
WPF - synchronous animation

I have something this: scaleTransform.BeginAnimation(ScaleTransform.ScaleXProperty, shrinkAnimation); scaleTransform.BeginAnimation(ScaleTransform.ScaleYProperty, shrinkAnimation); MyDialog.Show(); The animations run correctly in parallel (x and y shrink together), but because BeginAnimation is an asynchronous call, the Show() method ...

Swap 2 html-select with animation (JQuery)

Hi all! I am a new in JQuery, but i think it can solve my problem :) I have one html-select over the another one. And when I click on the bottom select I would like this select will go up, and change place with the top "brother". This operation can be with animation (it will look more user friendly). Can you help me or maybe you know ...

Hierarchical animations in DirectX and handling seperate animations on the same mesh?

I have a hierarchical animated model in DirectX which loads and animates based on the following DirectX sample: As good as the sample is it does not really go into some of the details of animation that I'd like. For example, if I have a mesh which has a running animation ...

How do I play a specific range of a UIImageView animation sequence array?

Hi, I have a question regarding a png, animated image sequence. I am loading images from 1 - 35 into a layer and I am initializing the layer with the 1st image using - initWithImage. I have several buttons that want to be able to play different ranges of the image sequence array. Is there a way to play only the images from 1 - 10? I...

Resize Object in OpenGL

Hi. I'm new at OpenGL. Basically I want to know how to resize a rectangle. For example: I have a rectangle, height = 10, width = 20. I want the rectangle to grow 90 points up in 1 second for a new height of 100. Is there a function that can do this? Or I'll have to do it frame by frame? Thanks ...

Storing vector XNA Animations

I'm working on XNA C# when I came upon this problem where I need to store easily editable animation data such that my game will be able to render and play it. It's something like this: I have a texture flying across the screen from (0,0) to (800,600) pixels. This will last 5s. How do I represent it in data and also write it such t...

Bone behaves differently in 3D Studio Max to DirectX or something else?

I have a rigged (biped) and animated model in 3D Studio Max which I've exported as a .x file. When I use it the animations run fine, however I've been trying to get the model itself to lean and turn from the hip but I'm having difficulty in finding where in the bone hierarchy I should apply the rotation matrices. In 3D Studio Max there...

smooth pendular animation with Core Animation Framework

Hi Guys, im trying to do an animation with an uiimageview. in this view is an image with an arrow, that i want to rotate about 45 degrees back and forward very smoothly like an pendular or an old clock. something like this, just smooth and with my image: (found this with google ;) ) my current setup looks like thi...

How to change the Push and Pop animations in a navigation based app

I have a navigation based application and I want to change the animation of the push and pop animations. How would I do that? ...

UITableView update via JSON, animate Row insertion

I have a UITableView that I am loading via JSON. So my logic goes like this: Fetch the JSON (NSOperation, calling back to main thread) In callback, parse the json, and insert new data into my table's data source array. Call reloadData on the TableView to show the new data. My question is: How can I ANIMATE the arrival of new rows in ...

jQuery animate doesn't complete (slideUp/slideDown)

I have a web interface to a system which has a left navigation. On the navigation, I can expand/collapse some menus. I use jQuery slideUp/slideDown to animate them like this: if (enable) { navbar_slide_down = true; $j(l1_folder).slideDown("normal", function() { navbar_slide_down = false; on_navbar_animation_comp...

What's wrong with my mootools slide code?

I'm making a accordion-type content section using mootools. Here's the HTML I'm working with: <div class="content-add"> <div class="item html 18" id="dditem_26"> <a id="ddlink_26"></a> <a href="#" class="open ddheader"><strong>F. Tony Hosseini</strong></a> <p>F. Tony Hosseini is the Founder and Chairman of th...

How do I fade an image in swing?

I've got class which inherits from JPanel with an image on it and i want to set up a little animation to display the panel/image and then fade it out when an event fires. I presumably set up a thread and fire off the animation but how do I do actually do the fade? ...

Animate like Google Finance charts in Matplotlib?

I just started toying around with Matplotlib's Animation capabilities in order to produce a Google Finance looking chart. I combined two examples I found on the project website (Draggable rectangle exercise, api example code: and tweaked them a bit to come up with the code listed at the bottom. While it doesn't look too b...

Performing a Flip animation completely through code WPF

I am try to add a flip animation to a user control I built. The user control is simple it has a 87x87 image front and back and some properties. It is suppose to represent a tile in a game I am working on for fun. I am trying to animate a flipping affect of the user picking the tile from the deck. I feel I need to do this through code...

Blending animations in DirectX - is this technically possible?

I have an animated mesh in the .x format I've loaded with D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX and have an animation controller for it. The mesh has two animations, one for walking and one for throwing where the walk animation. Is it at all possible to blend the two animations in such a way that both animations can run together with the walk taki...

Flash Animation Assistance Needed

Hi guys. I have a project I'm working on and I am really stumped on making a seemingly simple animation work. The animation is of a coin scratching off a layer to reveal the layer beneath. I have the coin animated, and the layers in place. I am wanting to know if there is a way to erase/delete every place the coin passes over the stage,...

CSS3 Animation Question

How can I make a CSS3 Animation play to the end and then stop dead. I don't want it to return the elements being transformed back to their initial states. Right now I'm using some javascript to add a class to the element after the animation's duration with the same properties as 100% in the animation. ...

Jquery and AJAX. Putting an Ajax call between animations

First let me tell you that I learned scripting all by myself so my approaches are sure a bit weird. To explain what I want to do please go to this example site I prepared: How it should be, kind of! You'll notice that when you press on all the links which appear after pressing "Showroom" and all other menue buttons the content of the ma...

Issue with animated .x files and multiple materials

I've been trying to export skinned and animated .x models with multiple materials on the same mesh but have found the skinning breaks when that happens. The animations work fine but the mesh stops wrapping around the bones properly (it seems) with what looks to be different vertices attaching themselves to different bones causing a stran...