
MaxScript Export Vertices over Time

Hey, I have a skinned mesh that animates over time. I'm writing a quick export script to export out my verticies. How do I output the vertices per frame? I'm getting the verticies using getVert, but how do I specify which frame to get the vertex from? Thanks ASH ...

How to continuously scroll content within a DIV using jQuery?

Aim The aim is to a have a container DIV with a fixed height and width and have the HTML content within that DIV automatically scroll vertically continuously. Question Basically I've created the code below using jQuery to scroll (move) the child DIV vertically upwards until its outside the bounding parent box where the animation then c...

Reading PowerPoint Animation Effects with VBA

I have been working with PowerPoint VBA, and have a grasp on most things. What I am struggling with is reading the effect/animation settings for each object. I seem to be able to get a lot of what I need through the Powerpoint.ActivePresentation.Slides(slide_id).TimeLine.MainSequence(seq_num) What confuses me is how to convert the num...

How to check image during animation

I have set up an animation in the following way (self is an UIImageView, myImages an Array of UIImages): self.animationImages = myImages; self.animationDuration = 50; self.animationRepeatCount = 0; [self startAnimating]; During the animation I'd like to check the current image. I tried it the following way if([self image]==[UIImage i...

How to generate irregular ball shapes?

What kind of algorithms would generate random "goo balls" like those in World of Goo. I'm using Proccesing, but any generic algorithm would do. I guess it boils down to how to "randomly" make balls that are kind of round, but not perfectly round, and still looking realistic? Thanks in advance! ...

Issue with UITextView in an animation block

I'm having an issue with a UITextView inside another UIView whose frame is manipulated in an animation block when the keyboard displays. During the animation block the UIView scales beautifully and as expected, but the UITextView jumps out of it's superview(the UIView being animated) at the start of the animation. By the end of the ani...

Animate change of view background color in Android

How do you animate the change of background color of a view in Android? For example: I have a view with a red background color. The background color of the view changes to blue. How can I do a smooth transition between colors? If this can't be done with views, an alternative will be welcome. ...

animating adding/removing layers on iPhone

On the iPhone, when you add a sub layer to a visible view's layer, using either -addSublayer: or -removeFromSuperlayer, shouldn't that sub layer appear or disappear in an animated manner (ie. fade in or fade out gradually)? My program animates using layers (not views). When I change a property of a layer like position or image content, t...

Wait for all WPF animations to stop

Given a WPF window, which may or may not have animations, I'd like to wait until they are all done before continuing processing. Is there a generic way to do this. Currently I can do something like this: void WaitForAnimation(Storyboard storyboard) { WaitUntil(() => storyboard.GetCurrentState() == ClockState.Stopped); } But this...

Animating translation and scaling of view in Android

I have to animate a view from state A to B with changes to its scale, position and scrolling. The following code almost does the trick: AnimationSet animation = new AnimationSet(true); int fromXDelta = view.getScrollX(); int fromYDelta = view.getScrollY(); view.scrollTo(0, 0); float scale = (float) widthB / (float) widthA; // Calculat...

2D Inverse Kinematics Implementation

Hi I am trying to implement Inverse Kinematics on a 2D arm(made up of three sticks with joints). I am able to rotate the lowest arm to the desired position. Now, I have some questions: How can I make the upper arm move alongwith the third so the end point of the arm reaches the desired point. Do I need to use the rotation matrices for...

Start Activity with an animation

I am trying to start an activity with a custom transition animation. The only way I have found out so far to do this (without using onPendingTransition() in the previous activity) is to use a custom theme on the activity and define either activityOpenEnterAnimation, taskOpenEnterAnimation, windowEnterAnimation or windowAnimationStyle to ...

online graphs of common tween / easing functions?

Is there an online cheat-sheet to graphs of common tween / easing functions? I want a bookmark I can refer to when picking a function for a tween (e.g., Quintic, Quadratic, "Bounce"). The only one I can do in my head easily is linear. ...

How do I animate View.setVisibility(GONE)

I want to make an Animation for when a View gets it's visibility set to GONE. Instead of just dissapearing, the View should 'collapse'. I tried this with a ScaleAnimation but then the View is collapse, but the layout will only resize it's space after (or before) the Animation stops (or starts). How can I make the Animation so that, whil...

CAKeyframeAnimation - Examples

I have a a menu that is a CALayer that will slide across the screen to a given point. I want the effect where the menu will go a little past the point, then a little before the point, and then land on the point. I can move the menu by applying a transform, but I was hoping to get this bouncing effect to work. I was looking into CAKeyf...

How to create simple animations in 3gp format?

I am trying to create a simple animation which includes face of a famous character. For example Santa Clause. The face and the lips of the character will act according to the given input message. For example if a string is inputed then the lips of the character will be opened and closed till the end of the string while the given input me...

How do I trigger specific parts of a storyboard in WPF?

I have several grids in my window. I have created a storyboard that moves them left by x pixels when a button is clicked. I want to make it so that when the button is clicked again those grids move another x pixels, however I'm unable to find out how to do this as it's not a common task on tutorials. I have tried creating a second story...

Animating sprites in Cocos2d

How do I avoid unneccesary deallocation? I'm running this code: CCSpriteFrameCache * cache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache]; [cache addSpriteFramesWithFile:@"boosttexture.plist"]; CCAnimation * animation = [[CCAnimation alloc] initWithName:@"boosting" delay:1/24.0f]; [animation addFrame:[cache spriteFrameByNam...

jerky animation using Core Animation

In my iPhone app, I am trying to get some red and white stripes that are scrolling across the screen to animate smoothly when the speed of the stripes gets high. In my app the user starts the animation and changes the scrolling speed by a finger swipe and changes the width of the stripes by a two finger pinch. Animation is stopped in r...

Silverlight and data bound property animation (Margin)

Hello! I have Border element with Margin property bound to StartDate (DateTime) property of some class. If property changed margin is changed also (with a help of converter). I'd like to make changes as smoothly as possible. for example, on UI side one hour in data class equals to 15 pixels on screen and when i change StartDate +/- o...