
Fade any control using a WPF animation

I want to toggle the opacity of a control (Button, TextBox, Panel, etc) in my WPF project and wanted to check to see if I had done it correctly. My question is: Is this the type of functionality that you’d normally write in XAML or would you use code similar to that below to achieve the fade in/fade out result? internal static class ...

How would you animate something so that it follows a curve?

If I have <div id="curve" style="position:relative; height:100px; width:100px; /> How would I make it move on a curve? I've googled and everything but can't seem to find another example that would call two functions at once. This is the kind of code I would like, but doesn't work: $('#curve').click(function () { $(this).animate( ...

Can you preload images in a dojo animation.

I have a dojo animation object of about 15 images. I'm also using dojo.fx.chain to link them all together. Right before I create all my dojo.fadeIn's and dojo.fadeOut's I added in some basic javascript to preload each image. My question is: Am I doing this the hard way or is there some function/attr I can set in the animation object to...

Trouble with using jQuery remove() on elements that are inline-block

I have a horizontal line of div elements that are display:inline-block and top aligned. I can add elements, and the line expands. When I remove elements by animating the width to 0, the line doesn't retain it's single line appearance, but rather forces a second line to temporarily appear during the animation. The behavior is the same i...

WPF ColorAnimation for a Brush property

Hi, I wonder if someone can help me - I've got a label which I need to be able to cross-fade between any 2 colors when a method is called in the code behind. My best attempt so far: Private OldColor as Color = Colors.White Sub SetPulseColor(ByVal NewColor As Color) Dim F As New Animation.ColorAnimation(OldColor, NewColor, New Dura...

iPhone view appearing behind animation

I have set up a multiview application with two views. The views can be switched using a button in each view (there are two separate actions). I am using the animation UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight, and when I go from the first to the second view, the view I am going to appears behind the flipping animation. I would like it just ...

Silverlight 3: Any additional transitions available for transitioncontentcontrol?

Transitioncontentcontrol in the silverlight toolkit is awesome especially for non-designers like me. Are there any other transitions availablefor this control? It would be great if they are free, I am also ready to convince my boss if there are any excellent commercial offerings(but free ones are preferred). ...

Same animation for multiple Target Name

Hi, Just a doubt.I have three images in my WPF application.Im going to give blink effect for that three images.So i gave this code. <Storyboard x:Key ="AlarmBlink"> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="Img1" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" From="1" To="0" Duration="0:0:0.1" AutoReverse=...

Copying animation sets to different .x files?

Say I have multiple DirectX .x files each with the same bone hierarchy but different animations. What would I have to copy from one to the other to transfer the animtions over? Is it just everything listed under animation sets in it or is their something else I need as well? ...

Most efficient way to draw in silverlight

I am rewriting some wpf experiments into silverlight. On wpf I like to work directly with DrawingVisuals which I manually add and remove form a canvas, which gives me great performance with large numbers of elements. But to my surprise there is no such thing as DrawingVisuals in Silverlight. What is then the most efficient way to draw m...

Android slide animation problem

I have a 3 horizontal views - an image on the left which is a thin vertical handle-type bar and an image to its right followed by a textview. What I'm trying to achieve is a sliding animation, activated with a click on the handle, so that the center image slides in and out to the left (and so disappearing when fully left) with the textvi...

Iphone Splash Screen

Hey mates, I am really trying to do my best but I can't really find out what's going wrong in my code. I made a lot of search but I guess I just can't understand some objective c basics ;) My first question is related to the code below : [window addSubview:tabBarController.view]; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"lol.png"]; UII...

I'm trying to finish an animation in an each loop before starting the next one

Here's a sample: The padding and everything seems to look better when not using that, but oh well. My question is, if you click one of the menu items (right now, only the left most one will do anything) then a list of sub menu items slides down. What I would like to do is have one slide down, then another slide ...

Move an imageView along a circular path

Hi all! I'm developing a game in which I've imageviews for bow and arrow. I actually wanted to move this arrow along a circular path when set in the air. Specifically, this circular path should be the one which an object will travel when thrown in the air at a distance i.e. it'll move upwards first and then downwards. I've already trie...

CGPointMake question for iphone?

I have birds flying within a frame in my game, but I can only get them to fly in two different directions. If there are 2 birds they go in two different directions. If there are 3 birds, 2 of them go in one direction and the other one goes in a different direction. I want the birds to randomly go in four different directions. Up right...

Issue with jQuery animation

hi, I've got a nested list and the jQuery script shown below to show/hide each list separately (+/- link) and to show/hide all lists at once (show all/hide subcategories). When I use show() and hide(), it works as expected, but when I use animations(eg, show('slow') or slideDown()), I get a strange issue. When doing: 1-show all 2-hide ...

iPhone View Animation plays 2 ways on Simulator, only 1 way on Device...

Hi all, I have an odd question here. I have two animations set up for a simple page flip. I then have a button that randomly generates a 1 or a 0. If the number is 0 then it performs one animation, if its 1 it performs another. The issues I'm seeing is that this all runs fine on the simulator, but on the device it doesn't perform the an...

Masking a CALayer - iPhone

I'm creating a custom on / off toggle switch for the iPhone (similar to the standard switch) and i'm at the point where I'm setting the mask of the slider, but calling [[myView layer] setMask:maskLayer] sets the position of the mask layer relative to the layer it's masking, not relative to the container layer of the mask layer. For this...

WPF: How to animate a list of components?

Let's say I have a list of visual objects (CustomControls). They could be inside a StackPanel or be items on a ListView, I think the container is part of the answer to this question. Visually, you can think of these objects as items on a queue. Every time I pop an object from the bottom of this queue, I'd like to animate the whole queue...

android imageview onClick animation

hi. I guess this is kind of an odd question but i have tried setting onClicklistener on an ImageView and it has worked. But the problem is that the user cannot sense the click. I mean if some of u have worked on other mobile environs(like apple iphone) then wen we click on a Image in other environs then it gives an effect on the image so...