
Is widget animation supported in PyQt?

The new animation framework in QT4 looks incredible. I'm trying to implement some simple widget animation in PyQt4, though I'm having errors. self.button = QtGui.QPushButton ("Hello", self) self.button.setGeometry (5, 10, 100, 25) animate = QtCore.QPropertyAnimation (self.button, "geometry") animate.setDuration (10...

How do you Reuse custom animation for multiple layers

Hi, I am a self taught noob with a real interest in code. Please excuse any wrong terminology I have multiple animation blocks that I want to reuse through out my app, in mulitple views and multiple layers/buttons. So how do I do the following: Create an "animation class" that all my views can access. Adjust my code so any layer can...

Why does a PNG image sometimes get blurry depending on its position in a view

Hi, I have noticed that when placing PNG images into a view using IB and/or animating those images to various positions around a view, the image can sometimes get a slight blur. In most cases I can remedy the blur by adding .5 of a pixel to the images position. [lbLiteButton.layer setPosition:CGPointMake(140.5,159.5)]; Sometimes I ...

Is there a development framework for producing Kinetic Typography where the animations are set to music?

Kinetic Typography is animating text synchronized with either music or audio from movies. A great example is here. There are good tutorials that show you how create kinetic typography animations in Flash and Adobe After Affects, but I've used the Animoto service and it synchronizes motion of graphics with MP3s. There are algorithms th...

Why is my simple python gtk+cairo program running so slowly/stutteringly?

My program draws circles moving on the window. I think I must be missing some basic gtk/cairo concept because it seems to be running too slowly/stutteringly for what I am doing. Any ideas? Thanks for any help! #!/usr/bin/python import gtk import gtk.gdk as gdk import math import random import gobject # The number of circles and the w...

Making a UIView "disappear" behind another tabbar

I'm using the following code to make a small view disappear at the bottom of the screen: int y_dest =; [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.33f]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@sele...

Moving Rectangle in VB?

It is my understanding and experience that VB.NET does not perform well with moving graphics from point A to point B in a form. How do I draw a rectangle or a line and move it from point A to point B? Is there a reliable way to do this without seeing a black rectangle around the moving object on every frame? I've tried this with bitmap...

How do I get the index from a set of animation images?

Hi, I have a problem with an array of images-animationImages which i use for animation. I need in some point to get the index which tells me which image(frame) is displayed now and then I want to start a whole new set of animation depending on the index of the first set of animation images. need your hlp. thank you. ...

Prevent jQuery animation queue

Hi Everyone, I have found a number of answers for the same question in a DIFFERENT context. I'm looking to add '.stop' to the following code to prevent animation queue buildup: //Top Mailing List Drop down animation $(document).ready(function() { $('#top_mailing_hidden').hide(); jQuery('#top_mailing') .bind("mouseenter",functio...

Why is my UIPickerView not animating like it should be?

Hello again! so this is basically like a slot machine type thing, very basic, but the problem Im having is that when you click the spin button the movement of the components is not animated, even though i have sent the animated argument a YES BOOL. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, any help would be appreciated. Nick ps download ...

Qt Show/Hide widget animation

Hi, I'm trying to implement a show/hide widget animation. The widget is a QDockWidget and therefore is inside the QMainWindowLayout. Using QPropertyAnimation doens't seem to work, I got something looking like that : m_listViewDock->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); QPropertyAnimation* animation = new QProper...

How to animate specific corners of the border radius when hovered in and out? (Firefox)

I know how to do this for webkit browsers but i'm kinda stuck in firefox. The code below just animate the top-left corner while the rest just snap into places. Here's my code: $('img').hover(function(){ $(this).animate({ MozBorderRadius: '50px 50px 0px 0px'}, 900); }...

Animating a font size change in a UITableView

Hey Simple little app for educational purposes, its a simple uitableview and I want users to be able to use a uislider to adjust the font size as needed. The code I have now works to change the font but only when the view is updated, ie when i pull up or down the table view to reveal other cells. I'd like the font change to be reflected ...

Shape tween in javascript

Is there a way to do a shape tween in javascript? Using canvas maybe... ...

WPF animation: binding to the "To" attribute of storyboard animation.

Hi, I'm trying to create a button that behaves similarly to the "slide" button on the iPhone. I have an animation that adjusts the position and width of the button, but I want these values to be based on the text used in the control. Currently, they're hardcoded. Here's my working XAML, so far: <CheckBox x:Class="Smt.Controls.Slide...

How to animate a graph I've drawn in PyQt?

So I've managed to get a graph drawn up on my screen like such: class Window(QWidget): #stuff graphicsView = QGraphicsView(self) scene = QGraphicsScene(self) #draw our nodes and edges. for i in range(0, len(MAIN_WORLD.currentMax.tour) - 1): node = QGraphicsRectItem(MAIN_WORLD.currentM...

Tough CSS problem - getting values from other properties?

Hello, I'm in a need of getting a value of another property in CSS. Say I have this in a CSS file: .something { width: 256px; } then in something2 I want to use the value: .something2 { width: .something.width; } how could I achieve this without JavaScript? The reason why I need this is because I'm using CSS 3 animation: @-webk...

Animating multiple UIVIew cause problems

Hello there, In my current iPhone game project I am using UIView that are some game play elements (they are tiles). Animating one by one is working well, or in a small series (5 UIView animating at the same time). But once I decided to animate those same UIView more massively together I am starting to get some weird rendering issue (t...

WPF - Animation to make an error message disappear

I have the following xaml in my window: <Border Height="100" BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="2" CornerRadius="10" Background="PaleVioletRed" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock Margin="10" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="17" FontWeight="Bold">Error Message Here</...

Implementing page-flip-type animations in UIWebView on the iPhone

Hi, I'm using UIWebView on the iPhone to display EPUB content, but I'd like to simulate the page flipping 'experience' (display an animation of the page folding over) and then scrolling the content in my UIWebView down by the area of one screen -- effectively turning a page in reflowable non-paginated content. Should I stop dreaming, or ...