
How do I set up QtDesigner for a project that has animated elements?

I'm writing a project to simulate creatures moving around a map. These can be represented by simple circles, but I need a map/grid and those circles animated on top of the map. What elements should I use in QtDesigner to set up for this kind of GUI in my project? I've yet to do anything like this before ...

Basic syntax for an animation loop?

I know that jQuery, for example, can do animation of sorts. I also know that at the very core of the animation, there must me some sort of loop doing the animation. What is an example of such a loop? A complete answer should ideally answer the following questions: What is a basic syntax for an effective animation recursion that can ...

Simplest means to fade/dissolve between two UIImageViews

Could someone give me a little direction on creating crossfades/dissolves between two UIImageViews in the same view controller? I am trying to set up an effect of a background image slideshow but not sure on the mechanics. Thanks. ...

Best way to animate a circle moving around a screen in Qt?

If I wanted to, using Qt, simply have some circles move around in a white box, or a graphic, what would be the best method of this? Would I need to draw white/the graphic behind where the circle moved from every time? Is there a simple way of accomplishing this in Qt? ...

JavaScript/jQuery: Follow path over page

I need to make an animated gif 'fly over a page and follow a path. I'm thinking of using jQuery but would I be right in thinking the only way to do it is manually calculating the percentage of width/height where the shape layer should be placed, then using absolute positioning is the only way to do this? I know there are some amazing jQu...

WPF begin fontsize animation of a textblock from C#

Hi! I would like to start a fontsize animation of a textblock from C# code. How can I do this? I want increase/decrease fontsize during a period of 1 second. Thanks! ...

Animating properties of the content of a template in Silverlight

Let's say I have a control like this: <Button Style="{StaticResource MyButton}"> <Polygon Style="{StaticResource MyButtonIcon}" Points="... some points ..." /> </Button> MyButton is the style for the background of the button while MyButtonIcon is the style of the button icon polygon itself. I'd like to subtly animat...

jQuery animate background position in chunks?

I'm trying to use jQuery to make a background position of my span go down 10 pixels every second. What is a good way to do this? I've been playing with jQuery animate, delay, CSS, and some setTimeout functions but I can't get anything to work. Suggestions greatly appriciated! I'm trying to make my y-position go from 0 to 100 in increme...

Setting delay in pushing view controller iphone

I am creating a navigation based application. I have different views which are pushed and poped from navigation controller. (pop is mainly using back button). Here is the code i am using for pushing view controller. MyViewController *dvController = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]; [s...

Great projects, works, people in intersection of programming and art/music?

In a recent question I was introduced to the work of André Michelle, which blew me away. What other great people or works do you know in the fields of art and music? As someone with a love for math/programming and art/music I'd love to know more about people using sophisticated (or not so sophisticated) techniques to produce creative thi...

On the Android: How to define proper Animation to maximize one View while minimizing 2 others at the same time?

I created an activity which holds 3 custom components (defined in xml). 2 components extend View, 1 extends SurfaceView. They all lie in a LinearLayout, deviding screen real estate equally amongst the components. Click to see. I'm new so I can't post images directly... Now I would like to maximize one View when it is clicked (using a sl...

is it possible to slide in UIAlertView from left screen?

instead of popup from center can we change to another animation (eg, undo animation)? ...

Android Animation for all the items in a list

Hi, i have a listView which uses a custom .xml for showing each item. Fine, in this xml i have a CheckBox (with visibility set GONE) and a TextView with a text. What i want is have an animation which moves the text to the right and shows the CheckBox. I have the animation working fine for one item, but if i want to start it for all t...

Google iPhone app status bar animation how did they do it?

I was playing with the Google App for iPhone and when i viewed a website the title of the page appeared over the classic status bar with a nice fade-in animation, after 4-5 seconds the title view disappeared with a nice fade-out animation. How did they do that? did they hide the status bar with [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setSta...

Stop animation on hover/mouseover-for selected element ?

Im trying to replicate an effect as seen on I have made a function to animate the 'point of interest' markers which are absolutely posistioned within a parent div and when these markers are hovered over, the child div is shown. However i am struggling with adding the .stop()...

Animating corner like in iPhone's maps app?

Is there a way to make the same type of corner like in the maps app on the iPhone (or in the books app on the iPad when turning the pages)? ...

Move large resized image in IE(7 and 8) is very slow.

Hi, im writing some code to move dinamically an element on my page. If i try to apply this at img element with generous dimension i notice in IE a very slow down effect. Also, if the image is not displayed with its full size, IE seems to be more more slow. I think IE apply a sort of resize algorithm for img every time it is refreshed... ...

Ellipse Drawing WPF Animation

I am developing a control that is a rectangle area and will draw an ellipse in the rectangle area when a trigger occurs. This control will be able to host other controls like, textbox's, buttons, etc. so the circle will be drawn around them when triggered. I want the circle being drawn as an animation like you were circling the inner c...

Rotate button around center

Hi, I'm searching for a way to create a menu in an iPhone app that allows buttons to rotate around a center point. To put this in visual terms: the buttons would be planets and the center is the sun. this would allow the user to 'spin' the buttons around the circular path. ** an actual example of this would be the Poynt menu for the...

Using jsAnim.js

I've been trying to set up a basic test animation using jsanim.js and using their example site to set up my html, css and js. However, I just can't figure it out (not a developer...designer!) and there isn't just a simple html, css, js file to download showing how to say animate a DIV left to right. The examples of how the library works...