

I am trying to create a simple (I think) animation effect based on a property change in my ViewModel. I would like the target to be a specific textblock in the control template of a custom control, which inherits from Window. From the article examples I've seen, a DataTrigger is the easiest way to accomplish this. It appears that Windo...

Jquery animation in firefox

i am using following code for animation using jquery. when i click on a list element, the corresponding div slides down and opacity goes to ‘1’. When i click other list element, the previos one goes up and fades, and the next one come down. var id_prev; var id_new; $("#tag ul li ").click(function(event){ var i = $(this).index()+1;...

jQuery animate on an image replacement

Hey All Hope you can advise I would like to add some simple fade in out of an image replacement which I have hooked into a select, $("#vehicle").change(function(){ var selected = $(this).val(); $("#selectedVehicle").attr('src', '/assets/images/mini/'+selected+'.png'); }); <img id="selectedVehicle" src="/assets/v2/image...

"Genie" animation effect in XAML

What would the XAML look like to create a Genie animation effect? Take an object of any size/shape, and "Genie" it to another Minimized location. Kind of like the OSX window minimize. Maybe even a little fancier through a smoke-like effect where the path is more switch back, instead of a simple funnel (if that makes any sense). I'm gues...

Java or C# + XNA for some simple animations?

I want to make a program that will involve some faces with various facial expressions. They will change from one facial expression to another based on their "mood" as influenced by user input. I know some java but I have done pretty much nothing with graphics. A friend tells me that it will be easier to do this in C# with XNA than to ...

When would the layout animation happen in an android application?

I have set a fade animation in my list view, but it only worked in the very first time, when I try to hide it and show it in the next time, the animation does not work, I want it show again. What should I do? ...

JQUERY Effect highlight, control the Start & End colors

I have the following: $(".notifycell_email_dailydigest").effect('highlight'); The element I want to highlight is over a gray background. Problem is the highlight goes from Yellow to white, and has this ugly slow pause at the end on the white which makes the animation look horrible. How can I modify the highlighy to start with the yel...

Is there a library to display a Virtual Human [WPF]

While there are a lot of 3D libraries out there, I'm in struggle to find one suitable for WPF. Basically, I want a Character Animation engine, which loads bone hierarchy and allows me to manipulate the skinned mesh. I know, this is a classic topic for all the 3D engines. And they are made for building games. How do I display a Skinned...

Why don't this toggle animation execute in all browsers

Hey guys This file isn't executing in any browser other than firefox on mac. Added everything i can think to get it sorted. Clicking on the twitter bar should close it, then open it again when you click on it again, only one click works on the other browsers. The blue box is a flash area in the ba...

How to do the image fade-in effect upon scroll (like

Hi, I'm wondering about the fade-in effect for images on (see for example) As you scroll to the image, it fades in. It's not fading in on page load, only upon the actual appearance of the item on-screen. Thanks. ...

Rotate using a transform, then change frame origin, and view expands??

This is quite the iPhone quandry. I am working on a library, but have narrowed down my problem to very simple code. What this code does is create a 50x50 view, applies a rotation transform of a few degrees, then shifts the frame down a few times. The result is the 50x50 view is now much larger looking. Here's the code: // a simple 5...

Video with transparent background on page above image background.

Hi! I want to embed some video into my HTML page. As background I want to use big picture. And above it I want to insert loop video with (i.e.) walking man. So, can I embed video (without flash and any player controls) in page? Can I decode video with transparent background? Is there any codecs which support transparent background (al...

Android: 2D. OpenGl or

I'm working with my friend on our first Android game. Basic idea is that every frame of the game the whole surface is redrawn (1 large bitmap) in 2 steps: Background with some static image (PNG) wipes out previous frame Then it is sprinkled all over with large number of particles which produces effect of soapy bubbles where there's a p...